22910300 - Laboratorio regia e montaggio audio-video

Laboratory - direction and audio-video editing
Educational objectives:
The workshop aims to provide participants with basic operational knowledge on the principles of audio-video directing and editing. The acquired knowledge and skills will allow participants to use audio-video editing software for the creation of multimedia learning contents.
Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding: Participants will understand the principles of audio-video direction and editing and the basic functionalities of audio-video editing software.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Participants will be able to apply this knowledge to direct and edit multimedia learning contents.
Making judgements: Participants will be able to evaluate the methods of audiovisual organization of multimedia learning contents, according to the different needs and types of such contents.
Communication skills: Participants will be able to illustrate to teachers and to the other figures involved in the production of multimedia learning contents the best strategies for good results from the point of view of the audiovisual rendering of such contents.
Learning skills: Participants will be able to further develop their knowledge and skills in the field audio-video directing and editing and will be able to profit from user feedback in order to improve the quality of their work in this field.