The frequency of the course will enable students to learn the general characteristics of digital training, in relation to its history and application of the same identifying the educational paradigms (with particular reference to instructional and constructional point of view) that underlie the different types of training in e-learning and focusing on the communicative mediation online understood as support and facilitation in the relational activities. Furthermore it will be designed a personal ePortfolio in the per-spective of Training and Professional Guidance.
By the study of Network Communications the student will be able to achieve the fol-lowing training objectives:
- Knowledge and understanding: Learn the general characteristics of digital training, in relation to its history and application of the same; Identify the different educational paradigms; to Know the use of ePortfolio and Coppertaive Learning online.
- Applying knowledge and understanding: Understand and apply the practices of peer-tutoring and Coppertaive Learning online; Know and use the Mahara platform for the building of ePortfolio.
- Making judgements: Recognize the cultural and structural obstacles to the dynam-ics of communication online.
- Communication skills: Focus the size of communicative mediation online under-stood as support and facilitation of relational activities; Carrying out online group, aimed at research, study, simulation of professional contexts; Analyze situations of training in network implemented in the field by detecting strengths and weaknesses.
- Learning skills: Use the web to search for documentation; Develope meta-cognitive processes trough the ePortfolio adn Cooperative Learning online.
scheda docente | materiale didattico

Fruizione: 22910224 Comunicazione di rete in Scienze pedagogiche e scienze dell'educazione degli adulti e della formazione continua LM-85 (docente da definire)