Qualifica | Professore Ordinario |
Settore Scientifico Disciplinare | PSIC-03/A |
Telefono | 0657339819 |
Cellulare aziendale | 82455 | | |
Indirizzo | via del Castro Pretorio 20 |
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Altre informazioni | Curriculum |
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Prodotti della ricerca
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Contributo in Rivista
- 3D built virtual arctic environment increase vigor through connectedness in older people, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; PANNO, ANGELO, , 2024Link identifier #identifier_person_75043-1 Dettaglio
- Cultural dynamics influencing decision-making during the COVID-19 pandemic: the Italian case, COSTA, SARA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2024Link identifier #identifier_person_147691-2 Dettaglio
- Lifestyle can be anything if not defined. A review of understanding and use of the lifestyle concept in sustainability studies, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; DE GREGORIO, EUGENIO, , 2024Link identifier #identifier_person_82188-3 Dettaglio
- Personal dispositions explain differences in physical health benefits of nature exposure: the role of restorativeness and affect, THEODOROU, ANNALISA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MASTANDREA, STEFANO; ANGELINI, CINZIA, , 2024Link identifier #identifier_person_47477-4 Dettaglio
- Promoting electricity conservation through behavior change: A study protocol for a web-based multiple-arm parallel randomized controlled trial, CAFFARO, FEDERICA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; TIBERIO, LORENZA, , 2024Link identifier #identifier_person_160504-5 Dettaglio
- Editorial: Current trends in environmental psychology, volume I, DE GREGORIO, EUGENIO; CAFFARO, FEDERICA; TIBERIO, LORENZA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_25618-6 Dettaglio
- Editorial: Current trends in environmental psychology, volume II, MOSCA, ORIANA; MASTANDREA, STEFANO; PASSIATORE, YLENIA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_31631-7 Dettaglio
- Emotion regulation and virtual nature: cognitive reappraisal as an individual-level moderator for impacts on subjective vitality, THEODOROU, ANNALISA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; PANNO, ANGELO, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_545-8 Dettaglio
- Exposure to nature is associated with decreased functional connectivity within the distress network: A resting state EEG study, MASSULLO, CHIARA; CARBONE, GIUSEPPE ALESSIO; THEODOROU, ANNALISA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_144502-9 Dettaglio
- Forest therapy using virtual reality in the older population: a systematic review, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_2666-10 Dettaglio
- Impact of COVID-19 on Mothers Raising Children with Special Needs: Insights from a Survey Study, TIBERIO, LORENZA; MASSULLO, CHIARA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MASTANDREA, STEFANO; FAGIOLI, SABRINA, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_169097-11 Dettaglio
- Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS) Special Issue on Emerging Trends in the Field of Empirical Research in Education, Part II (vol 27), CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; TIBERIO, LORENZA, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_96000-12 Dettaglio
- Mathematics self-concept moderates the relation between cognitive functions and mathematical skills in primary school children, PASSIATORE, YLENIA; COSTA, SARA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_152917-13 Dettaglio
- Mathematics self-concept moderates the relation between cognitive functions and mathematical skills in primary school children, PASSIATORE, YLENIA; COSTA, SARA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_126682-14 Dettaglio
- Organisational identification and environmentally-relevant behaviours: Insights from an Italian energy cooperative, CAFFARO, FEDERICA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; TIBERIO, LORENZA, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_174784-15 Dettaglio
- Presence-Centered Flourishing: A Proposal of Alternative Strategies to Promote Sustainable Living|FLOURISHING CENTRATO SUL PRESENTE: UNA PROPOSTA DI STRATEGIE ALTERNATIVE PER LA PROMOZIONE DI UNA VITA SOSTENIBILE, FABJANSKI, MARCIN PIOTR; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; TIBERIO, LORENZA, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_168151-16 Dettaglio
- Shifts in the smart research agenda? 100 priority questions to accelerate sustainable energy futures, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_24046-17 Dettaglio
- The ancients knew it already: how Stoic philosophy explains the link between mindfulness, emotion regulation and pro-environmental behaviours (Los antiguos ya lo sabían: cómo explica la filosofía estoica el vínculo entre mindfulness, regulación emocional y la conducta proambiental), FABJANSKI, MARCIN PIOTR; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_150720-18 Dettaglio
- Virtual nature and psychological and psychophysiological outcomes: A systematic review, THEODOROU, ANNALISA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_142123-19 Dettaglio
- Attitudes towards urban green during the COVID-19 pandemic via Twitter, MARCHI, VERONICA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_78445-20 Dettaglio
- Can We Barter Local Taxes for Maintaining Our Green? A Psychological Perspective, THEODOROU, ANNALISA; PANNO, ANGELO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_53492-21 Dettaglio
- Donations to renewable energy projects: The role of social norms and donor anonymity, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; PANNO, ANGELO; TIBERIO, LORENZA, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_190293-22 Dettaglio
- Norms, prices, and commitment: A comprehensive overview of field experiments in the energy domain and treatment effect moderators, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; TIBERIO, LORENZA; CAFFARO, FEDERICA, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_22065-23 Dettaglio
- Climate change action as a project of identity: Eight meta-analyses, TIBERIO, LORENZA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; PANNO, ANGELO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_50341-24 Dettaglio
