22910832 - Laboratory Communicating peace

Educational goals
During the workshop, a path of analysis of the main historical moments that led to the formation of visions, cultures, strategies of peace and rejection / repudiation of war and armed conflict as a tool for affirming geopolitical objectives or for resolving internal and international.
crises will be carried out.

Knowledge and understanding
Participants will learn the ways in which some figures and personalities of the twentieth century world have proposed and succeeded in applying peaceful and non-violent methods for the realization of historical transitions, and will understand the path that has led religious, political, national and international organizations to develop alternatives to the use of force in internal dynamics and between states.

Applying knowledge and understanding
Participants will learn strategies to deal with situations of complexity, competition and confrontation, developing the ability to identify points of contact and compromise capable of leading to mediation and conflict resolution.

Judgment autonomy
The aim is to make students capable of elaborating an autonomous judgment on the conflicting situations in which they will be called to intervene, and more generally to identify scenarios that could lead to conflicts, in order to be able to exercise preventive contrast action.

Communication skills
Knowing how to draw up documents aimed at planning and managing services; knowing how to prepare research/monitoring/evaluation reports; know how to develop and present operational intervention proposals on issues of peace and conflict resolution;

Learning ability
Acquire suitable skills to allow any further postgraduate training courses and/or to allow entry into the world of work.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The workshop "Communicating Peace" aims to provide students with knowledge and skills related to the culture and promotion of peace through historical perspective, reconstructing the path that from the early twentieth century to the present has allowed the development in Europe and the world of a thought of peace. Alongside secular thought, which had among its major exponents at the beginning of the century Bertrand Russel and which in Italy developed fully after World War II, with Aldo Capitini and others, the workshop will describe the path taken by religions to affirm the rejection of war and the need to work together for peace. From Benedict XV's famous statements on World War I as "useless slaughter," to the condemnations of subsequent wars by the popes, to the interreligious meetings for peace promoted by John Paul II and the renewed relationship with Islam promoted by Francis on the theme of human brotherhood.
The educational objectives of the workshop are fully consistent with the educational offerings and enrich it with a decisive theme for our time, declined through the history of the twentieth century and the first decades of the twenty-first century.

Testi Adottati

Byung-Chul Han, La crisi della narrazione. Informazione, politica e vita quotidiana, Ed. Einaudi 2024

Modalità Erogazione

In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will be applied: distance teaching delivered in synchrony.

Modalità Frequenza

Students are required to attend at least 70% of the classes in order to obtain a positive evaluation.

Modalità Valutazione

Students are required to take part in at least 70% of the classes to obtain a positive evaluation.