By the study of Occupational Medicine the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
- Knowledge and understanding: acquire the basics of knowledge and understanding of the close relationship between the work environment, health and the living environment.
- Applying knowledge and understanding: be able to recognize the risks and problems concerning health and safety in the workplace and know how to deal with them and solve them.
- Making judgements: thanks to the training received, being able to independently assess the risks and choices to be made in the area of safety and health in the workplace.

- Communication skills: knowing how to talk with work colleagues and users, even about problems related to safety and health in the workplace, is a sure improvement / increase in the communication skills of the student / worker.
- Learning skills: perfect their training thanks to the learning of concepts and procedures in the field of safety and health in the workplace, with which they will be confronted on a daily basis once inserted in the working mode.