- Go greener, less risk: Access to nature is associated with lower risk taking in different domains during the COVID-19 lockdown, PANNO, ANGELO; THEODOROU, ANNALISA; CARBONE, GIUSEPPE ALESSIO; MASSULLO, CHIARA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_112637-25 Dettaglio
- Personality and environmental outcomes: The role of moral anger in channeling climate change action and pro-environmental behavior, PANNO, ANGELO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_78678-26 Dettaglio
- Psychological Predictors of Energy Saving Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Approach, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; TIBERIO, LORENZA; MASTANDREA, STEFANO; PANNO, ANGELO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_168585-27 Dettaglio
- Stay home, stay safe, stay green: The role of gardening activities on mental health during the Covid-19 home confinement, THEODOROU, ANNALISA; PANNO, ANGELO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; CARBONE, GIUSEPPE ALESSIO; MASSULLO, CHIARA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_78148-28 Dettaglio
- The Effects of Contact With Nature During Outdoor Environmental Education on Students’ Wellbeing, Connectedness to Nature and Pro-sociality, PASSIATORE, YLENIA; PANNO, ANGELO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_59113-29 Dettaglio
- Are community gardening and horticultural interventions beneficial for psychosocial well-being? A meta-analysis, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; ELIA, MICHELE; PANNO, ANGELO, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_111081-30 Dettaglio
- Happier with less? Members of European environmental grassroots initiatives reconcile lower carbon footprints with higher life satisfaction and income increases, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_59899-31 Dettaglio
- Nature reappraisers, benefits for the environment: A model linking cognitive reappraisal, the “being away” dimension of restorativeness and eco-friendly behavior, PANNO, ANGELO; THEODOROU, ANNALISA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_101617-32 Dettaglio
- Psychological Processes and Institutional Actors in the Sustainable Energy Transition: A Case-Study Analysis of a Local Community in Italy, TIBERIO, LORENZA; DE GREGORIO, EUGENIO; PANNO, ANGELO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_172700-33 Dettaglio
- Public perceptions of forests across italy: An exploratory national survey, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; PANNO, ANGELO, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_186783-34 Dettaglio
- Transitions to sustainability, lifestyles changes and human well-being: cultural, environmental and political challenges ((Transiciones hacia la sostenibilidad, cambios de estilos de vida y bienestar humano: desafíos culturales, medioambientales y políticos)), CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; TIBERIO, LORENZA, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_177746-35 Dettaglio
- Transitions to sustainability, lifestyles changes and human well-being: cultural, environmental and political challenges ((Transiciones hacia la sostenibilidad, cambios de estilos de vida y bienestar humano: desafíos culturales, medioambientales y políticos)), CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; TIBERIO, LORENZA, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_68769-36 Dettaglio
- Transitions to sustainability, lifestyles changes and human well-being: cultural, environmental and political challenges (Transiciones hacia la sostenibilidad, cambios de estilos de vida y bienestar humano: desafíos culturales, medioambientales y políticos), CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; TIBERIO, LORENZA, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_146145-37 Dettaglio
- Attitudes towards Trump Policies and Climate Change: The Key Roles of Aversion to Wealth Redistribution and Political Interest, PANNO, ANGELO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_134709-38 Dettaglio
- Children's interethnic relationships in multiethnic primary school: results of an inclusive language learning intervention on children with native and immigrant background in Italy, PASSIATORE, YLENIA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_185610-39 Dettaglio
- Intercultural practices and inclusive education in Europe: can migration be a resource for individual and societal development?, PASSIATORE, YLENIA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_67718-40 Dettaglio
- Predicting pro-environmental behaviors in the urban context: The direct or moderated effect of urban stress, city identity, and worldviews, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_24854-41 Dettaglio
- Transmission of pro-environmental norms in large organizations, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_58173-42 Dettaglio
- Visits to figurative art museums may lower blood pressure and stress, MASTANDREA, STEFANO; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; GIOVANNELLI, ILARIA; BERARDI, DANIELE, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_74707-43 Dettaglio
- A chip off the old block: Parents' subtle ethnic prejudice predicts children's implicit prejudice, PASSIATORE, YLENIA; PANNO, ANGELO; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_93590-44 Dettaglio
- Mindfulness, Pro-environmental Behavior, and Belief in Climate Change: The Mediating Role of Social Dominance, PANNO, ANGELO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_12350-45 Dettaglio
- Motivated shield from chronic noise environment: Moderation of the relationship between noise sensitivity and work wellbeing by need for closure, LIVI, STEFANO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_118501-46 Dettaglio
- Need for cognitive closure and political ideology predicting pro-environmental preferences and behavior, PANNO, ANGELO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; BRIZI, AMBRA; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_26956-47 Dettaglio
- Restorative urban forests: Exploring the relationships between forest stand structure, perceived restorativeness and benefits gained by visitors to coastal Pinus pinea forests, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_9000-48 Dettaglio
