Seminari di Crittografia: A practical introduction to automated analysis of symmetric primitives through the CLAASP library.

Dal 22 al 24 maggio 2024, presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica (Via della Vasca Navale, 84), il dott. Emanuele Bellini (TII -Techonology  Innovation Institute), nell'ambito de "I Seminari di Crittografia", terrà un ciclo di lezioni dal titolo "A practical introduction to automated analysis of symmetric primitives through the CLAASP library".

Giornate: Mercoledì 22 maggio 2024 - 16.00-18.00 (Aula B); Giovedì 23 maggio 2024 - 14.00-16.00 (Aula C); Venerdì 24 maggio 2024 - 16.00-18.00 (Aula F)


In this workshop we will provide a wide overview of CLAASP, a Cryptographic Library for the Automated Analysis of Symmetric Primitives.
1) Overview of the CLAASP resources, structure and workflow.
2) Description of the main object used in the library, namely a cipher.
3) How to implement a cipher, and the multiple ways that CLAASP offers to evaluate and manipulate it.

In a second part of the workshop, we will provide an overview of the automated tests that CLAASP offer to the user, including algebraic tests, statistical and avalanche tests, and neural network tests. Additionally, we will provide a complete overview on how to search linear and differential trails using CLAASP constraint solvers module.

We will also show how the tests output can be handled in few lines of code to provide easy to read tables and figures in different formats.

The lectures will be presented through the use of Jupyter Notebooks available in CLAASP-WEB, a browser interface to CLAASP. Users can register to CLAASP-WEB by navigating to An introduction to the CLAASP-WEB interface will be provided at the beginning of the workshop.
How to install CLAASP:
[no difficulty]: use CLAASP from the CLAASP-WEB application.
navigate to and register (email verification will be required). The user will have access to CLAASP through its web browser (Chrome is recommended).
[medium difficulty]: install CLAASP through its docker image.
Download and install Docker
Fetch the repository here:
follow the instructions from the “Installation” section of
[high difficulty]: install CLAASP directly on the PC (instructions have not been verified for a while).
Fetch the repository here:
follow the instructions from the “Manual installation” section of

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