22902622 - English language laboratory 5th year

The laboratory class aims at the deepening of linguistic competencies concerning classroom management during the English lesson and the use of classroom English, particularly focusing on the hypothesis of introducing specific didactic techniques (CLIL, Content-based Learning and Task-based Learning).

Knowledge and understanding:
- Knowledge of the L2 learning/teaching perspectives and theoretical methods, particularly focusing on CLIL, Content-based Learning and Task-based Learning;
- Knowledge of the main professional aspects characterising an L2 teacher, also referring to organization, relationships and regulations (in particular CEFR and National Recommendations);
- Knowledge of IT instruments and technologies related to the didactics of an L2.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- Using L2 to create an authentic educational relationship, aiming at emotional-affective, socio-cultural and cognitive development in Infancy and Primary School;
- Planning and realizing education paths, using a variety of methodologies and organization solutions adequate both to the child’s development and the progression of his/her learning;
- Monitoring the didactic activity, also selecting and modulating assessment and evaluation instruments;
- Using L2 to create a comfortable and inclusive environment in the classroom, to foster the integration of disadvantaged learners and/or children belonging to different ethnic groups and cultures.
Making judgements:
Through the presentation of contents in a critical form, students will be motivated to:
- Activate their problem-solving abilities starting on the discussion of some case-studies, to interpret Infancy and Primary school children needs in a multicultural perspective;
- Use lateral and critical thinking strategies, consider alternative solutions to problems and make decisions in response to the children’s educational needs;
- Self-evaluate their professional and linguistic preparation, as well as the efficacy of their own didactic action.
Communication skills:
- Modulating verbal and non-verbal interaction to foster the integrated learning of language and communicative skills (welcoming; explaining experiences, concepts, and theories; motivating learning and supporting children in need, stimulating peer interaction);
- Presenting efficaciously the goals and nature of the didactic intervention;
- Using IT instruments in school context to foster and keep language learning up-to-date.
Learning skills:
- Developing a desire for professional improvement in a life-long learning perspective;
- Widening their methodologic-didactic culture in the field;
- Deepening contents and methods of L2 teaching, through continual upgrading and updating of discipline repertoires;
- Keeping both their own language mastering and professional improvement alive and up-to-date, through autonomous bibliographic research and participation to training/review courses.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course is structured as to allow the implementation of the students’ linguistic competences, requiring on the side of the student to develop a professional-oriented awareness of the L2 learning and teaching modalities.
Pre-reading and post-reading activities, reading and listening comprehension will stimulate the students’ reflection and discussion on general-interest themes and provide useful topics for class-work, both at written and oral level. The constant use of English in the classroom will be encouraged, and students will be fostered to noticing the differences and similarities between L2 and L1.
Students will also be required to put their skills into practice during the course developing some tasks, both in international projecs and eTwinning, under the supervision of the teacher and involving the whole classroom. Such practical approach allows students to engage in methodological discussions, contributing to the application of storytelling and CLIL as well.

Testi Adottati

- M. SLATTERY, J. WILLIS, English for Primary School Teachers, Oxford University Press, 2005
- P. LIGHTBOWN, N. SPADA, How Languages are Learned, Oxford University Press
- J. HARMER, How to Teach English, Pearson Longman, 2007
- M. MINNITI, Time In - English for Kids, available on ilmiolibro.it

Materials to be used during the Lab will be put on formonline.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Further materials (optional) will be implemented on the course on formonline

Modalità Erogazione

The lab is structured in a series of lessons followed by simulation activities in the classroom, based on the texts suggested and on materials given in class.

Modalità Frequenza

The course materials will be implemented on formonline; synchronous lessons will be delivered live or via Teams. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 emergency measures, all dispositions on the modalities of carrying out of the didactic activities / assessment of the students will be adopted. In particular, the course, available on formonline to support self-learning dynamics, will be integrated by live lessons on Teams.

Modalità Valutazione

The evaluation combines the tasks assigned during the lab with questionnaires of self/other evaluation proposed on the platform. At the end of the Lab, once all tasks have been correctly submitted, the students automatically obtain their grade. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 emergency measures, all dispositions on the modalities of carrying out of the didactic activities / assessment of the students will be adopted. In particular, the written test will be held online, via Teams/Moodle/Respondus (or any other device provided by and regulated by the Athenaeum).