- Social-cultural processes and urban affordances for healthy and sustainable food consumption, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MASTANDREA, STEFANO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_63881-49 Dettaglio
- The Moderating Role of Interest in Politics on the Relations between Conservative Political Orientation and Denial of Climate Change, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; PANNO, ANGELO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_12121-50 Dettaglio
- A different way to stay in touch with ‘urban nature’: the perceived restorative qualities of botanical gardens, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; PANNO, ANGELO, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_151869-51 Dettaglio
- Evaluating the role of protected natural areas for environmental education, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; PERUCCHINI, PAOLA, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_57300-52 Dettaglio
- Nature-based solutions to promote human resilience and wellbeing in citiesduring increasingly hot summers, PANNO, ANGELO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_124203-53 Dettaglio
- Teachers and parents involvement for a good school experience of native and immigrant children, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_62834-54 Dettaglio
- Teoria della valutazione: Un approccio psicologico ambientale, evolutivo ed evoluzionistico. Implicazioni in campo educativo, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_147133-55 Dettaglio
- Elucidating the changing role of civil society in urban sustainability transitions, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_5712-56 Dettaglio
- Environmental considerations in the organizational context: A pathway to pro-environmental behaviour at work, MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_136991-57 Dettaglio
- Group membership and adolescents' alcohol intake: The mediating role of drinking motives, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; PANNO, ANGELO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_172039-58 Dettaglio
- Le opere di Mario Panizza. La mostra: «Sotto ogni passo: figure, sagome e tombini», BIASCI, VALERIA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_93629-59 Dettaglio
- Low carbon energy behaviors in the workplace: A qualitative study in Italy and Spain, DE GREGORIO, EUGENIO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_84630-60 Dettaglio
- Staying in touch with nature and well-being in different income groups: The experience of urban parks in Bogotá, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; PANNO, ANGELO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_89766-61 Dettaglio
- Sustainability Exploring individuals’ well-being visiting urban and peri-urban green areas: a quantile regression approach, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_192939-62 Dettaglio
- Cognitive reappraisal and pro-environmental behavior: The role of global climate change perception, PANNO, ANGELO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_182226-63 Dettaglio
- Contact with nature in educational settings might help cognitive functioning and promote positive social behavior, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_144472-64 Dettaglio
- Go greener, feel better? The positive effects of biodiversity on the well-being of individuals visiting urban and peri-urban green areas., CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_128459-65 Dettaglio
- The environmental dimension of organizational wellbeing: results of a preliminary survey from a public University in Italy, BIASCI, VALERIA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_101521-66 Dettaglio
- The mindfulness practice to foster environmentally relevant behavior, PANNO, ANGELO; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_3664-67 Dettaglio
- Flood risk management in Italy: challenges and opportunities for the implementation of the EU Floods Directive (2007/60/EC), CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_158581-68 Dettaglio
- Las relaciones entre la naturalidad y el potencial restaurador percibido de diferente zonas verdes urbanas / Relations between naturalness and perceived restorativeness of different urban green spaces, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_76928-69 Dettaglio
- Contact with Nature and Children’s Wellbeing in Educational Settings, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; PASSIATORE, YLENIA; MASTANDREA, STEFANO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_15709-70 Dettaglio
- Drivers and barriers to low-carbon practices: Individual and organisational factors, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_119551-71 Dettaglio
- Food reputation impacts on consumer's food choice, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_128396-72 Dettaglio
- Influenza normativa e comportamenti pro-ambientali, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_194093-73 Dettaglio
- Symposium introduction, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_48435-74 Dettaglio
- Distinguishing the sources of normative influence on proenvironmental behaviors: The role of local norms in household waste recycling, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_108191-75 Dettaglio
- The Ambivalence of Attitudes Toward Urban Green Areas: Between Proenvironmental Worldviews and Daily Residential Experience, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_199793-76 Dettaglio
- The Automatic Aesthetic Evaluation of Different Art and Architectural Styles, MASTANDREA, STEFANO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_61216-77 Dettaglio
- Benefici e benessere percepiti dai visitatori di spazi verdi durante periodi di prolungato stress termico, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_120334-78 Dettaglio
- Forestry biodiversity and well-being: on-site experiences in urban areas in Italy, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_58702-79 Dettaglio
- Benefits and well-being perceived by people visiting green spaces in periods of heat stress, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_173747-80 Dettaglio
