22910293 - Psicologia della percezione e delle arti

Psychology of perception and of the arts

Educational objectives:
The aim is to provide the skills to understand the content of images and works of art, through the perception analysis of the structural and compositional characteristics of the object. Another aim is to be able to use this knowledge and to apply it, through a critical analysis, to the observation of new media digital contexts. Lastly, the capacity to communicate the knowledge learned to other people.
Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding: The graduates student will be able to understand the languages used in various media. He will be aware of the cognitive and affective processes underlying the different forms of communication in digital media. He will demonstrate competence in different communication contexts, in understanding languages and in the user/media relationship
Applying knowledge and understanding: The graduate student will be able to apply the learned knowledge in the use of different forms of digital technologies in different communication contexts: training and learning processes, comparison between the different forms of traditional and multimedia languages. He will be able to apply the knowledge learned in the integrated design of the different forms of communication that takes into account images, text, symbols in a multimedia context.
Making judgements: The graduate student will be equipped with knowledge and skills that demonstrate independence of evaluation and judgment in the understanding and the interpretation of the various multimedia languages. He should be able to have a critical sense and possibly innovative capacity in the activities he will face.
Communication skills: The graduate student will be able to communicate efficiently in the various sectors in which he will plan interventions. An important aspect is to be able to manage networks of experts in both face-to-face and online activities. He will have different languages (verbal, visual, etc.) that will allow him to fully express his thoughts and the analysis of the systems he will use.
Learning skills: The graduate student will be able to use different methods, taught during the course, to update his/her knowledge in lifelong learning. This learning abilities must be demonstrated during the course of study and subsequently will allow him/her to apply the knowledge to the different systems that it will be used.
Modalities of connection with other courses: It would be advisable that the student had followed courses in Psychology of Education and Multimedia Learning, History of Education and Communication Processes and Sociology of Digital Media.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course is an introduction to the Psychology theoretical, methodological and research approaches, to understand the cognitive process of visual perception and psychology applied to the arts.
Basic elements to understand the functioning of our brain with particular reference to sensation and perception.
The course aims to address the theme of art and make it, if possible, more understandable through a psychological perspective. Structural and compositional characteristics of the artistic object will be addressed. The necessary skills will also be provided for the psychological analysis of the art object and the aesthetic experience with reference also to museum both through studies conducted and through specific visits in the museum context.
The psychological approach to the world of the arts will also be discussed: the artist, the object of art and the user. Four main topics will be: psychoanalysis of art, Gestalt psychology, experimental aesthetics and neuroesthetics.
Art, perception and visual communication: structural characteristics (line, shape and color), compositional characteristics (symmetry, balance, space, dynamism, expression).
The relationship between visual and auditory perception: images and music.

Testi Adottati

Mastandrea, S. (2017), “Psicologia della percezione”, Carocci.
Mastandrea, S. (2015), “Psicologia dell’arte”, Carocci.

Modalità Erogazione

The teaching will be of hybrid, face to face and online

Modalità Frequenza

Attending the lectures is not mandatory, but suggested

Modalità Valutazione

The exam will be oral