22910290 - English language (advanced course)

English language

Educational objectives:
The course aims to allow the development of the linguistic skills necessary to enact relational as well as communicative, and organisational abilities and competences acquired within the educational path of the CdLM on media education and distance learning. Furthermore, the course will propose the enhancement of linguistic skills and abilities allowing to understand, critically interpret, and use in original ways the languages of the technologies of communication, in order to analyse social texts and practises, to produce communicative texts, and to plan training and education paths.
Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding: the student will acquire the linguistic structures to sustain him or her in understanding: documentary sources of the mediatic production; contaminations of new narratives and new languages; cinema texts and audio-visual texts.
Applying knowledge and understanding: this student will be able to produce and analyse audio, video and cross-media texts, developing the ability to recognise and analysie gender formulas in cinema and audio visual texts, and to critically evaluate the linguistic medium in the conscious use of mass-media in the educational field.
Making judgements: the student will acquire linguistic competences aiming to: acquire critical sense, orientation autonomy, as well as capacities of analysing texts and audio-visual and multimedia products; formulate judgments on the planning, managing, and evaluation phases of educational interventions in media education perspective; perfecting the linguistic instruments of critical analysis of mass-media production.
Communication skills: the student will acquire linguistic competences aiming to: manage and spread information through efficacious communication processes; promoting communicative relationship; interacting in presence and online.
Learning skills: students will be able to: use language analysis tools and to apply them to learning methods developed to autonomously deepen and update their own knowledge; spot linguistic instruments and tools adequate to the synergic development of their linguistic, cultural and specialised competences in their professional field.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course is meant to provide a pragmatic approach to the language, showing in particular the cultural specific aspects of several different texts. The main aim of the course is to stimulate a reflection on some specific use of the language.

The reading of different types of narrative texts will allow the student to enrich his/her lexical and grammar-syntactical competences through constant exercise (pre-reading and post-reading activities, reading and listening comprehension), stimulating the students’ reflection and discussion on general-interest themes and providing useful topics for class-work both at written and oral level.

* N.B.: All changing concerning the program or the lessons, or any other news will be posted on the teacher’s page on the Department website.

For more information or further details, or to ask for an appointment, please contact the teacher via e-mail [raffaella.leproni@uniroma3.it].

Testi Adottati

R. Leproni (ed.) (2021). Women on Women. De-gendering perspectives. Milano, FrancoAngeli (Chapters of interest will be indicated during the course)

K. Robinson (2013). How to escape education's death valley. https://www.ted.com/talks/sir_ken_robinson_how_to_escape_education_s_death_valley

K. Robinson (2010). Changing education paradigms | TED Talk

M. Edgeworth (1817). Harrington (ch. 1-2-3) [any edition; free text available at http://www.online-literature.com/maria-edgeworth/harrington/]

** further reading and methodology texts and materials (mandatory) will be implemented on the course on formonline

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

** Grammar texts (optional): - Michael VINCE, Lelio PALLINI, English Grammar Practice for Italian Students, Macmillan & Heinemann OR . M. Foley, D. Hall, MyGrammarLab (Intermediate B1/B2), Pearson Education Limited, 2012 ** Further reading (optional) - Carol A. Chapelle; Shannon Sauro (eds.), The Handbook of Technology and Second Language Teaching and Learning, Wiley, 2017

Modalità Frequenza

The course materials will be implemented on formonline; synchronous lessons will be delivered live or via Teams. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 emergency measures, all dispositions on the modalities of carrying out of the didactic activities / assessment of the students will be adopted. In particular, the course, available on formonline to support self-learning dynamics, will be integrated by live lessons on Teams.

Modalità Valutazione

The written exam test consists in: (1) Reading Comprehension, (2) Language Skills Test to ascertain grammar, syntax and lexical-idiomatic competencies. Students documenting they have achieved B2 level through a CLA course or English placement test, or official certificates approved by the CLA, will be exempted from part (2) of the test (they still will have to face the Reading Comprehension). Marking is on x/30 basis; the exam is passed when obtaining 18/30 or more. In the case of a resurgence of the COVID-19 emergency measures, all dispositions on the modalities of carrying out of the didactic activities / assessment of the students will be adopted. In particular, tests will be held online, via Teams/Moodle/Respondus (or any other device provided by and regulated by the Athenaeum).