- Correlates of pro-sustainability orientation: The affinity towards diversity, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_197328-81 Dettaglio
- Mass media communication and environmental disputes: an analysis of local press communication on the designation of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park in Italy, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_183390-82 Dettaglio
- Measuring the restorative value of the environment: Contribution to the validation of the Italian version of the Perceived Restorativeness Scale, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_105451-83 Dettaglio
- Planned behavior and “local” norms: An analysis of the space-based aspects of normative ecological behavior, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_62731-84 Dettaglio
- The role of ethnic identity and perceived ethnic norms in the purchase of ethnical food products, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_99456-85 Dettaglio
- Emotions, habits and rational choices in ecological behaviours: the case of recycling and use of public transportation, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_108211-86 Dettaglio
- Environmental beliefs and endorsement of Sustainable Development principles in water conservation: toward a New Human Interdependence Paradigm scale, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_145642-87 Dettaglio
- Group processes in food choices: the role of ethnic identity and perceived ethnic norms upon intentions to purchase ethnical food products, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_7662-88 Dettaglio
- Interdisciplinary research for the proposal of the Urban Biosphere Reserve of Rome Municipalità, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; CIFELLI, FRANCESCA, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_104263-89 Dettaglio
- Interdisciplinary research for the proposal of the Urban Biosphere Reserve of Rome Municipality, BOLOGNA, MARCO ALBERTO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_188935-90 Dettaglio
- Local identity moderating the role of individual differences in natural resource use: the case of water consumption, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_77924-91 Dettaglio
- On-site evaluation of restorative environments: The effect of actual place experience upon the perceived restorativeness of natural and built historical environments, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_61372-92 Dettaglio
- Psicologia ambientale della sostenibilità e educazione ambientale, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_33887-93 Dettaglio
- Teoria del Comportamento Pianificato e norme locali: uno studio sulla raccolta differenziata dei rifiuti domestici, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_53220-94 Dettaglio
- Inhabitants’ versus experts’ assessment of environmental quality for urban sustainability, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_115947-95 Dettaglio
- Comparison of two different approaches for assessing the psychological and social dimensions of green spaces, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2006Link identifier #identifier_person_101766-96 Dettaglio
- Citizens and urban forests in Italy: environmental perception and psychosocial implications, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_34574-97 Dettaglio
- Environmental Concern, Regional Identity and Support for Protected Areas in Italy, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_183793-98 Dettaglio
- Psicologia ambientale e psicologia della sostenibilità, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_146773-99 Dettaglio
- Ambientalismo, autoritarismo ed etnocentrismo: una scala di atteggiamento verso il verde urbano, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2004Link identifier #identifier_person_40828-100 Dettaglio
- Inhabitants’ environmental perceptions in the city of Rome within the Framework for Urban Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO Programme on Man and Biosphere, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2004Link identifier #identifier_person_53691-101 Dettaglio
- Place identity and place-specific action: the role of regional identification in the purchase of regional food products, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2004Link identifier #identifier_person_129652-102 Dettaglio
- Local identity processes and environmental attitudes in land use changes: the case of natural protected areas, CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, , 2002Link identifier #identifier_person_125439-103 Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; DE GREGORIO, EUGENIO; CAFFARO, FEDERICA; TIBERIO, LORENZA, Current trends in environmental psychology, volume I,2nd Edition, issn 1664-8714, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_76292-104Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MASTANDREA, STEFANO; PASSIATORE, YLENIA; MOSCA, ORIANA, Current trends in environmental psychology, volume II, issn 1664-8714, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_60630-105Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Insights inEnvironmental psychology2021, issn 1664-8714, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_20221-106Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; CAFFARO, FEDERICA; PANNO, ANGELO; TIBERIO, LORENZA; DE GREGORIO, EUGENIO, Rising stars inenvironmental psychology, issn 1664-8714, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_105214-107Dettaglio
- CARBONE, VINCENZO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; POMPEO, FRANCESCO; ZIZIOLI, ELENA, La ricerca dipartimentale ai tempi del COVID-19, 2021 Link identifier #identifier_person_12452-109Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Urban Diversities – Environmental and Social Issues, pp. 1 255, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_3310-111Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, I bambini e l’ecologia: aspetti psicologici dell’educazione ambientale, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_171492-112Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Psicologia ambientale, sostenibilità e comportamenti ecologici, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_7053-113Dettaglio
Contributo in volume e atti di convegno
