22910280 - Progettazione didattica per l’e-learning e l’educazione mediale

Instructional design for e-learning and media education

Educational objectives:
The course is structured as follows: a theoretical part (6 CFU), a seminar for further study (3CFU) and a part based on workshop (3CFU). The course is meant as an introduction to the theoretical and methodological foundations of learning design starting from the different models developed from the second half of the last century. More specifically, the course will focus on the role of ICT in the design and development of online learning environments with practical examples developed also through workshop activities. The main models of media education related to formal education contexts will also be presented and discussed.
Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding:
- knowledge of the main educational design models with particular reference to the integrated use of digital environments;
- knowledge of and understanding the characteristics of environments and resources for online learning;
- knowledge of and understanding educational principles, models and practices related to the different approaches to media education.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- design and implement examples of learning units for online learning environments;
- knowing how to manage of the various resources of an online learning environment;
- analysis of the forms of media experience of students and definition of an educational intervention strategies for a critical approach to the use of media.
Making judgements:
- critically and independently evaluate the educational dimensions of digital environments for learning and multimedia products;
- analyzing and critically evaluating the pedagogical, ethical and social dimensions involved in planning and management of online training interventions and in media education.
Communication skills:
- promoting and managing effective communication processes in the context of socio-educational structures;
- promoting communication relationship for the construction of a network between experts-professional figures of the educational and training services in carrying out coordination, supervision and management. functions;
- Contributing to scientific dissemination processes in the field of e-learning and media education;
- interacting face-to-face and online, creating networks with other training and education operators.
Lifelong Learning skills:
- being able to identify the tools and training courses suitable for the development of students’ cultural and specialized knowledge and students’ professional skills.
- being able to use the tools of analysis and applying the learning methods developed to deepen and update students’ knowledge independently.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course is structured in blended mode with educational activities that will take place half in the classroom and half online and includes:
- a theoretical part (6 CFU) on didactic planning models with particular reference to the principles of multimedia learning and the design of environments and resources for online teaching;
- a seminar on media education processes in formal education systems
- an online laboratory on the design and implementation of didactic modules on the Moodle e-learning platform

Testi Adottati

Sancassani S. (e altri), La ricerca del giusto mezzo, Milano, Pearson, 2023
Ligorio M.B., Cacciamani S., Cesareni D., Didattica blended. Teorie, metodi ed esperienze, Milano, Mondadori, 2021
Mammarella N., Cornoldi C., Pazzaglia F., Psicologia dell'apprendimento multimediale. E-learning e nuove tecnologie, Bologna, il Mulino, 2005
Jenkins H., Culture partecipative e competenze digitali. Media education per il XXI secolo, Milano, Guerini scientifica, 2010
Further reading recommended during the course

Modalità Erogazione

The course will take place in blended mode with classroom and online activities on the Moodle e-learning platform

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance not compulsory but highly recommended

Modalità Valutazione

The final exam consists of an oral interview in which the student will have to demonstrate that they have acquired the contents developed within the course, know how to apply the knowledge in different training contexts and demonstrate that they are able to update their knowledge repertoires . The product created in the laboratory activities which consists of the design and creation of multimedia content for learning is the subject of evaluation.