Doing research is an essential knowledge tool in the educational professions. The course aims to give knowledge and skills related to the methodologies and techniques of empirical research in the educational-teaching field in order to find the most appropriate and effective solutions to the problems that educators and trainers encounter in the context in which they operate.
Knowledge and understanding:
- know the reference paradigms of research in education (quantitative approach and qualitative approach).
- know the methods of educational research
- know techniques and tools for data collection
- understand the role of educational research for the growth of school quality and pedagogical culture
- understand the theoretical foundations and peculiarities of didactic research
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- identify objectives, perspectives and strategies of didactic research
- detect, analyze, interpret and represent the data
Making judgements:
- construct research-based problem solving hypotheses
- evaluate the impact of research results on educational contexts
Communication skills:
- draw up a research report in a form that can be understood by teachers and educators
- simulate survey paths in groups
Learning skills:
- acquire a professional approach based on research and informed by research
- be able to access the relevant scientific literature
Knowledge and understanding:
- know the reference paradigms of research in education (quantitative approach and qualitative approach).
- know the methods of educational research
- know techniques and tools for data collection
- understand the role of educational research for the growth of school quality and pedagogical culture
- understand the theoretical foundations and peculiarities of didactic research
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- identify objectives, perspectives and strategies of didactic research
- detect, analyze, interpret and represent the data
Making judgements:
- construct research-based problem solving hypotheses
- evaluate the impact of research results on educational contexts
Communication skills:
- draw up a research report in a form that can be understood by teachers and educators
- simulate survey paths in groups
Learning skills:
- acquire a professional approach based on research and informed by research
- be able to access the relevant scientific literature
scheda docente
materiale didattico
Thematic cores:
- research and educational professions
- theoretical foundations and peculiarities of didactic research
- the reference paradigms of research in education (quantitative approach and qualitative approach)
- research planning
- methods and strategies of didactic research
- techniques and tools for data collection
BENVENUTO G. (2015). Stili e metodi della ricerca educativa. ROMA: CAROCCI
Doing research is an essential knowledge tool in the educational professions. The course aims to give knowledge and skills related to the methodologies and techniques of empirical research in the educational-teaching field in order to find the most appropriate and effective solutions to the problems that educators and trainers encounter in the context in which they operate.Thematic cores:
- research and educational professions
- theoretical foundations and peculiarities of didactic research
- the reference paradigms of research in education (quantitative approach and qualitative approach)
- research planning
- methods and strategies of didactic research
- techniques and tools for data collection
Testi Adottati
CALONGHI L. (a cura di) (Ristampa 2017). NEL BOSCO DI CHIRONE. Contributi per l’identificazione della ricerca didattica. Napoli: TECNODIDBENVENUTO G. (2015). Stili e metodi della ricerca educativa. ROMA: CAROCCI
Bibliografia Di Riferimento
- CALONGHI L. (a cura di) (Ristampa 2017). NEL BOSCO DI CHIRONE. Contributi per l’identificazione della ricerca didattica. Napoli: TECNODID - BENVENUTO G. (2015). Stili e metodi della ricerca educativa. ROMA: CAROCCIModalità Erogazione
The course includes 36 hours of lessons and workshops face-to-face.Modalità Frequenza
The course includes 36 hours of frontal teaching and in-person workshops on specific topics and fields of interest and offers theoretical-operational activities for the application of the knowledge acquired.Modalità Valutazione
The final assessment of learning will consist of an oral discussion (structured interview) aimed at verifying the level of knowledge and the ability to use knowledge and skills in real contexts. The duration of the test will be 15/20 minutes. At the end of the interview the final grade will be awarded. The final evaluation will take into account: - knowledge of the reference paradigms of educational research (quantitative approach and qualitative approach) - knowledge of the techniques and tools for data collection - the ability to detect, analyze, interpret and represent data - the ability to define objectives and strategies of educational research - the ability to draw up a research report
scheda docente
materiale didattico
Thematic cores:
- research and educational professions
- theoretical foundations and peculiarities of didactic research
- the reference paradigms of research in education (quantitative approach and qualitative approach)
- research planning
- methods and strategies of didactic research
- techniques and tools for data collection
BENVENUTO G. (2015). Stili e metodi della ricerca educativa. ROMA: CAROCCI
Mutuazione: 22910713 Metodi, strategie e strumenti della ricerca didattica in Scienze pedagogiche e scienze dell'educazione degli adulti e della formazione continua LM-85 CIRACI ANNA MARIA
Doing research is an essential knowledge tool in the educational professions. The course aims to give knowledge and skills related to the methodologies and techniques of empirical research in the educational-teaching field in order to find the most appropriate and effective solutions to the problems that educators and trainers encounter in the context in which they operate.Thematic cores:
- research and educational professions
- theoretical foundations and peculiarities of didactic research
- the reference paradigms of research in education (quantitative approach and qualitative approach)
- research planning
- methods and strategies of didactic research
- techniques and tools for data collection
Testi Adottati
CALONGHI L. (a cura di) (Ristampa 2017). NEL BOSCO DI CHIRONE. Contributi per l’identificazione della ricerca didattica. Napoli: TECNODIDBENVENUTO G. (2015). Stili e metodi della ricerca educativa. ROMA: CAROCCI
Bibliografia Di Riferimento
- CALONGHI L. (a cura di) (Ristampa 2017). NEL BOSCO DI CHIRONE. Contributi per l’identificazione della ricerca didattica. Napoli: TECNODID - BENVENUTO G. (2015). Stili e metodi della ricerca educativa. ROMA: CAROCCIModalità Erogazione
The course includes 36 hours of lessons and workshops face-to-face.Modalità Frequenza
The course includes 36 hours of frontal teaching and in-person workshops on specific topics and fields of interest and offers theoretical-operational activities for the application of the knowledge acquired.Modalità Valutazione
The final assessment of learning will consist of an oral discussion (structured interview) aimed at verifying the level of knowledge and the ability to use knowledge and skills in real contexts. The duration of the test will be 15/20 minutes. At the end of the interview the final grade will be awarded. The final evaluation will take into account: - knowledge of the reference paradigms of educational research (quantitative approach and qualitative approach) - knowledge of the techniques and tools for data collection - the ability to detect, analyze, interpret and represent data - the ability to define objectives and strategies of educational research - the ability to draw up a research report