- COSTA, SARA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Adaptive Political-administrative Leadership During the Pandemic: A Comparative Case Analysis, issn 0065-0668, vol. 2023, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_35815-114Dettaglio
- COSTA, SARA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Political-administrative Leadership and Collective Emotion Trajectories During the Pandemic, issn 0065-0668, vol. 2023, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_50996-115Dettaglio
- POMPEO, FRANCESCO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; CARBONE, VINCENZO; ZIZIOLI, ELENA, Cartografie resilienti, pp. 19 24, 2021 Link identifier #identifier_person_50905-116Dettaglio
- TIBERIO, LORENZA; FAGIOLI, SABRINA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MASTANDREA, STEFANO, Salute psicologica di genitori e figli durante la pandemia COVID-19: un’indagine nazionale, pp. 27 37, 2021 Link identifier #identifier_person_55959-117Dettaglio
- MASTANDREA, STEFANO; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, An international perspective on muse-um research: motivation, emotion, and learning as predictors of museum visits for young people., 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_183260-119Dettaglio
- PANNO, ANGELO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; TIBERIO, LORENZA; MASTANDREA, STEFANO, Identity and pro-environmental behavior: A meta-analysis, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_1402-120Dettaglio
- TIBERIO, LORENZA; PANNO, ANGELO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MASTANDREA, STEFANO, Psychological Determinants of Energy Saving Behaviour: An Individual Level Meta- analysis, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_153872-121Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Recovering urban space for green areas and its impact on the social dynamics of the city, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_166920-122Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Synergies and differences in the Echoes perspectives – an integrating analysis of energy choices, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_120931-123Dettaglio
- MASTANDREA, STEFANO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA, The museum as a restorative setting: from the architectural context to the visit experience, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_90489-124Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; PASSIATORE, YLENIA; PANNO, ANGELO, The restorative effects of a school outdoor environmental education program in Italy, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_147214-125Dettaglio
- MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA; PANNO, ANGELO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Agricultural cooperative “”, an example of urban agriculture in Rome (Italy) as a resilient strategy against urban climate change., pp. 125 128, 2017 Link identifier #identifier_person_59726-126Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; PANNO, ANGELO, GROUP REACTIONS TO NATURE CONSERVATION POLICIES, 2017 Link identifier #identifier_person_42670-127Dettaglio
- MASTANDREA, STEFANO; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; PERUCCHINI, PAOLA, Il ruolo del museo nella formazione dei giovani adulti: motivazione, emozione, apprendimento, 2017 Link identifier #identifier_person_130380-128Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA, Interactions Matter: Modelling Everyday Pro-environmental Norm Transmission and Diffusion in Workplace Networks, pp. 27 52, 2017 Link identifier #identifier_person_144298-129Dettaglio
- BIASCI, VALERIA; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA; VECCHIO, GIOVANNI MARIA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Le competenze psicologiche nella formazione dei docenti: l'esperienza dei TFA e dei PAS, pp. 200 202, 2017 Link identifier #identifier_person_136978-130Dettaglio
- PANNO, ANGELO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Mindfulness is related to eco-friendly behavior through social dominance, 2017 Link identifier #identifier_person_48452-131Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Quality of Life and Sustainability: The End of Quality at Any Price, pp. 11 39, 2017 Link identifier #identifier_person_94716-132Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; PANNO, ANGELO, SOCIAL COGNITION AND SUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLES, 2017 Link identifier #identifier_person_190703-133Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, The Role and Value of Urban Forests and Green Infrastructure in Promoting Human Health and Wellbeing, pp. 217 230, 2017 Link identifier #identifier_person_68115-134Dettaglio
- MASTANDREA, STEFANO; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA; BOVE, GIUSEPPE; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MARELLA, DANIELA; PERUCCHINI, PAOLA, Psychological aspects of museum visits for undergraduate Italian students, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_176518-135Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA, Empirical agent-based modelling of everyday pro-environmental behaviours at work, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_128680-136Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Place attachment, community identification and pro-environmental engagement, pp. 154 164, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_30081-137Dettaglio
- MASTANDREA, STEFANO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA, Aesthetic emotion and implicit preference for different art styles, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_185072-138Dettaglio
- MASTANDREA, STEFANO; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Art museum as restorative environments?, pp. 208 209, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_173437-139Dettaglio
- MASTANDREA, STEFANO; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Art museums as restorative environments?, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_11716-140Dettaglio
