The course aims to know, critically, the methods and tools for the design and evaluation applied within the social services in the welfare and educational system.
It is therefore intended to describe the theoretical models of the design and evaluation of social policies and services and to orient students to evaluation practice as a reflective area of social work.
Knowledge and understanding: advanced knowledge in the field of sociological and political science theories to allow a capacity for analysing, designing and evaluating social services.

Applying knowledge and understanding: acquisition of skills for evaluating a social service and the social work;

Making judgements: promotion of a reflective, analytical, logical, planning attitude, available to team work in the design and evaluation activities;

Communication skills: experimenting and presenting of a monitoring and evaluation activity for a social intervention;

Learning skills: acquisition of advanced knowledge of the methods and techniques relating to the monitoring and evaluation of social interventions and social work.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course examines the theories and the categories of social evaluation. In the second part, an evaluation analysis project of a service or a social project will be defined.
The aim is to allow students to acquire theoretical and analytical skills which, in an analogical sense, have a reflection in practice for a theory of practice.

Testi Adottati

of your choise:
Mahzarin R. Banaji and Susan A. Gelman, Navigating the Social World: What Infants, Children, and Other Species Can Teach Us, Oxford Scholarship Online: May 2013
Deshun Li, Value Theory, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2014

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

It will be indicated during the lessons. For Erasmus students coming from Spain: https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/analisis/article/view/13140/10818 https://www.observatoriorealidadsocial.es/files/guia-evaluacion-politicas-sociales-ors-navarra-2020.pdf

Modalità Erogazione

Teaching will be carried out in a digital environment with synchronous lessons using the Microsoft Teams platform and in person (where possible) according to a defined calendar. The teaching will be participatory and will require direct involvement of the students

Modalità Frequenza

Students who continuously attend didactic activities are allowed to take a series of intermediate written tests.

Modalità Valutazione

The exam takes place in written form and in an oral exam. In the written part, the ability to analyse evaluative practice in social intervention services will be assessed. In the oral examination the lecturer will assess whether the student is able to reflect on the use of evaluative practice in the social work profession. The written part (paper or e-tivities) will be averaged with the oral part.