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Contributo in Rivista

  • Ethos Theory of Music: Toward an Empirical Confirmation through Moral Foundations Theory, ANSANI, ALESSANDRO; GIOMBINI, LISA; POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_15965-1 Dettaglio
  • Occhi che parlano. Verso una linguistica dello sguardo, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_157244-2 Dettaglio
  • ‘Emotion that Goes Around Comes Around’. Political Charisma and the Emotions Conveyed through Social Media, D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_199691-3 Dettaglio
  • Gestures and pauses to help thought: hands, voice, and silence in the tourist guide's speech, CHIERA, ALESSANDRA; ANSANI, ALESSANDRO; SESSA, ISORA; POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_131429-4 Dettaglio
  • Il carisma di Domenico, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_116240-5 Dettaglio
  • Multimodality and Music Performance. The Lexicons of Gesture and Gaze in Orchestra and Choir Conductors., POGGI, ISABELLA; ANSANI, ALESSANDRO, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_108283-6 Dettaglio
  • Recognition memory in movie scenes: the soundtrack induces mood-coherent bias, but not through mood induction, ANSANI, ALESSANDRO; POGGI, ISABELLA; MALLIA, LUCA, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_176726-7 Dettaglio
  • Analyzing the Perceived Utility of Covid-19 Countermeasures: The Role of Pronominalization, Moral Foundations, Moral Disengagement, Fake News Embracing, and Health Anxiety, ANSANI, ALESSANDRO; CECCONI, CHRISTIAN; DRAGONI, DANIELE; POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_48366-8 Dettaglio
  • Music and Time Perception in Audiovisuals: Arousing Soundtracks Lead to Time Overestimation No Matter Their Emotional Valence, ANSANI, ALESSANDRO; POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_156873-9 Dettaglio
  • Schadenfreude, politica e social media. La gioia maligna verso i politici nella pandemia, CECCONI, CHRISTIAN; POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_137667-10 Dettaglio
  • Attachment Styles and Communication of Displeasing Truths, SESSA, ISORA; POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_39051-11 Dettaglio
  • How Soundtracks Shape What We See: Analyzing the Influence of Music on Visual Scenes Through Self-Assessment, Eye Tracking, and Pupillometry, ANSANI, ALESSANDRO; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_199213-12 Dettaglio
  • Schadenfreude: Malicious Joy in Social Media Interactions, CECCONI, CHRISTIAN; POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_85706-13 Dettaglio
  • The conductor’s intensity gestures, POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; ANSANI, ALESSANDRO, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_70221-14 Dettaglio
  • The Power of Gaze in Music. Leonard Bernstein’s Conducting Eyes, POGGI, ISABELLA; ANSANI, ALESSANDRO, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_143949-15 Dettaglio
  • Tracking a leader’s humility and its emotions from body, face and voice., D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_1594-16 Dettaglio
  • Uncertain Words, Uncertain Texts. Perception and Effects of Uncertainty in Biomedical Communication, POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; VINCZE, LAURA, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_156036-17 Dettaglio
  • You will be judged by the music I hear’: A study on the influence of music on moral judgement., ANSANI, ALESSANDRO; POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_77071-18 Dettaglio
  • Feeling offended: A blow to our image and our social relationships, POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_13323-19 Dettaglio
  • The meanings of the sigh. Vocal Expression along the route of our desires., POGGI, ISABELLA; ANSANI, ALESSANDRO; CECCONI, CHRISTIAN, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_65087-20 Dettaglio
  • Signals of intensification and attenuation in orchestra and choir conduction, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_199042-21 Dettaglio
  • "The bitter laughter". when parody is a moral and affective priming in political persuasion, D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_108198-22 Dettaglio
  • Body as a tool for political discredit. Multimodality in the parody of politicians, POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_115403-23 Dettaglio
  • The Conductor’s parodies. A multimodal strategy for error management in music rehearsals, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_74539-24 Dettaglio
  • The Conductor’s parodies. A multimodal strategy for error management in music rehearsals., POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_91087-25 Dettaglio
  • Acidity. The hidden face of conflictual and stressful situations, D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_82413-26 Dettaglio
  • Precision in Gestures and Words, POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_121761-27 Dettaglio
  • Comments in words, face and body, POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_156269-28 Dettaglio
  • The mayor and the comedian. Parody as a route to delegitimization, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_99000-29 Dettaglio
  • Blame the opponent! Effects of multimodal discrediting moves in public debates., D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_12738-30 Dettaglio
  • Bridging the Gap between Social Animal and Unsocial Machine: A Survey of Social Signal Processing, POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_162280-31 Dettaglio
  • Comments by words, face and body, POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_78716-32 Dettaglio
  • Discrediting signals. A model of social evaluation to study discrediting moves in political debates 2012, p.1-16. DOI: 10.1007/s12193-012-0098-4, D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_101189-33 Dettaglio
  • Onestà, competenza o dominanza? Valori e discredito nei dibattiti politici, D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_72495-34 Dettaglio
  • Social Signals. From Theory to Applications., POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_881-35 Dettaglio
  • Social signals: a framework in terms of goals and beliefs, POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_194892-36 Dettaglio
  • Agreement and its Multimodal Communication in Debates: A Qualitative Analysis, POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_98260-37 Dettaglio
  • The mental ingredients of Bitterness, POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_194066-38 Dettaglio
  • Iconicity in different types of gestures, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_164608-39 Dettaglio
  • Irony in a judicial debate: Analyzing the subtleties of irony while testing the subtleties of an annotation scheme, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_141761-40 Dettaglio
  • Emotional and non emotional persuasion, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2006Link identifier #identifier_person_133669-41 Dettaglio
