22910718 - Psychology of organizational well-being in social and educational services

The course aims to provide an overview of the fields of application of occupational health psychology and organizational well-being, in the particular context of educational and social services. Additionally, it will provide the students with the theoretical and methodological instruments and approaches to understand the inter-relations between the people at work, the tasks, and the work environment, for the purpose of optimizing the organizational and management processes in the educational and social fields. The acquired methodological knowledge will allow the students to intervene also in the training and research processes within the abovementioned contexts.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives:
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- know the basic theoretical models in the psychology of occupational health and organizational well-being;
- know the potential of health prevention and promotion perspectives in organizational contexts;
- know the theoretical and epistemological foundations of research applied to organizational contexts;
- know the basic methodological approaches used in the psychological analysis of organizations.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- know how to apply the theoretical knowledge to manage the critical socio-organizational processes for workers’ health and well-being;
- know how to choose methods and instruments of analysis and intervention aimed at promoting, preventing and maintaining health and well-being in organizational contexts.
In terms of independent judgment:
- interpret individual-task-organization interactions in the light of theoretical models and empirical studies in the psychology of occupational health and organizational well-being;
- critically analyze and compare theories and methods based on the specific practical application or the specific work context.
In terms of communication skills:
- know how to synthesize and effectively present ideas, problems and solutions, on individual-task-organization interactions.
In terms of learning ability:
- deepen the acquired knowledge using manuals and theoretical models developed within the field of organizational psychology.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course aims to provide psychological knowledge and competencies in the field of health and quality of life, in the specific occupational and organizational context. Theoretical approaches, methods and tools for organizational diagnosis and the design of interventions to promote organizational well-being will be presented.
The course deals with two thematic modules:
- In the first part, paradigms and intervention perspectives in the field of occupational health psychology and organizational well-being will be presented. Explored topics will be: the sustainability of working life in the life cycle, the relationship between psychophysical health and work, and the role that people, work teams and organizations have in risk management and accident prevention.
- In the second part, theoretical tools and methodologies for the analysis of the organizational well-being will be provided, to carry out a check of the "health status" of an organization and to identify areas of strength and areas to monitor, with the aim to design a finalized action plan to improve the person-work context relationship. Topics related to psychosocial risks and emerging risks, work-related stress and burnout will be addressed.

Testi Adottati

1) Fraccaroli, F. & Balducci, C. (2011). Stress e rischi psicosociali nelle organizzazioni. Bologna, Il Mulino.

2) Prati, G., & Pietrantoni, L. (2013). Perchè accadono gli incidenti? Roma, Carocci.

The slides presented during the lectures are part of the course syllabus. Therefore, they will be included in the exam.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento


Modalità Erogazione

The course will consist in 36 hours of lectures, supported by slides, audio-video materials and scientific articles. Classes will be based on a strong interaction between teacher and students, group discussions and group works. Attending and non-attending students can register on the course page on the "Formonline" platform and access the slides and other teaching materials used during the classes. In the event of an extension of the health emergency related to COVID-19, the lessons will be delivered remotely through slides with synchronous lectures (live events) on the Microsoft Teams platform.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not compulsory but highly recommended.

Modalità Valutazione

The final evaluation will be carried out through an oral exam with minimum three questions on the topics included in the full syllabus. Each answer is rated with a score from 0 to 30 and the overall rating is calculated as a mathematical average. Aspects of knowledge and ability to reason and methodological choice in relation to the application hypothesis, together with the language property, will be considered. The oral questions test the students' ability to understand and communicate both general and specific concepts of the discipline, including analytical and methodological aspects. In case of an extension of the health emergency related to COVID-19, the exam will take place through an audio-video conference with the use of the Microsoft Teams software.