Educational objectives: The course of Educational and E-Learning Psychology aims to analyze the cognitive, metacognitive, emotional, motivational and relational processes involved in multimedia learning and their role in developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes of learners. Adopting the perspective of the Developmental and Educational Psychology, the features of learning and teaching through the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) will be highlighted, as well as effective approaches and strategies in different educational contexts.
Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding:
• of the psychological processes involved in multimedia learning.
• of the theoretical and methodological models of Educational Psychology explaining online and blended learning effectiveness.
• of the teacher's competencies in instruction with the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
Applying knowledge and understanding:
• on the design of educational and instructional interventions with the use of ICT;
• on the identification of educational models consistent with the characteristics and needs of the learning contexts.
• on the construction of the educational relationship in online environments.
Making judgements:
• in finding connections between psychological theories on distance learning and educational contexts;
• in evaluating technological innovations as a function of the advancement of research in Educational Psychology;
• in acquiring self-assessment competencies related to ICT skills.
Communication skills:
• in the specialized language of online environments;
• in modulating communication strategies in order to motivate and support learning and relationships;
• related to active listening and feedback.
Learning skills:
• related to basic and applied research in the field of Educational Psychology and ICT;
• related to Lifelong Learning on the psychosocial aspects involved in multimedia learning.