The aim of the course is to provide students with the theoretical framework and conceptual tools necessary to operate competently in the planning processes of local social services, in particular by using a strategic perspective based on go-vernance and participation.
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- Knowledge and understanding:
to analyze and competently describe the ways in which social planning pro-cesses are carried out in the territories, identifying in them the characteristics of the different models;
- Applying knowledge and understanding:
formulate proposals for the definition and implementation of the tools and processes that characterize social planning
- Making judgements:
-assess the appropriateness and quality of the programming processes ana-lyzed;
-propose appropriate actions to support social planning processes being acti-vated or in progress;
- Communication skills:
formulate with appropriate terminology and concepts proposals or assess-ments concerning the theoretical and operational foundations of social plan-ning.
- In terms of learning ability:
- to carry out in-depth studies on the topics dealt with, drawing appropriately on the field of studies and research in the sector.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course aims to provide students with the theoretical framework and the conceptual instrumentation necessary to be able to operate competently within the planning processes of territorial social services, in particular using a strategic perspective based on governance and participation. At the end of the course the student will be able to: analyze and describe in a competent way the ways in which social planning processes are carried out in the territories, identifying in them the characteristics of the different models; formulate proposals for the definition and implementation of the tools and processes that characterize social planning; evaluate the appropriateness and quality of the analyzed programming processes; propose suitable actions to support social planning processes in the process of being activated or in progress; formulate with appropriate terminologies and concepts proposals or evaluations concerning the theoretical and operational foundations of social programming.

The course is divided into three parts.

The first describes and discusses the concepts and tools that define the field of social programming. In particular, the following topics are covered: the principles and models of social programming; the peculiarities of social programming in local welfare; the concepts and practices of governance and participation; programming in a framework of outsourcing of services.

The second part illustrates the logic governing the outsourcing of services and the procedures by which outsourcing is carried out. In particular, the following topics are dealt with: the distinction between management and production of social services; the main tools for outsourcing (contracting out and cash for care); award procedures through the most economically advantageous offer; the possibility of using the agreement with the SB; the PPP scenario (public private partnership).

The third part presents the cornerstones of social planning and management of services in the model of the Lazio Region. In particular, the following topics are dealt with: the bodies and levels of social programming in the Regional Law 11/2016; the indications of the Regional Social Plan.

Testi Adottati

a) Burgalassi M., Politica sociale e welfare locale, Carocci, 2012
b) Giovannetti M, Gori C. e Pacini L., La pratica del welfare locale, Maggioli, 2014 (cap. 3)
c) Bertin G. e Fazzi L., La governance nelle politiche sociali in Italia, Carocci, 2010 (capp. 4 e 5)
d) Fazzi L., Co-progettazione e welfare locale in Italia: innovazione o ancora un caso di dipendenza da percorso?, in "Autonomie Locale e Servizi Sociali", 1, 2023, pp.119-135
e) Gualdani A., Il sistema delle esternalizzazioni nei servizi sociali: antiche questioni e nuove prospettive, “Federalismi. Rivista di Diritto Pubblico Italiano, Comparato, Europeo”, 2018
f) Legge Regionale 11/2016 per la realizzazione del sistema integrato di interventi e servizi sociali nella Regione Lazio
g) Piano Sociale Regionale “Prendersi cura, un bene comune” Delibera Consiglio Regionale 1/2019

Bibliografia Di Riferimento


Modalità Erogazione

The course takes place in the first semester. The teaching activities will be carried out in the classroom without any remote connection for streaming viewing. Ad hoc documentation will be prepared for students for whom it is possible to have materials to be viewed remotely. Attending students who will be interested will be offered group work under the guidance of the teacher. Adhering to the proposal and carrying out the required activities will reduce the consistency of the exam program and the number of questions the candidate must answer in the written test.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not mandatory but is still strongly encouraged.

Modalità Valutazione

The exam includes a written test and, after passing this, an oral test. The written test consists of 3 open-ended questions (one for each part of the program) for which a total of 30 minutes is available. The answers must be congruent with the questions posed in the questions. The proposed themes are deliberately wide-ranging and allow for articulated responses. Providing extremely essential answers will therefore lead to a penalty in the evaluation. The evaluation of the test will be carried out taking into account the merit of the contents inserted but also the form of the answer, so we invite you to pay attention to the composition of the text, which must be clear and correct from a logical and syntactic-grammatical point of view. The oral exam will take place in the days following the oral exam and will refer to the entire teaching program.