22910719 - Sociology Of The Third Sector

The aim of the course is to provide the essential elements of the analysis of the sphere of society called "Third Sector”, as a plurality of actors, entities, organizations, institutions and enterprises that they pursue civic, solidarity and social utility purposes and carry out activities of general interest, and apply this analysis to the development of the local social services system.
At the end of the course the student is able to:
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- - know the different theories and approaches of the social sciences regarding the birth, presence, evolution, development prospects of organizations of Third sector;
- - know the main definitions in the international context (with particular attention to the European context);
In terms of autonomy of judgment:
- - link sociological theory to Third sector organizations;
- - evaluate the innovations of the social intervention system;
In terms of communication skills:
- - apply the "case study" technique to the Third sector;
In terms of learning ability:
- - - critically compare the different approaches to the study of the Third sector and discuss their implications on public policies;
- - exercise availability for scientific research in the Third sector.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


After an initial presentation of the main analytical paradigms for interpreting the NGO Sector, the main approaches developed within three traditions of reflexive thought will be illustrated: a) economic theories; b) political theories; c) sociological theories. The second part will address the question of how the NGO Sector functions in Italy, and thus what are the operational and management characteristics that determine its specificity/distinctiveness. A specific part will deal with the professional profiles of NGO professionals. Finally, specific areas of development of the NGO sector in Italy will be analysed.

Testi Adottati

At the beginning of the course, students will receive the reference bibliography for the exam.
Evers A., Laville J.L. (eds) (2004), The Third Sector in Europe, Chentelham, EdwardElgar

A specific programme will be defined for Erasmus students.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Anheier H. (2005), Nonprofit Organizations: Theory, Management, Policy, London-New York, Routledge (solo capitolo 6) Evers A., Laville J.L (2004), Defining the Third Sector in Europe, in Evers A., Laville J.L. (eds) (2004), The Third Sector in Europe, Chentelham, EdwardElgar Verschuere, B., Brandsen, T. & Pestoff, V. (2012), Co-production: The State of the Art in Research and the Future Agenda, in «Voluntas», 23, 1083–1101 At the beginning of the course, students will receive the reference bibliography for the exam. A specific programme will be defined for Erasmus students.

Modalità Erogazione

Teaching will be frontal but students will be required to actively participate in the preparation of shared learning tools through the use of the educational platform formonline.uniroma3.it and in classroom lessons, building a autonomous social research project. The lessons will be integrated in the form of frontal lessons, laboratory space, presentation of social research etc. More information will be provided during the lessons and on the didactic platform

Modalità Frequenza

Students who continuously attend didactic activities are allowed to take a series of intermediate written tests.

Modalità Valutazione

The examination takes place in written form and in an oral exam. In the written part, the ability to analyse the characteristics of the NGOs operating in social services will be assessed. During the oral exam the lecturer will assess whether the student is able to reflect on the elements characterising the Third Sector in social work, in Italy. The written part (essay or e-tivity) will be averaged with the oral part.

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 22910719 Sociologia del terzo settore in Coordinatore dei servizi educativi e dei servizi sociali LM-50 ACCORINTI MARCO


After an initial presentation of the main analytical paradigms for interpreting the NGO Sector, the main approaches developed within three traditions of reflexive thought will be illustrated: a) economic theories; b) political theories; c) sociological theories. The second part will address the question of how the NGO Sector functions in Italy, and thus what are the operational and management characteristics that determine its specificity/distinctiveness. A specific part will deal with the professional profiles of NGO professionals. Finally, specific areas of development of the NGO sector in Italy will be analysed.

Testi Adottati

At the beginning of the course, students will receive the reference bibliography for the exam.
Evers A., Laville J.L. (eds) (2004), The Third Sector in Europe, Chentelham, EdwardElgar

A specific programme will be defined for Erasmus students.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Anheier H. (2005), Nonprofit Organizations: Theory, Management, Policy, London-New York, Routledge (solo capitolo 6) Evers A., Laville J.L (2004), Defining the Third Sector in Europe, in Evers A., Laville J.L. (eds) (2004), The Third Sector in Europe, Chentelham, EdwardElgar Verschuere, B., Brandsen, T. & Pestoff, V. (2012), Co-production: The State of the Art in Research and the Future Agenda, in «Voluntas», 23, 1083–1101 At the beginning of the course, students will receive the reference bibliography for the exam. A specific programme will be defined for Erasmus students.

Modalità Erogazione

Teaching will be frontal but students will be required to actively participate in the preparation of shared learning tools through the use of the educational platform formonline.uniroma3.it and in classroom lessons, building a autonomous social research project. The lessons will be integrated in the form of frontal lessons, laboratory space, presentation of social research etc. More information will be provided during the lessons and on the didactic platform

Modalità Frequenza

Students who continuously attend didactic activities are allowed to take a series of intermediate written tests.

Modalità Valutazione

The examination takes place in written form and in an oral exam. In the written part, the ability to analyse the characteristics of the NGOs operating in social services will be assessed. During the oral exam the lecturer will assess whether the student is able to reflect on the elements characterising the Third Sector in social work, in Italy. The written part (essay or e-tivity) will be averaged with the oral part.