The aim of the course is to provide students with the acquisition of advanced social service theories and tools for a renewed professionalism with multidisciplinary skills and oriented towards tackling social inequalities and achieving social justice.
The course aims to contribute to the training of an expert able to design and act within social services and interventions in a plural and networked welfare system (public, private and third sector), able to promote social, cultural and organisational innovation, able to respond to the growing complexity of social needs.

In terms of knowledge and understanding
- analysing, describing social changes as well as social needs and problems by identifying essential characteristics and evolutionary perspectives

In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding
- to be able to activate, facilitate and maintain innovation processes capable of having a lasting impact on people, communities and organisations themselves, in accordance with social service principles and theories
- to contribute to the design and implementation of services and interventions, local and national social policies

In terms of autonomy of judgement
- demonstrate reflexivity about their own ways of intervening and acting with respect for people and according to principles of appropriateness, responsibility and non-discrimination
- demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes for the management of complexity in the social field

In terms of communication skills
- formulation of experimental projects and interventions developed through participatory processes stimulating institutions, communities and citizens to social innovation

In terms of learning skills
- carrying out in-depth studies and proposing projects independently on the topics/concepts dealt with, drawing on and developing studies and research in the sector in an appropriate way

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course, after an initial conceptualisation part on themes related to social service with an innovative character, will offer an overview of methodologies and practices of activation, programming, and design of innovative professional interventions for tackling social inequalities and achieving social justice.
The course will contain seminar sessions on specific topics chosen by the lecturer and the class group, case studies and action-research paths. Students will have to carry out a thematic project on a specific area in teams. The presentation will then be discussed individually.

Testi Adottati

Fargion S. (2020), Il metodo del servizio sociale. Riflessioni, casi e ricerche, Carocci, Roma
Fazzi L. (2019), Costruire l’innovazione per il terzo settore e le imprese sociali, FrancoAngeli, Milano
Allegri E. (2015), Il servizio sociale di comunità, Carocci, Roma
Bertotti T., Fazzi L., Rosignoli A. (2021), Il Servizio Sociale: le competenze chiave, Carocci, Roma

Modalità Erogazione

Lectures, project-based learning, seminar activities on specific topics with the possibility of involving experienced professionals and experts by experience. Exercises with active teaching methods such as: group work, simulations of operational situations, processing of professional materials, viewing of video material.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not mandatory, but strongly recommended

Modalità Valutazione

Assessment will be based on the writing and presentation of a paper/project. Students are expected to use and cite appropriate sources including the scientific literature of social work and the social sciences.