22910286 - Information and Media Law

Criminal Law of Cyber and Media Comunication
Educational objectives:
The course aims to tackle information and media law, with specific attention to be paid to new technologies. The aim of the course is to understand the influence of the technological evolution of information on constitutional rights (not only on the freedom of expression) and State organization, especially in the internet age.
Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding:
- know the information and media law, in its constitutional, primary or supranational dimension;
- know the influence of the technological evolution of information on constitutional rights and State organization.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- recognize the legal implications of the use of new technologies in the field of information and media.
Making judgements:
- develop the ability to critically evaluate the functioning of information and media, in the light of its legal framework.
Communication skills:
- acquire technical-legal language, at least in the field of information and media law.
Learning skills:
- develop the ability to observe the evolution of information and media, understanding the legal consequences of the use of different technologies.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


First part:
The Italian Constitution - Democracy and Constitutionalism - The protection of the fundamental rights

Second part:
Freedom of communication (art. 15 Cost.) - Freedom of speech (art. 21 Cost.) - Freedom of the press - The radio and television system: legislation and jurisprudence of the Italian Constitutional Court - Telecommunications - The Internet

Testi Adottati

Per la prima parte del programma:
V. Onida, La Costituzione, Nuova edizione a cura di M. Cartabia, Il Mulino, 2023

Per la seconda parte del programma:
P. Caretti - A. Cardone, Il diritto dell’informazione e della comunicazione nell’era dell’intelligenza artificiale. Stampa, radiotelevisione, telecomunicazioni, internet, teatro e cinema, Il Mulino, in corso di pubblicazione.

Modalità Erogazione

The lessons will be dedicated to the programme. Are also analyzed case law studies and latest developments about information and media law.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not compulsory but highly recommended

Modalità Valutazione

The exam includes the test in itinere, for students attending classes, and final oral exam. The exam checks the level of understanding of the basic concepts of information and media law. Students will answer questions asked about the program, with reference to the recommended texts and lectures. The evaluation ranges from a minimum of 18/30, corresponding to the basic knowledge of all parts of the program and technical language, to a maximum score of 30/30 and honors, which is equivalent to mastery of the topics, excellent language property, excellent analytical ability.