The course aims to consolidate the grammatical skills through the study of the syntax of the verb, to consolidate the four language skills and to broaden the vocabulary. Through the study of the works of Antonio Machado and Federico García Lorca, the course will offer an overview of the socio-cultural context that led to the civil war.

The student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives:
 Knowledge and understanding: develop the four linguistic skills until the B1 level of the common European framework of reference for languages. Knowledge of the historical period preceding the Spanish Civil War and the figures of Antonio Machado and Federico García Lorca.
 Applying knowledge and understanding: capacity to understand and produce a written or oral B1 level text in Spanish. Capacity to understand a literary text
 Making judgements: Reflections on the methodologies of learning foreign languages.
 Communication skills: knowledge of metalanguage related to language learning.
 Learning skills: Knowledge of the methodologies for self-learning.


scheda docente | materiale didattico

Fruizione: 22902243 LINGUA E CULTURA SPAGNOLA 6 CFU LM 85 in Scienze pedagogiche e scienze dell'educazione degli adulti e della formazione continua LM-85 N0 CASTORINA ANTONIO


The course is divided into a grammatical part and a cultural part

it requires previous knowledge of Spanish language at A2 level:

The grammar is based on Spanish verbal syntax and vocabulary building, specifically:

use of the indicative;
use of the subjunctive;
use of the conditional;
use of the gerund;
use of the participle;
use of the imperative;
use of the infinitve;
main phrasal verbs.

The cultural part is based on the life and work of Antonio Machado and Federico Garcia Lorca through the reading and translation of their works.

Grammatical part:
assessment of knowledge of verbal syntax through the translation of short
phrases from Italian

Cultural part:
After demonstrating knowledge of the lives and poetry of the two authors, the candidates will be required to read and translate poems on the list accompanied by a reflection on the poetic message. A short essay in Spanish on one of the two authors chosen by the student is also required.

Testi Adottati

The poems can be downloaded from the website:

For the life and work of Antonio Machado consult the following websites:

Modalità Erogazione

The course will be held in presence

Modalità Frequenza


Modalità Valutazione

The evaluation will take place through an oral test

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Fruizione: 22902243 LINGUA E CULTURA SPAGNOLA 6 CFU LM 85 in Scienze pedagogiche e scienze dell'educazione degli adulti e della formazione continua LM-85 N0 CASTORINA ANTONIO


The course is divided into a grammatical part and a cultural part

it requires previous knowledge of Spanish language at A2 level:

The grammar is based on Spanish verbal syntax and vocabulary building, specifically:

use of the indicative;
use of the subjunctive;
use of the conditional;
use of the gerund;
use of the participle;
use of the imperative;
use of the infinitve;
main phrasal verbs.

The cultural part is based on the life and work of Antonio Machado and Federico Garcia Lorca through the reading and translation of their works.

Grammatical part:
assessment of knowledge of verbal syntax through the translation of short
phrases from Italian

Cultural part:
After demonstrating knowledge of the lives and poetry of the two authors, the candidates will be required to read and translate poems on the list accompanied by a reflection on the poetic message. A short essay in Spanish on one of the two authors chosen by the student is also required.

Testi Adottati

The poems can be downloaded from the website:

For the life and work of Antonio Machado consult the following websites:

Modalità Erogazione

The course will be held in presence

Modalità Frequenza


Modalità Valutazione

The evaluation will take place through an oral test