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course is structured as to allow the implementation of the students’ linguistic competences, requiring on the side of the student to develop a professional-oriented awareness of the L2 learning and teaching modalities.
Pre-reading and post-reading activities, reading and listening comprehension will stimulate the students’ reflection and discussion on general-interest themes and provide useful topics for class-work, both at written and oral level. The constant use of English in the classroom will be encouraged, and students will be fostered to noticing the differences and similarities between L2 and L1.
Students will also be required to put their skills into practice during the course developing some tasks, both in international projecs and eTwinning, under the supervision of the teacher and involving the whole classroom. Such practical approach allows students to engage in methodological discussions, contributing to the application of storytelling and CLIL as well.

Testi Adottati

- M. SLATTERY, J. WILLIS, English for Primary School Teachers, Oxford University Press, 2005
- P. LIGHTBOWN, N. SPADA, How Languages are Learned, Oxford University Press
- J. HARMER, How to Teach English, Pearson Longman, 2007
- M. MINNITI, Time In - English for Kids, available on ilmiolibro.it

Materials to be used during the Lab will be put on formonline.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Further materials (optional) will be implemented on the course on formonline

Modalità Erogazione

The lab is structured in a series of lessons followed by simulation activities in the classroom, based on the texts suggested and on materials given in class.

Modalità Frequenza

The course materials will be implemented on formonline; synchronous lessons will be delivered live or via Teams. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 emergency measures, all dispositions on the modalities of carrying out of the didactic activities / assessment of the students will be adopted. In particular, the course, available on formonline to support self-learning dynamics, will be integrated by live lessons on Teams.

Modalità Valutazione

The evaluation combines the tasks assigned during the lab with questionnaires of self/other evaluation proposed on the platform. At the end of the Lab, once all tasks have been correctly submitted, the students automatically obtain their grade. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 emergency measures, all dispositions on the modalities of carrying out of the didactic activities / assessment of the students will be adopted. In particular, the written test will be held online, via Teams/Moodle/Respondus (or any other device provided by and regulated by the Athenaeum).

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course is structured as to allow the implementation of the students’ linguistic competences, requiring on the side of the student to develop a professional-oriented awareness of the L2 learning and teaching modalities.
Pre-reading and post-reading activities, reading and listening comprehension will stimulate the students’ reflection and discussion on general-interest themes and provide useful topics for class-work, both at written and oral level. The constant use of English in the classroom will be encouraged, and students will be fostered to noticing the differences and similarities between L2 and L1.
Students will also be required to put their skills into practice during the course developing some tasks, both in international projecs and eTwinning, under the supervision of the teacher and involving the whole classroom. Such practical approach allows students to engage in methodological discussions, contributing to the application of storytelling and CLIL as well.

Testi Adottati

- M. SLATTERY, J. WILLIS, English for Primary School Teachers, Oxford University Press, 2005
- P. LIGHTBOWN, N. SPADA, How Languages are Learned, Oxford University Press
- J. HARMER, How to Teach English, Pearson Longman, 2007
- M. MINNITI, Time In - English for Kids, available on ilmiolibro.it

Materials to be used during the Lab will be put on formonline.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Further materials (optional) will be implemented on the course on formonline

Modalità Erogazione

The lab is structured in a series of lessons followed by simulation activities in the classroom, based on the texts suggested and on materials given in class.

Modalità Frequenza

The course materials will be implemented on formonline; synchronous lessons will be delivered live or via Teams. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 emergency measures, all dispositions on the modalities of carrying out of the didactic activities / assessment of the students will be adopted. In particular, the course, available on formonline to support self-learning dynamics, will be integrated by live lessons on Teams.

Modalità Valutazione

The evaluation combines the tasks assigned during the lab with questionnaires of self/other evaluation proposed on the platform. At the end of the Lab, once all tasks have been correctly submitted, the students automatically obtain their grade. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 emergency measures, all dispositions on the modalities of carrying out of the didactic activities / assessment of the students will be adopted. In particular, the written test will be held online, via Teams/Moodle/Respondus (or any other device provided by and regulated by the Athenaeum).