The aim is to provide the skills to understand the content of images and works of art, through the perception analysis of the structural and compositional characteristics of the object.
Another aim is to be able to use this knowledge and to apply it, through a critical analysis, to the observation of new contexts and situations.
Lastly, the capacity to communicate the knowledge learned to other people.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The most relevant theoretical and methodological topics for the Psychology of the arts will be treated.
The psychological approach to the arts: the artist, the artwork and the viewer. Methods of study: the psychoanalysis of the art, Gestalt psychology, experimental aesthetics and neuroesthetics. Art, perception and visual communication: symmetry, balance, rhythm, dynamics, expression. The relationship between visual and auditory perception, images and music. The aesthetic experience. The museum fruition.

Testi Adottati

1) Mastandrea, S. (Nuova Edizione di prossima pubblicazione), "Psicologia dell’arte", Carocci (studiare Nuova Edizione del libro perché ci sono parti che non erano presenti nella precedente Edizione).
2) Kandel, E. (2017). “Arte e neuroscienze. Le due culture a confronto”. Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano. Il libro va studiato TUTTO, TRANNE i Capitoli 3 e 4 (per maggiore chiarezza i capitoli 3 e 4 NON sono da studiare).

Modalità Erogazione

The course is articulated into 36 hours of lectures. In addition to the lectures, exercises will be proposed on topics, covered during the course, with the aim to lead the student to deep and and critical thinking.

Modalità Frequenza

Attending the lectures is not mandatory, but suggested

Modalità Valutazione

The exam is with multiple choice and open questions. The exam registration is mandatory