  • The goals of persuasion, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_190602-42 Dettaglio
  • Educazione alla convivenza. Anche per gli insegnanti?, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2004Link identifier #identifier_person_129294-43 Dettaglio
  • From Greta's mind to her face: modelling the dynamics of affective states in a conversational embodied agent, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_195283-44 Dettaglio
  • Le leggi non scritte dell'interazione e del potere, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_54997-45 Dettaglio
  • Multimodal markers of irony and sarcasm, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_114148-46 Dettaglio
  • Multimodal embodied agents, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2002Link identifier #identifier_person_63956-47 Dettaglio
  • Subtleties of facial expressions in embodied agents, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2002Link identifier #identifier_person_41552-48 Dettaglio
  • Symbolic Gestures. The case of the Italian Gestionary, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2002Link identifier #identifier_person_79042-49 Dettaglio
  • Eye communication in a conversational 3D synthetic agent, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 2000Link identifier #identifier_person_149246-50 Dettaglio
  • Performative faces, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 1998Link identifier #identifier_person_78711-51 Dettaglio
  • HUMILIATION - FEELING, SOCIAL-CONTROL AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF IDENTITY, POGGI, ISABELLA, , 1986Link identifier #identifier_person_91770-52 Dettaglio


  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Parlare con gli occhi. Lo sguardo come forma di comunicazione, pp. 1 216, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_84928-53Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Psicologia della comunicazione. La mente, il corpo, gli altri., pp. 1 632, 2022 Link identifier #identifier_person_17742-54Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Comunicazione multimodale e influenza sociale. Il corpo e il potere., pp. 1 248, 2020 Link identifier #identifier_person_197994-55Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA; VINCZE, LAURA, Conflict and multimodal communication. Social research and machine intelligence., pp. 1 479, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_140734-56Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Multimodal Communication in Political Speech. Shaping Minds and Social Action,, pp. 1 275, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_132937-57Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, La mente del cuore, vol. 1, pp. 1 287, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_30223-58Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Mind, hands, face and body. A goal and belief view of multimodal communication, pp. 1 432, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_40214-59Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Le parole del corpo. Introduzione alla comunicazione multimodale., pp. 1 160, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_61226-60Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Le parole del corpo. Introduzione alla comunicazione multimodale. Carocci, Roma 2006.Le parole del corpo, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_60462-61Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Gestures. Meaning and use, pp. 1 393, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_49010-62Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Multimodal Communication and Context in Embodied Agents. Proceedings of the Workshop W7 at the 5th International Conference on Autonomous Agents, 2001 Link identifier #identifier_person_7866-63Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Bugie, finzioni, sotterfugi. Per una scienza dell'inganno, pp. 1 262, 1998 Link identifier #identifier_person_75109-64Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Mani che parlano. Gesti e psicologia della comunicazione, 1997 Link identifier #identifier_person_35929-65Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Menzogna e simulazione, pp. 1 308, 1997 Link identifier #identifier_person_58000-66Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Sensi di colpa, 1994 Link identifier #identifier_person_71294-67Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, La Grammatica del Significato, pp. 1 349, 1989 Link identifier #identifier_person_14406-68Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Le parole nella testa. Guida a un'educazione linguistica cognitivista, pp. 1 441, 1987 Link identifier #identifier_person_69353-69Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Le interiezioni. Studio del linguaggio e analisi della mente., 1981 Link identifier #identifier_person_71767-70Dettaglio

Contributo in volume e atti di convegno

  • POGGI, ISABELLA; ORIGLIA, ANTONIO; ANSANI, ALESSANDRO; SESSA, ISORA; CHIERA, ALESSANDRA, Phonetic and functional features of pauses, and concurrent gestures, in tourist guides' speech, 2020 Link identifier #identifier_person_50343-71Dettaglio
  • ORIGLIA, ANTONIO; ANSANI, ALESSANDRO; SESSA, ISORA; CHIERA, ALESSANDRA; POGGI, ISABELLA, Human, all too human: Towards a disfluent virtual tourist guide, pp. 393 399, 2019 Link identifier #identifier_person_145659-72Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, Humble Voices in Political Communication: A Speech Analysis Across Two Cultures, vol. 11620, pp. 361 374, 2019 Link identifier #identifier_person_139295-73Dettaglio
  • SCARDIGNO, ROSA; POGGI, ISABELLA, L’inquieta consapevolezza della valutazione di in-certezza., pp. 103 117, 2019 Link identifier #identifier_person_17013-74Dettaglio
  • ORIGLIA, ANTONIO; POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; VINCZE, LAURA, An Audiovisual Corpus of Guided Tours in Cultural Sites: Data Collection protocols in the CHROME Project., pp. 1 4, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_52424-75Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Digital interaction: where are we going?, pp. 1 5, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_12697-76Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Lo sguardo del maestro, pp. 233 252, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_199924-77Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; ANSANI, ALESSANDRO; CECCONI, CHRISTIAN, Sighs in everyday life and in political communication, pp. 50 53, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_56043-78Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, The lexicon of feeling offended, pp. 9 15, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_180608-79Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; ANSANI, ALESSANDRO, The lexicon of the conductor’s gaze, pp. 32 39, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_27185-80Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; ANSANI, ALESSANDRO, Forte, piano, crescendo, diminuendo: Gestures of intensity in orchestra and choir conduction, pp. 111 119, 2017 Link identifier #identifier_person_113543-81Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Gaze in music performance. Conductors’ styles of eye communication during concert and rehearsal., pp. 1 1, 2017 Link identifier #identifier_person_10699-82Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; ANSANI, ALESSANDRO, Gestures of intensity in orchestra and choir conduction, pp. 111 119, 2017 Link identifier #identifier_person_194930-83Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, Humble Politicians and Their Multimodal Communication, vol. 10406, pp. 705 717, 2017 Link identifier #identifier_person_161400-84Dettaglio
