22910299 - Laboratorio piattaforme digitali

Laboratory – On-line e-learning platforms
Educational objectives: The laboratory aims to provide participants with basic operational knowledge on the functioning of some among the most popular LMS (Learning Management System) and LCMS (Learning Content Management System) platforms. The knowledge and skills acquired will allow participants to select the most suitable platforms in different teaching and learning contexts and to use them both as end users and as back office managers.
Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding: Participants will understand the basic features and functionalities and the operating principles of some among the most popular LMS and LCMS platforms.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Participants will be able to apply the acquired knowledges in the management and use of the platforms used, both as user and as manager.
Making judgements: Participants will be able to evaluate, within the vast offer of e-learning platforms, the most suitable for specific teaching and learning needs and will be able to evaluate the best ways to organize and use the relevant learning content.
Communication skills: Participants will be able to illustrate the features and functionality of different platforms to non-expert teachers and students and will be able to provide competent advice on their choice and use; participants will also be able to use in the most suitable ways the communication tools offered within e-learning platforms.
Learning skills: Participants will be able to further develop their knowledge and skills in the field of e-learning platforms, and will be able to profit from user feedback in order to improve platform features and configurations.