22910281 - Formazione nella società della conoscenza

Formation in the knowledge-based society

Educational objectives:
The course sets out to explore the concept of formation in the knowledge-based society in light of the revolution digital technology has operated by supplying pedagogic categories for coordination and planning of educational interventions in different professional areas, as well as for the setting up of online educational environments through cooperative and collaborative forms and styles, thus rethinking education in a complex and plural manner, for the common good.
Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding: At the end of the course the student will have matured knowledge regarding the transformations connected to the concept of formation in light of the arrival of new information technology in the knowledge-based society. Thus understanding the evolution of knowledge’s organization and of its construction and transmission, keeping the concept of common good as a paradigm and complexity as a challenge.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Through the critical and conscious use of communication technology, keeping in mind how distinctive present formation is, with its being continuous and diffuse, and reflecting on the real meanings of pedagogic work, at the end of the course the student will be able to choose and integrate the most suitable methodologies for setting up learning environments in the planning of formative paths.
Making judgements: At the end of the course the student will have matured autonomy in orienting him/herself in the analysis and construction of texts and audio-visual and multimedia products, evaluating ethic and social implications for the planning and managing of creative, expressive and partecipatory formation interventions.
Communication skills: At the end of the course the student will know how to organize effective communication within the coordination structures of socio-educational services, but also how to create a network among experts, choosing forms and products which can better add value to the processes.
Learning skills: Through a critical and conscious use of instruments and analysis, at the end of the course the student will know how to autonomously enhance and update his/her knowledge and professional competence, as well as knowing how to detect widespread formation needs while taking into account the results of the contemporary scientific and cultural debate.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course aims at exploring the concept of formation in present-day, multicultural, multiracial and globalized society to highlight how this concept has been transformed with the revolution operated by digital technologies, so as to build a new pedagogic lexis for the coordination and planning of educational and formative interventions in different professional settings.
The relationship between formation and complexity will be investigated in the first part and a more detailed study, will pause and reflect upon the importance of communication to rethink education in a plural, complex and interconnected technological world.
In the two part, which will be more workshop based, we will experiment how to transfer and build knowledge in the setting up online educational spaces, through cooperative and collaborative forms and style to train critical intelligence and counter stereotypical narratives on topical issues.

Testi Adottati

For Part I
Edgar Morin (2020), La sfida della complessità, Le Lettere, Firenze (edizione consigliata).
One book of your choice from:
Byung-Chul Han, Le non cose. Come abbiamo smesso di vivere il reale, Einaudi, Torino 2022.
Byung-Chul Han, Infocrazia. Le nostre vite manipolate dalla rete, Einaudi, Torino 2023.

For Part II
Text reading: Lilia Giugni, La rete non ci salverà. Perché la rivoluzione digitale è sessista (e come resistere), Longanesi, Milano 2020.
Per l'attività laboratoriale pagine scelte (pp. 22-29;65-75; 137-145) dal testo: M. Andreoletti, A. Tinteri, Apprendere con i giochi. Esperienze di progettazione ludica, Carocci editore, Roma 2023.

Modalità Erogazione

Mixed mode lectures (distance/in class) with case studies through work shop activities. Particularly, a teaching channel will be created on the Teams platform for lessons and a specific didactic space will be created on the Moodle platform (https://formonline.uniroma3.it/).

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is recommended and planned in blended mode (presence-distance) via the Teams platform. Students also have access to a teaching channel on the Moodle platform (https://formonline.uniroma3.it/) where materials are published and forums for in-depth teaching are animated. An asynchronous workshop activity also takes place on the same platform.

Modalità Valutazione

Oral interview on the scheduled texts.