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MuSEd – Museo della Scuola e dell’Educazione “Mauro Laeng” is the oldest Italian Museum regarding the history of School and the social history of Education. It was founded in 1874.

It has now its home place in the Link identifier #identifier__111517-1Department of Education Science at the Link identifier #identifier__49747-2University of Roma Tre and it is located in 10, Repubblica Square – Rome – map

Lots and significant documentary acquisitions kept alive and enriched the existing identity of MuSEd  and determined appreciable extensions of the originary patrimony, oriented to the construction of a memorial place of Education open to a wide public from University students to teachers till experts.

The patrimony of MuSEd is constituted by three mail sections: a considerable book holding; an archival section and a sector of objects and iconographies.

MuSEd is currently directed by Professor Lorenzo Cantatore.

Link identifier #identifier__33544-4Link identifier #identifier__63572-5Link identifier #identifier__132432-6Link identifier #identifier__181692-7
admin 30 November 2020