- MASTANDREA, STEFANO; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, From ART to art: Are museums restorative environments?, pp. 92 92, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_58933-141Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Social-psychological and contextual predictors of sustainable water consumption, pp. 43 60, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_140411-142Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, The socio-psychological affinity towards diversity: From biodiversity to socia-ecological sustainability, pp. 125 140, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_50431-143Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Urban environmental quality, pp. 97 106, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_110343-144Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA, Values, worldviews and norms affecting low-carbon behaviours of employees in a large energy company in Italy, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_63342-145Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MASTANDREA, STEFANO, Biodiversity, perceived restorativeness and benefits of nature: a study on the psychological processes and outcomes of on-site experiences in urban and peri-urban green areas in Italy, vol. 3, pp. 255 269, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_178703-146Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA, Drivers and barriers to low-carbon practices, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_51041-147Dettaglio
- MASTANDREA, STEFANO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Implicit and explicit preference of natural, built and artistic environments, pp. 351 352, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_108571-148Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MARICCHIOLO, FRIDANNA, Individual and organizational drivers and barriers to low-carbon practices at work: a preliminary qualitative analyses in an Italian energy company, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_163634-149Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Natural landscapes, pp. 332 347, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_183038-150Dettaglio
- MASTANDREA, STEFANO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Preferenze implicite ed esplicite di ambienti naturali, costruiti e artistici, pp. 462 463, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_99765-151Dettaglio
- MASTANDREA, STEFANO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Preferenze implicite per differenti tipologie di oggetti d’arte e di edifici architettonici, vol. 2, pp. 39 48, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_132451-152Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; PASSIATORE, YLENIA, The cognitive and social benefits of contact with nature in educational setting, pp. 419 423, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_146847-153Dettaglio
- MASTANDREA, STEFANO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, The role of the museum in the education of young adults: from the architectural context to the visit experience, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_82461-154Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Environmental and Social Diversities in the City: An Introduction, pp. 3 15, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_142158-155Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Health benefits of nature experience: Psychological, social and cultural processes, pp. 127 168, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_78960-156Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Il contributo della psicologia all'educazione ambientale: modelli, metodi e risvolti applicativi, pp. 247 261, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_47924-157Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; PASSIATORE, YLENIA; MASTANDREA, STEFANO, The relation between spatial-physical features of educational institutions and child’s wellbeing, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_17388-158Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, The Role of Ethnicity in Shaping Dietary Patterns: A Review on the Social and Psychological Correlates of Food Consumption, pp. 75 87, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_143970-159Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Environmental worldviews and water conservation: The eco-anthropocentric paradigm (EAP), vol. 1, pp. 275 284, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_54751-160Dettaglio
- MASTANDREA, STEFANO; CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Implicit and explicit evaluations of natural and built environments and connectedness with nature, pp. 113 114, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_29509-161Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE; MASTANDREA, STEFANO, Valutazioni implicite ed esplicite di ambienti naturali e costruiti, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_170559-162Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Psicologia sociale dell'ambiente e processi di riqualificazione, pp. 18 21, 2009 Link identifier #identifier_person_116171-163Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Attitudes towards biological and social diversity in urban contexts, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_190668-164Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, On-site evaluation of restorative environments: the effect of actual place experience upon the perceived restorativeness of natural and built historical environments, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_162782-165Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Place identity salience and support for natural protected areas, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_5706-166Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Psychology for sustainable development and environmental sustainability, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_32262-167Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, The moderation of need for cognitive closure on the relationship between environmental noise and self-reported stress, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_30645-168Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, The psychological benefits of green areas during periods of heat stress: a comparative study in Italy and England, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_123960-169Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Diversità nell’ambiente urbano: una ricerca sulle relazioni tra autoritarismo, etnocentrismo, ed