22910200 - History of peace

Il corso prende in esame le trasformazioni profonde e pervasive dell’economia e della società tra Ottocento e Novecento, dalla prima, alla seconda e alla terza rivoluzione industriale. Una particolare attenzione deve essere rivolta all’origine, lo sviluppo e la deriva dello Stato sociale nello specifico caso italiano.
The course aims to offer students the tools to understand the historical and social dynamics of the contemporary age, with specific reference to the themes of peace and conflict resolution. The aim of the course is to promote a reflective, analytical, logical and planning attitude in the students, available for group work. The course promotes the ability to design and plan interventions in favor of peace.
By attending the History of Peace course, the student will be able to achieve the following educational goals.
Knowledge and understanding: Knowledge of the historical dynamics of the contemporary age, with specific reference to the themes of peace and conflict resolution; ability to understand complex historical situations, with different institutional and non-institutional actors;
Applying knowledge and understanding: To be able to conceive and plan interventions in favor of peace, through the ability of working in groups; to be able to conceive strategies of action in problematic situations that require peaceful mediation;
Making judgements: Being able to elaborate an autonomous judgement on the situations in which one is called to intervene; being able to make decisions in complex situations.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The twentieth century was the most violent century in history. The century of the genocides, that of the world wars, of the nuclear weapon, of the ideological clash. Faced with so many conflicts, men, societies, cultures, religions have produced answers and actions to restore peace and coexistence and to promote development: paths of reconciliation - sometimes inadequate, sometimes courageous -, institutions, social and legal innovations. After analyzing the factors underlying collective violence - nationalism, authoritarianism, racism, propaganda, economic inequality - The course will reconstruct some of the pacification paths by placing them in the geopolitical and cultural scenarios in which they were produced, from post-World War II Europe to the non-European world of decolonisation.
Particular attention will be devoted to the analysis of African conflicts and initiatives to end, pacify and reconcile. The issue is addressed from an historical, geopolitical and social point of view. The recent phenomena of religious terrorism and the commitment of various subjects to their stigmatization and isolation will then be examined.
The course will be structured around the analysis of three types of topics:
- Historical moments and events of particular importance in the evolution of the dynamics of conflict and pacification in the twentieth century;
- Personalities and movements who, during the twentieth century, gave a meaningful contribution contributed to the construction of a peace-building culture and the elaboration of strategies for peace;
- Key processes that contributed to defining the main conflict dynamics in the twentieth century and the ways in which they were addressed.

Testi Adottati

The textbook is:

A. Riccardi, Il grido della pace, San Paolo, 2023.

Final examination for attending students (those who have attended at least 25 out of 36 hours of classes) will be based on notes from the classes and a full reading of the textbook.

Non-attending students will have to study the following chapters of L. Goglia, R. Moro, L. Nuti, "Guerra e pace nell'Italia del Novecento", Il Mulino, 2006.-Introduzione
-Guerra, Stato e nazione dalla prima alla seconda guerra mondiale
- Il sogno della grande potenza
-La guerra del fascismo
- All of the chapters of the second part of the book: “L’eredità della guerra”
- I cattolici italiani tra pace e guerra: dall’inizio del secolo al Concilio Vaticano II
- Pace e integrazione: l’Italia tra Stati Uniti e CEE
- L’Italia e la vie europea alla pace

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

De Giorgi, Fulvio (a cura di), Cantieri di pace nel Novecento. Figure, esperienze e modelli educativi nel secolo dei conflitti, Il Mulino, 2018 Riccardi, Andrea, La forza disarmata della pace - Movimento pensiero cultura, Jaca Book, 2017 Giro, Mario, Guerre nere. Guida ai conflitti nell'Africa contemporanea, Guerini e Associati, 2020 Giro, Mario,Trame di guerra e intrecci di pace. Il presente tra pandemia e deglobalizzazione, Seb27, 2022 Bravo, Anna, La conta dei salvati. Dalla Grande Guerra al Tibet: storie di sangue risparmiato, Laterza, 2013 Morozzo Della Rocca, Roberto, Fare Pace. La diplomazia di Sant'Egidio, San Paolo, 2020

Modalità Erogazione

In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will be applied: distance teaching delivered in synchrony.

Modalità Frequenza

Students willing to take the exam as attending students are required to be present at at least 70% of the lessons, i.e. 25 hours out of 36.

Modalità Valutazione

Verification of learning takes place through the performance of an oral test aimed at evaluating the knowledge of the topics covered in the exam texts as well as the presentation and synthesis skills of the student.