The educational objectives of this course concern the acquisition of knowledge of the fields of action of legal and community psychology in legal, regulatory, and educational and social contexts and the application to broader and more complex social contexts, as well as the development of competences for the recognition of conflicts in interdependent groups and the constructive rather than destructive management/mediation of the same within groups and communities.
By the study of : Legal and community psychology the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
- Understand what legal and investigative psychology deals with, the regulatory context, and what are the applicative implications of the discipline with particular reference to aspects of social problems;
- Know the applicative contexts of legal psychology with references to expert evaluation and report, risk assessment and psychosocial interventions with children and adult victims and offenders.
- Acquisition of the key concepts of community psychology.
- Identification of the differentiation between conflict and violence.
- Distinction between management of constructive conflict, which leads to change in social balance, and destructive conflict management, which instead results in violence.
- Develop autonomy in assessing conflict situations and applying the reflection skills acquired in the management and management of groups within educational contexts and social services
The teaching is connected with the Laboratory of Lie detection and non-verbal communication.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


The program is divided into two parts which concern (1) elements of legal psychology and (2) elements of community psychology, with particular attention to the areas of research and application.

(1) elements of legal psychology
History and definitions
Applications of psychology in the legal field
The role of the legal psychologist
The honorary judge
Investigative psychology
The child witness
Support to parenting and child protection

(2) elements of community psychology
History and definitions
Theoretical approaches
Levels and methodologies of investigation
Action research
Community interventions
Social intervention planning
Evaluation of the interventions
Practical applications

Testi Adottati

Ciappi S. & Pezzuolo S. (a cura di) (2020), Psicologia giuridica. La teoria, le tecniche, la valutazione, Hogrefe Editore. (ONLY chaps. 1, 4, 7, 10, 11, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31).
MASSIMO SANTINELLO, ALESSIO VIENO, MICHELA LENZI. (2018). Fondamenti di psicologia di comunità. Il Mulino. (Chap. 1, 4, 5, 6 e 7).

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Van Ness, D., & Strong, K. H. (2014). Restoring justice: An introduction to restorative justice. Routledge.

Modalità Erogazione

During traditional lessons, students will involved in reflections on application of Psicology in Legal and Community contest and on professional relationship with all the professionist in those fields, though individual reflessions, examples of good practices, in connection with literature ans scientific research. Lessons with esperts may be provided.

Modalità Frequenza

Class attendance is not mandatory, but strongly recommended. Credits will be granted for participation in cultural initiatives proposed by the teacher

Modalità Valutazione

The exam will be oral. Questions will be addressed to ascertain the knowledge acquired. The general knowledge for the investigation methodologies of psychological intervention in the legal and community fields.

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 22910227 PSICOLOGIA GIURIDICA E DI COMUNITÀ in Coordinatore dei servizi educativi e dei servizi sociali LM-50 MARICCHIOLO FRIDANNA


The program is divided into two parts which concern (1) elements of legal psychology and (2) elements of community psychology, with particular attention to the areas of research and application.

(1) elements of legal psychology
History and definitions
Applications of psychology in the legal field
The role of the legal psychologist
The honorary judge
Investigative psychology
The child witness
Support to parenting and child protection

(2) elements of community psychology
History and definitions
Theoretical approaches
Levels and methodologies of investigation
Action research
Community interventions
Social intervention planning
Evaluation of the interventions
Practical applications

Testi Adottati

Ciappi S. & Pezzuolo S. (a cura di) (2020), Psicologia giuridica. La teoria, le tecniche, la valutazione, Hogrefe Editore. (ONLY chaps. 1, 4, 7, 10, 11, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31).
MASSIMO SANTINELLO, ALESSIO VIENO, MICHELA LENZI. (2018). Fondamenti di psicologia di comunità. Il Mulino. (Chap. 1, 4, 5, 6 e 7).

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Van Ness, D., & Strong, K. H. (2014). Restoring justice: An introduction to restorative justice. Routledge.

Modalità Erogazione

During traditional lessons, students will involved in reflections on application of Psicology in Legal and Community contest and on professional relationship with all the professionist in those fields, though individual reflessions, examples of good practices, in connection with literature ans scientific research. Lessons with esperts may be provided.

Modalità Frequenza

Class attendance is not mandatory, but strongly recommended. Credits will be granted for participation in cultural initiatives proposed by the teacher

Modalità Valutazione

The exam will be oral. Questions will be addressed to ascertain the knowledge acquired. The general knowledge for the investigation methodologies of psychological intervention in the legal and community fields.