  • ANSANI, ALESSANDRO; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, 'It Sounds Wrong' does music affect moral judgement?, vol. 10409, pp. 753 760, 2017 Link identifier #identifier_person_133154-85Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, The “seeds” of charisma: Multimodal rhetoric of Mussolini’s discourse, issn 1877-6884, pp. 263 290, 2017 Link identifier #identifier_person_6971-86Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, The leader’s voice and communicative aggression in social media., pp. 257 276, 2017 Link identifier #identifier_person_158246-87Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Finding Mussolini’s charisma in his multimodal discourse, vol. The Psychology of Argument. Cognitive Approaches to Argumentation and Persuasion, pp. 305 325, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_13757-88Dettaglio
  • VINCZE, LAURA; POGGI, ISABELLA, I am really certain of this! Towards a multimodal repertoire of signals communicating a high degree of certainty, pp. 102 110, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_56822-89Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, Social emotions. A challenge for sentiment analysis and User Models, issn 1571-5035, pp. 13 34, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_159246-90Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, When the 'truth' can (softly) hurt. Effects of political orientation on different forms of parody, pp. 219 225, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_111570-91Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, When the" truth" can (softly) hurt. Effects of political orientation on different forms of parody., pp. 219 226, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_189298-92Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, “How sad prudence is”. Teatro Valle Occupato as a case of minority empowerment through media-activism, pp. 153 160, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_31360-93Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Direct and indirect verbal and bodily insults, and other forms of aggressive communication., pp. 243 264, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_32183-94Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA; VINCZE, LAURA, Preface, pp. 5 17, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_155975-95Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, When minorities' group discussions in social media become a resilient strategy, vol. 1351, pp. 116 126, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_129476-96Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, When minorities' group discussions in social media become a resilient strategy., vol. 1351, pp. 116 126, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_143242-97Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, Acidity. Emotional causes, effects, and multimodal communication, vol. 5, pp. 341 368, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_120539-98Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, Aggressive language and insults in digital political participation., pp. 105 114, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_51427-99Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Cognitive processes and multimodal communication in the parody of politicians, pp. 65 72, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_111826-100Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Cognitive processes and multimodal communication in the parody of politicians., pp. 65 72, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_64601-101Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Semantics and pragmatics of symbolic gestures, vol. Body – Language – Communication. An International Handbook on Multimodality in Human Interaction, pp. 1481 1496, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_37099-102Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Vagueness, Unspecificity, and Approximation. Cognitive and lexical aspects in English, Swedish, and Italian., pp. 265 284, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_105749-103Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, “Questa è demagogia! ”Effetti della vaghezza nella comunicazione politica - Atti del ANNO 1 - VOL.2 ISSN-2282 6009 118, pp- 118- 122., vol. 1, pp. 118 122, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_66081-104Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, Charisma perception in political speech: a case study. , pages 343–348. Firenze University Press., pp. 343 348, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_132661-105Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, Discrediting body. A multimodal strategy to spoil the other’s image, LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, pp. 181 206, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_130703-106Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; VINCZE, LAURA; POGGI, ISABELLA, Face and head comments, vol. Proceedings of the VIIth GSCP International Conference: Speech and Corpora, pp. 360 365, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_126407-107Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, Face and head comments. Taking the floor without words., pp. 360 367, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_127708-108Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Introduction, LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, pp. I X, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_62886-109Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Mind, hands, face, and body: A sketch of a goal and belief view of multimodal communication, vol. 1, pp. 627 647, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_101458-110Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Multimodal Acid Communication of a politician., vol. 1096, pp. 59 70, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_52766-111Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Multimodal Markers of One’s Own and the Other’s Vagueness., vol. 1125, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_56654-112Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, Pride in mind and face., vol. 3, pp. 281 309, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_23214-113Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, The