Starting from the empirical approach that characterises research in education, the course will teach students to:

- learn and understand lifelong learning procedures through the study of research on adult education;

- apply qualitative and quantitative research projects aiming at studying adult education;

- make autonomous judgements on the interpretation of the research results;

- be able to explain the results of research to specialists and non-specialists;

- study and learn in an autonomous way models and procedures for adult education.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


"Experimental Education. Models and procedures for adult education" is a course for the students of "SEAFC" master's degree and is composed of a basic course (36 hours of lessons, 6 ECTS), a laboratory (18 hours of lesson, 3 ECTS) and a seminar (18 hours of lesson, 3 ECTS).
The course main objective is to teach students the theoretical and procedural aspects of research in adult education. Through the analysis of research in adult education, the course will focus on the historical and theoretical bases of experimental education from the origin until now; on the procedures for defining the research field, the methods and the data collecting tools, the data analysis and interpretation, the procedures for a critical revision of the hypotheses.
The laboratory and the seminar are integral parts of the course. The first will focus on international research on adult literacy; the latter will be devoted to reading and commenting on a classical text on education.
The whole course (lessons + laboratory + seminar) is worth 12 ECTS.

Testi Adottati

- for the lessons:
o C. Angelini, "Apprendere ad apprendere e capacità di comprensione della lettura. Il caso degli studenti adulti della Facoltà di Scienze della formazione dell'Università Roma Tre", Roma, Nuova Cultura, 2010.
o B. Vertecchi, "Manuale della valutazione. Analisi degli apprendimenti e dei contesti", Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2003. Only the last section, G. Agrusti (ed.), "Laboratorio di valutazione".
o In order for students to pass the exam, it is necessary to study also the materials that will be available on http://formonline.uniroma3.it/, in the private area. The login codes will be communicated both during the lessons and on the professor's web page.

- for the laboratory:
o B. Vertecchi (2014), "Percorsi di ricerca educativa. Gli editoriali di Cadmo", Milano, Angeli, pp. 41-59.
o G. Di Francesco (2014), PIAAC-OCSE. Rapporto nazionale sulle competenze degli adulti. ISFOL.
o OECD (2013), OECD Skills Outlook 2013: First Results from the Survey of Adult Skills. OECD Publishing.

Study materials for individual exercises will be provided by the professor.

- for the seminar:
o B. F. Skinner, "Tecnologia dell'insegnamento", prefazione di Pier Cesare Revoltella, Brescia: Editrice Morcelliana, 2019.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

- for the lessons: o C. Angelini, "Apprendere ad apprendere e capacità di comprensione della lettura. Il caso degli studenti adulti della Facoltà di Scienze della formazione dell'Università Roma Tre", Roma, Nuova Cultura, 2010. o B. Vertecchi, "Manuale della valutazione. Analisi degli apprendimenti e dei contesti", Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2003. Only the last section, G. Agrusti (ed.), "Laboratorio di valutazione". o In order for students to pass the exam, it is necessary to study also the materials that will be available on http://formonline.uniroma3.it/, in the private area. The login codes will be communicated both during the lessons and on the professor's web page. - for the laboratory: o B. Vertecchi (2014), "Percorsi di ricerca educativa. Gli editoriali di Cadmo", Milano, Angeli, pp. 41-59. o G. Di Francesco (2014), PIAAC-OCSE. Rapporto nazionale sulle competenze degli adulti. ISFOL. o OECD (2013), OECD Skills Outlook 2013: First Results from the Survey of Adult Skills. OECD Publishing.

Modalità Erogazione


Modalità Frequenza

Lessons will be held weekly, usually in one single day.

Modalità Valutazione

The final exam will be a 90-question, multiple choice test, lasting 90 minutes, and broken down as follows: - 30 questions on C. Angelini, Apprendere ad apprendere e capacità di comprensione della lettura. Il caso degli studenti adulti della Facoltà di Scienze della formazione dell'Università Roma Tre, Roma, Nuova Cultura, 2010; - 15 questions on B. Vertecchi, Manuale della valutazione. Analisi degli apprendimenti e dei contesti, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2003. Solo l’ultimo capitolo, G. Agrusti (a cura di), Laboratorio di valutazione; - 15 questions on the papers provided by the professor; - 15 questions on the laboratory La competenza alfabetica degli adulti; - 15 questions on the seminar Alle origini della tecnologia per la didattica. Mid-term exam In the month of April, 1st-year students can take a partial 30-question exam on a limited part of the programme (15 questions on the papers provided by the professor and 15 questions on Apprendere ad apprendere). The score will be added to the score they will get when they complete the exam, provided that the exam is completed within the summer session (June/July). In case the exam is not completed or is failed, from September on all students will have to take the whole exam.