The teaching points to ensure the knowledge about the of the «active citizenship» phenomenon, either at the
conceptual level or under the point of view of the concrete actions of the social or-ganizations which are recognized as the actors playing the leading role in the pro-cess of change within social, political, economic
systems and institutions at the aim of promoting and protecting human and civil rights, supporting the most
vulnerable in society and and taking care for Common Goods.
By the study of Theories and practices of active citizenship the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
- Knowledge and understanding:
The student will be able to single out and to describe the main «active citizenship» organizations among public and private actors, in reference to any actions made with either the advocacy promoters or services managers and with particular regard to their role in the transformation of democratic regimes and of the welfare systems.
- Applying knowledge and understanding:
The experience gained through the course activities are expected to help students educators and social workers to develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values required to effectively contribute to the active citizenship.
- Making judgements:
The student will be able to acquire a capacity for critical interpretation of foundation-al concepts such as citizenship and human rights, education, children’s rights, de-mocracy at school and in the social contexts, tolerance and the problem of low edu-cational achievements of pupils from socially disadvantaged backgrounds.
- Communication skills:
The student will be able to get abilities and skills in order to express complex politi-cal, social and juridical situations by acquiring new communication skills.
- Learning skills:
The student will be able to acquire the knowledge of the main theoretical and apply-ing issues about the active citizenship category in the context of the Italian and Eu-ropean society.
How to link with other teachings
The connection with the teachings of Social History and History of Europe and the Community institutions is recommended.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course program is structured in three parts.
The first aims: to illustrate the evolution of the concept of citizenship as a phenomenon, highlighting factors of crisis and transformation; to deepen the main theoretical-conceptual nodes of the category of "citizenship": identity, rights and duties, participation.
The second part is dedicated to the identification and description of active citizenship organizations, as promoters of advocacy actions and service managers, considered in their system of relations with public and private actors, with particular reference to their role in the transformation. democratic regimes and welfare systems. To this end, some concrete initiatives of active citizenship will be presented during the course, told in the classroom by the protagonists.
The third part, on the other hand, relates to an exercise, to be carried out in a group, with the aim of planning an initiative of active citizenship to be held in an education or social context.

Testi Adottati

Moro G. (et al.), La cittadinanza in Italia, una mappa, Carocci Editore, 2022.
Alì M. (a cura di), Conoscenza, competenza, creatività, crescita. Il capitale immateriale per l'Italia di domani, Editori Laterza, 2021.

Modalità Erogazione

The course is divided into face-to-face lessons, according to the indicated calendar. Both during the lessons and on the platforms (FORMONLINE and TEAMS) will be offered: introductions to the topics, in-depth materials, tools and resources to carry out group work. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will be applied: the lessons will take place on the TEAMS platform and will be accompanied by workshops proposed on FORMONLINE.

Modalità Frequenza

The course is face-face. Lessons take place during the second semester, on Thursdays, from 10.00 to 13.00. The program for non-attending students is the same.

Modalità Valutazione

Student learning is assessed through a final oral exam. The objective is to verify with the student the degree of maturity of the theoretical-conceptual wealth of knowledgeacquired, thanks to individual in-depth study and reflection, and of the skills acquired thanks to team work, in terms of analytical and critical thinking. During the exam, group work is also discussed with those attending, with a focus on the personal contribution given.