22910295 - Diritto penale dell’informatica

Criminal Law of Information Technology

Educational objectives: The course aims to ensure knowledge of cyber-criminality phenomena and of the criminal law of Information Technology currently in force in Italy, with particular regard to the different categories of offenses provided for in the criminal code or in complementary legislation, to the criminal liability of internet service providers, website operators, online newspapers or blogs, both as individuals and as collective entities pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.
Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding: the student will know the structure of the different categories of cybercrimes and the related responsibilities of natural and legal persons.
Applying knowledge and understanding: the student will be able to understand the issues underlying the application of different cybercrimes and the articulation of the related responsibilities as addressed by the most recent jurisprudence.
Making judgements: the student will acquire autonomy of orientation and critical analysis skills in relation to criminal liability for cybercrimes so as to be able to make judgments on the adequacy of the current regulatory framework and on any regulatory intervention needs.
Communication skills: the student will be able to promote, through effective communication processes, knowledge of cybercrime phenomena and the analysis of the related risks for natural and legal persons.
Learning skills: the student will be able to identify, find and critically analyze regulatory texts, doctrinal sources and case law (leading cases) on computer crimes with particular regard to the most topical issues.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


Premised the reconstruction of the criteria for the attribution of criminal responsibility and administrative offense of the entity pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, the course has as its object the analysis of the structure of the following cases committed online and on the network: property crimes; family and relationship crimes; child pornography and sexual offenses; falsification of an electronic document; communications offenses; web defamation; computer damage; privacy offenses.

Modalità Frequenza

Mandatory attendance not required

Modalità Valutazione

Questions on the topics included in the textbook and learned in class