atteggiamenti verso le aree verdi della città, pp. 280 291, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_1659-170Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Processi di identita’ e luoghi di vita: identita’ di luogo e costrutti similari, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_175071-171Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Attitudes and behaviours towards fresh-water resource conservation in four countries, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_39599-172Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Città, luoghi urbani e percezioni ambientali degli abitanti, pp. 69 79, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_62860-173Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, La città nella prospettiva della psicologia ambientale: dall'immaginabilità urbana alla qualità percepita dell'ambiente urbano, pp. 245 253, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_94176-174Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Le aree naturali protette per la promozione di consapevolezza, sensibilità e impegno ambientali, pp. 19 52, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_64086-175Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, On-site evaluation of restorative environments: a comparison between natural and historical places in Rome, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_199247-176Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Perceptions of fresh-water resources and environmental issues: a four country comparison, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_179829-177Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Place-identity processes and environmental sustainability: relations between local identification, support for biodiversity conservation, and use of fresh-water resources, pp. 259 260, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_153468-178Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Psicologia ambientale, vol. 9, pp. 9143 9145, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_133036-179Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Scelte alimentari come comportamenti ecologici: effetti del framing informativo sulla valutazione di prodotti OGM e BIO, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_78320-180Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Social psychological process and inclusive policymaking in the environmental domain: the role of local identity upon the acceptance of biodiversity and water resource conservation policies, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_13936-181Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Sustainability and residential satisfaction within exclusive residential complexes in the city of Rome, pp. 37 47, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_198402-182Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, The effects of local identity and social value orientation upon sustainable water consumption, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_111041-183Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, The restorative properties of modern architectural styles, pp. 234 235, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_33049-184Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Uso sostenibile dell’acqua come dilemma sociale, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_195769-185Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Water sustainability under the psychological point of view: a cross-cultural approach, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_62358-186Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, As origens da psicologia ambiental e os “factores externos”, pp. 67 85, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_53655-187Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Citizens’ perception and behaviors towards urban forests, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_195998-188Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, From biodiversity to urban diversities: new challenges for multidisciplinary collaboration, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_114289-189Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Percezioni ambientali e biodiversità a Roma nell’ambito del programma MAB dell’UNESCO, vol. 218, pp. 459 478, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_92762-190Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Prodotti tipici e prodotti caratterizzati come sardi. Un’alternativa per l’imprenditoria locale, pp. 201 208, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_16381-191Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Attitudes towards urban green spaces, perceived residential qualità and neighbourhood attachment, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_187365-192Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Environmental Psychology, Overview, pp. 801 814, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_157972-193Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Identità locale, cooperazione sociale e risorse naturali, pp. 367 368, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_147916-194Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Identity processes and support for biodiversity conservation, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_44891-195Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, La Psicologia Ambientale in Italia: II Incontro Nazionale, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_84461-196Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, La Psicologia Ambientale in Italia: II Incontro Nazionale. Atti del Convegno, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_19974-197Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Place-identity and place-specific action: the role of regional identification in the purchasing of regional products, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_32436-198Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Atteggiamenti pro-ambientali, processi di identità e attaccamento al luogo nell’istituzione di aree naturali protette, pp. 217 223, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_46745-199Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Biodiversity end ecotourism in small Italian urban