The educational objectives of this laboratory are the acquisition of knowledge and mainly the practical skills in non-verbal communication and in identifying and interpreting indicators for lie detection, especially in the investigative fields and socio-educational interview.
By the study of Laboratory for lie detection and nonverbal communication the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
- Understanding the psychological and social significance of lying in meaningful social contexts
- To know and interpret the objective and subjective indicators of lie, that is those indicators verified empirically and detected by experts and those considered as such by common sense.
- To analyze the channels of nonverbal communication and the interconnection between them
- To observe, codify and interpret the verbal and nonverbal signals of the lying communication
- To acquire communication skills in the different channels of interpersonal communication
- To identify in autonomous manner the application contexts of the knowledge acquired in social, legal and educational fields.
The teaching is connected with juridical and community psychology.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


The exam program includes a part on the recognition of lies during interviews and a part on non-verbal communication.
The types of lies, motivations and emotional aspects will be analyzed.
The verbal and non-verbal indices for the lie detection will be presented, with particular reference to the non-verbal ones, which will be studied in depth in the second part of the laboratory.

Testi Adottati

Books for the exam
Caso, Palena, 2022. Interrogare. Metodi e strategie per la raccolta delle informazioni e la valutazione della credibilità. Il Mulino
M. Bonaiuto e F. Maricchiolo. Comunicazione non verbale, Roma: Carocci.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento


Modalità Erogazione

Teaching is mainly in the presence. Some activities could be planned online

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance at lessons is not mandatory, but strongly recommended. Those who decide to attend will be required to carry out assigned tasks in the second part of the workshop.

Modalità Valutazione

The exam will take place in oral form. Practical work may be required to those who have attended seminar workshops

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 22910228 LABORATORIO DI LIE DETECTION E COMUNICAZIONE NON VERBALE in Coordinatore dei servizi educativi e dei servizi sociali LM-50 MARICCHIOLO FRIDANNA


The exam program includes a part on the recognition of lies during interviews and a part on non-verbal communication.
The types of lies, motivations and emotional aspects will be analyzed.
The verbal and non-verbal indices for the lie detection will be presented, with particular reference to the non-verbal ones, which will be studied in depth in the second part of the laboratory.

Testi Adottati

Books for the exam
Caso, Palena, 2022. Interrogare. Metodi e strategie per la raccolta delle informazioni e la valutazione della credibilità. Il Mulino
M. Bonaiuto e F. Maricchiolo. Comunicazione non verbale, Roma: Carocci.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento


Modalità Erogazione

Teaching is mainly in the presence. Some activities could be planned online

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance at lessons is not mandatory, but strongly recommended. Those who decide to attend will be required to carry out assigned tasks in the second part of the workshop.

Modalità Valutazione

The exam will take place in oral form. Practical work may be required to those who have attended seminar workshops