Parody of Politicians. Multimodal distorted imitation aimed at political discredit, pp. 423 428, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_197071-114Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, The perception of charisma from voice. A cross-cultural study., pp. 552 557, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_76075-115Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Towards the Parody Machine. Qualitative Analysis and Cognitive Processes in the Parody of a Politician, pp. 491 500, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_115363-116Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, Vagueness in Political Discourse, pp. 1 12, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_41969-117Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, 68 Nods. But not only of agreement, vol. XXXIV, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_21039-118Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, How charisma is perceived from speech. A multidimensional approach., pp. 435 440, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_154698-119Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, Le dimensioni del carisma, pp. 245 252, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_38313-120Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Multimodality and political functions of irony and ridicule in a political trial, pp. 41 54, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_99338-121Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Pedagogical Stance. The Teacher’s position and its social signals, pp. 3233 3240, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_145689-122Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Pedagogical stances and their multimodal signals, pp. 3233 3240, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_53962-123Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Pride and its expression in political debates. 221-253; 978-1-84890-094-3., pp. 221 253, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_12226-124Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Ridiculization in public debates: making fun of the other as a discrediting move, pp. 44 49, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_46609-125Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Vagueness and dreams. Analysis of body signals in vague dream telling., LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, issn 0302-9743, vol. 7559, pp. 77 89, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_22627-126Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Acid communication, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_176764-127Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Communicating vagueness by hands and face, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_117242-128Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Communicative Functions of EyeClosing Behaviours, pp. 393 405, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_109301-129Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Discrediting moves inpolitical debates, pp. 84 99, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_128226-130Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, GESTI, pp. 573 577, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_124209-131Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Music and leadership: the Choir Conductor’s multimodal communication, pp. 341 353, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_199487-132Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Social Signals: A Psychological Perspective, pp. 185 225, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_24623-133Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Types of pride and their expression, pp. 434 448, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_93540-134Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Cognitive Modelling of Human Social Signals, pp. 21 26, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_68822-135Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Dominance in political debates, pp. 163 174, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_135043-136Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Gesture in performance, pp. 36 68, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_37449-137Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, The Embodied Morphemes of Gaze, LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, issn 0302-9743, vol. LNAI 5934/2010, pp. 34 46, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_9335-138Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, The morphemes of the eyelids, pp. 553 574, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_23437-139Dettaglio
  • D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA; POGGI, ISABELLA, Types of Help in the teacher's multimodal behavior, pp. 125 139, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_172294-140Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; D'ERRICO, FRANCESCA, Types of Nods. The Polysemy of a Social Signal, pp. 2570 2576, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_75950-141Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Social Signals and the action – cognition loop. The case of overhelp and evaluation, pp. 106 113, 2009 Link identifier #identifier_person_159312-142Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, The Language of Interjections, pp. 170 186, 2009 Link identifier #identifier_person_142804-143Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, “Gesture, gaze and persuasive strategies in political discourse”, pp. 46 51, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_189167-144Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Admiration, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_52723-145Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Facial Deception in Humans and ECAs, pp. 198 221, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_37061-146Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, L’entusiasmo e il suo contagio nella vita quotidiana, nello sport e nella scuola, pp. 71 88, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_195019-147Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, L’espressione delle emozioni in chat, forum ed e-learning, pp. 282 296, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_133822-148Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, La mente delle emozioni. Scopi, credenze e comunicazione, pp. 13 70, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_131186-149Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, L'osmosi delle emozioni, pp. 213 232., 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_99907-150Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Persuasion and the expressivity of gestures in humans and machines, pp. 391 424., 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_126002-151Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Showing disinterest. A persuasive strategy to win the electors' trust, pp. 49 54, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_2263-152Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Sicurezza e insicurezza, pp. 112 137, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_102878-153Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, The persuasive import of gesture and gaze, pp. 46 51, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_69012-154Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Types of emotions and types of goals, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_149920-155Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Enthusiasm and its contagion. Nature and function, pp. 410 421, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_21296-156Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, The eyes and the eyelids. A compositional view about the meanings of Gaze, pp. 333 350, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_178147-157Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, "Body and mind in the Pianist's performance". (Eds.),, pp. 1044 1051, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_47077-158Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, “Social influence through face, hands, and body”, pp. 5 29, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_41432-159Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Body and music. An annotation scheme of the Pianist's multimodal behaviour, pp. 41 44, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_6196-160Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, La convivenza degli insegnanti e il mobbing nella scuola, pp. 237 244, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_166875-161Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, La convivenza degli insegnanti e il mobbing nella scuola, pp. 237 244, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_156107-162Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Social influence through gesture and gaze, pp. 5 30, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_62301-163Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, "GRETA. A Believable Embodied Conversational Agent", pp. 3 25, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_38241-164Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Aspetti dell'interazione mediata da computer nell'e-learning: dall'analisi di chat e forum alla sintesi della Faccia Parlante, pp. 177 191, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_115775-165Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Lavoro ed emozioni, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_86061-166Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Noi, gli altri e l'osmosi delle emozioni, pp. 27 36, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_162873-167Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, “Towards a Lexicography and Phonology of Nonverbal Communication Systems", pp. 247 279, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_71510-168Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Emotions from mind to mind, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_118509-169Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Emozioni: un’arma per l’apprendimento, pp. 258 266, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_71254-170Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Gestural Mind Markers in ECAs, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_119348-171Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Il parlato emotivo. Aspetti cognitivi, linguistici e fonetici, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_187290-172Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Il parlato emotivo. Aspetti cognitivi, linguistici e fonetici, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_91012-173Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Il parlato emotivo. Aspetti cognitivi, linguistici e fonetici, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_151714-174Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Lavoro ed emozioni, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_45841-175Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Multimodal Score: an ANVIL based Annotation scheme for multimodal audio-video analysis, pp. 1 6, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_183965-176Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Multimodality and gestures in the Teacher's communication, pp. 101 111, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_107398-177Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, The Italian Gestionary. Meaning representation, ambiguity, and context, pp. 73 88, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_118521-178Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Transcultural believability in embodied agents: a matter of consistent adaptation, pp. 75 105, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_125088-179Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Emotions at work, pp. 461 468, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_193179-180Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, Emotions at work, pp. 461 468, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_185971-181Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, "Multimodal communication and the conductor's face", pp. 271 284, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_189465-182Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, "Signals and meanings of gaze in Animated Faces". (Eds.) , Galway, 1999". Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002, pp.133-144, pp. 133 144, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_186691-183Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, “From a Typology of Gestures to a Procedure for Gesture Production”, pp. 158 168, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_23399-184Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; BOVE, GIUSEPPE, L'agente riflessivo. Una ricerca empirica, pp. 70 76, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_100718-185Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA; BOVE, GIUSEPPE, L'agente riflessivo. Una ricerca empirica, pp. 70 76, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_130916-186Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, To display or not to display? Towards the architecture of a Reflexive Agent, 2001 Link identifier #identifier_person_155612-187Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, EMOTIONAL MEANING AND EXPRESSION IN PERFORMATIVE FACES, pp. 182 195, 2000 Link identifier #identifier_person_163903-188Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, PERFORMATIVE FACIAL EXPRESSIONS IN ANIMATED FACES, 2000 Link identifier #identifier_person_145297-189Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, "Bimodality in films: the meaning of music in the sound-track", pp. 315 319, 1998 Link identifier #identifier_person_146521-190Dettaglio
  • POGGI, ISABELLA, "The meanings of smile". (Eds.) . Paris: L'Harmattan, 1998, pp.159-164, pp. 159 164, 1998 Link identifier #identifier_person_156776-191Dettaglio