settlements, pp. 112 113, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_136142-200Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Gli atteggiamenti verso il verde urbano: un modello a due dimensioni e relazioni con i costrutti di autoritarismo ed etnocentrismo, pp. 145 146, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_140924-201Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Gruppi sociali e percezione ambientale: relazioni tra identita’ locale, attaccamento al luogo e atteggiamenti pro-ambientali, pp. 347 354, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_4670-202Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Identità sociale, identità di luogo e dilemmi ambientali: il caso delle aree naturali protette, pp. 167 178, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_101644-203Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Inhabitant’s attitudes towards urban landscape diversity, pp. 105 106, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_186678-204Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Inhabitant’s perceptions and behaviours towards residential environment and green spaces in the city of Rome, pp. 96 97, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_103010-205Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, La gestione delle risorse naturali come dilemmi sociali: una rassegna sui principali contributi di ricerca, pp. 211 216, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_190501-206Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Local conflicts and common resources use in protecetd areas: applying the “Social Dilemma” paradigm to biodiversity conservation, pp. 121 122, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_76413-207Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Percezione e valutazione delle aree verdi nella città di Roma, pp. 265 270, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_90098-208Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Social and architectural legibility of the city, pp. 25 37, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_94430-209Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Applicazioni della psicologia ambientale: il recupero dell’identità sociale e di luogo nell’area del Parco Geominerario-Storico-Ambientale della Sardegna, pp. 173 175, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_102650-210Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Atteggiamenti di valorizzazione/svalorizzazione dela natura in città: costruzione e validazione di uno strumento di misura in proposito, pp. 50 51, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_20308-211Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Evaluations of a urban park: relations between pro-environemntal attitudes, place attachment and perceived restorativeness, pp. 281 282, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_150372-212Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Identità locale, atteggiamenti pro-ambientali e “commons dilemmas", pp. 27 28, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_129889-213Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Identità sociale, identità di luogo e comportamento d’acquisto di prodotti regionali, pp. 26 27, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_176291-214Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Local identity and natural resource dilemmas, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_48125-215Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Residents’ attitudes and behaviours towards the green areas of Rome, pp. 239 240, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_175950-216Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Valutazioni “esperte” e valutazioni “ingenue” nella percezione di qualità dell’ambiente urbano, vol. 218, pp. 825 840, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_187359-217Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Valutazioni di un parco urbano: relazioni tra atteggiamenti pro-ambientali e rigenerativà percepita, pp. 47 48, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_157341-218Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Identità sociale, identità di luogo e dilemmi ambientali, pp. 78 79, 2001 Link identifier #identifier_person_108892-219Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Costruzione del luogo urbano di residenza nella rappresentazione degli abitanti di tre quartieri storici della città di Cagliari, pp. 43 147, 2000 Link identifier #identifier_person_43509-220Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Gruppi sociali e percezione ambientale: relazioni tra identità locale, attaccamento al luogo e atteggiamenti pro-ambientali nel parco nazionale dell’arcipelago toscano, pp. 191 192, 2000 Link identifier #identifier_person_135208-221Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Social and architectural legibility of the city, 2000 Link identifier #identifier_person_186100-222Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Urban and rural resident’s attitudes toward protected natural areas, 2000 Link identifier #identifier_person_180511-223Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Conflicting meanings of a protected natural area in Italy: the Case of the Gennargentu National Park, pp. 159 166, 1999 Link identifier #identifier_person_105548-224Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Environmental perceptions of Gennargentu National Park in Italy: relations between attiutudes, local attachment and identity procesess, 1999 Link identifier #identifier_person_32553-225Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Pro-environmental attitudes and local identities, 1999 Link identifier #identifier_person_83298-226Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Scientists’ and Local Residents’ Evaluations of Natural Features of the Environment in the Rome Area, 1999 Link identifier #identifier_person_34147-227Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, Atteggiamenti e rappresentazioni ambientali verso le aree naturali protette e teoria del luogo, pp. 70 72, 1998 Link identifier #identifier_person_75132-228Dettaglio
- CARRUS, GIUSEPPE, La costruzione dei luoghi urbani nelle rappresentazioni dei residenti, pp. 79 80, 1998 Link identifier #identifier_person_117767-229Dettaglio