The course aims to provide an understanding of the main sociological theories about the family and the generativity and their connections with the theoretical and methodological contributions developed in the analysis of social networks. Particular attention is given to the ability to apply the network approach (primary and secondary) in the field of social cohesion in relation to families and margina-lity.
By the study of Families and Social Networks the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives:
- knowledge and understanding: to acquire familiarity with complex concepts in the context of transformations of family models, of the characteristics of social networks and of the related processes of generativity in relation to social capi-tal in marginal contexts.
- appling knowledge and understanding: to analyze case studies on the role of the family on the formation of social networks, social capital and marginality;
- making judgments: to orientate critically between the different approaches concerning family and network models, marginality and the paradigms of generativity in the processes of formation of social capital;
- communication skills: to develop lexical and conceptual tools necessary for the study of family sociology and social network approaches and useful for acquiring oral and writing skills;
- Learning skills: critical and reflexive self-learning ability and study organization at individual and group level.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The family as a system, as a source of fiduciary relationships and networks, is the perspective through which so much to analyze the changes in society, the phenomenon of anomie, crumbling solidarity as the marginality of material and immaterial problems of the contemporary family. Particular attention is given to the relationship between the theory of individualization, the family transformation primarily and the generativity of social bonds. To this purpose we refer to the theory of social capital as a primary source of family and social networks. In this context, it analyzes the theory of networks as an analytical concept and social resource through the paradigm of generativity. It is an analysis that aims to highlight the role of networks in producing social well-being, in 'implement the process of social support, in responding to the marginalization processes and in determining Community regeneration processes and relational. Second it is analyzed the quality of primary and secondary networks in generating social cohesion inclusive or exclusive especially compared to households and marginal. This also implies a reflection on the role and social role of intervention in relation to the family no longer seen as isolated atom or as the subject of consumption but as a complex system that is in network with other families in the neighborhood, in services, in schools, educational spaces and socialization, central interlocutors to build a supportive community.
With regard to application, the course aims to provide examples of quantitative and qualitative studies, encouraging micro research on topics covered in the course.
The course also intends to consider quantitative and qualitative researches about families and social networks.
• The family and the sociological research;
• The sociological definition of family;
society individualization and new families;
• The concept of social generativity;
• Family, marginalization and family networks;
• Social cohesion and social networks;
• The network resources: gift and reciprocity;
• Families and primary capital;
• primary and secondary networks and social capital;
• networks and social support;
• Third network sector and intervention;
• Margins, families and social networks;
• Privatization of family life: the crisis of sociability;
• Design and operation of networks in the peripheral and marginal contexts
• Family, preteens, generative and degenerative processes of social and civic spaces.

Testi Adottati

Saraceno, C., Coppie e famiglie, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2016, pp.33-69, pp. 131-160.
Beck, U., I rischi della libertà. L'individuo nell'epoca della globalizzazione, Il Mulino, Bologna, capp.1, 3, 5.
Giardiello, M., Riconsiderare la coesione sociale e l’integrazione civica nella prospettiva della generatività sociale, Scienze e Ricerca, 37, 2016, pp.22-34 (disponibile su formonline);
Scabini E., Manzi C., Famiglia, identità e rapporti tra le generazioni, in P. Catellani a cura di , Identità e appartenenza nella società globale, Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2005, pp.73-102 (file scaricabile dalla bacheca docenti in documenti);
Giardiello, M., Sociologia della marginalità. Il contributo di Gino Germani, Carocci, Roma 2012.

Testi di approfondimento (uno a scelta)

S. Mazzucchelli, S. Nanetti, A. Scisci, Le nuove dinamiche partecipative delle famiglie in Italia e in Europa, Quaderni del Centro Famiglia, Vita e Pensiero, 2020;
S. Piccone Stella, L. Salmieri, Convivere in Italia. La famiglia fuori dal matrimonio, Carocci, 2016
M. Magatti, C Giaccardi, Generativi di tutto il Mondo Unitive ! Manifesto per la società dei liberi, Feltrinelli, 2014
L. Pasqualotto, Rendere generativo il lavoro sociale, Meridiana, 2016
B.C., Han, La scomparsa dei riti. Una tipologia del presente, Nottetempo, Milano, 2021
A.L. Zanatta, Nuove madri e nuovi padri, Il Mulino, 2011.
F. Folgheraiter, La cura delle reti. Nel Welfare delle relazioni (oltre i Piani di zona), Erickson.
A. Sapio, Famiglie reti familiari e cohousing. Verso nuovi stili del vivere, del convivere e dell’abitare, FancoAngeli, 2015.
A. Censi, Nuove Famiglie, in Censi A., Famiglia e Sociologia. Dai Classici al pensiero contemporaneo, Pearson, Milano, 2014 (disponibile su formonline).

Modalità Erogazione

The learning assessment takes place through an oral test lasting 20 minutes. Should the emergency due to COVID19 persist, the exams will be carried out remotely using the Microsoft Teams platform .

Modalità Frequenza

Class attendance is not mandatory but highly recommended

Modalità Valutazione

The learning assessment takes place through an oral test lasting 20 minutes. Should the emergency due to COVID19 persist, the exams will be carried out remotely using the Microsoft Teams platform .