22910254 - creative expressiveness laboratory

The aim of the laboratory is to develop students' knowledge and skills in the field of human creativity and the ways in which it can be expressed in the educational-didactic context. The basic assumption is that creativity is an essential component for implementing meaningful and inclusive teaching-learning relationships.

By participating in the Creative Expressiveness Laboratory, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives.

In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- knowledge and understanding of studies on creativity and of different interpretative models
- knowledge and understanding of the socio-cultural components that facilitate or hinder human creativity and its expression
- knowledge and understanding of the educational-didactic implications inherent in the creation of a creative school environment

In terms of applying knowledge and understanding:
- ability to identify the components of human creativity (also by means of self-analysis)
- ability to set up a classy environment characterized by creativity and freedom of expression
- ability to implement educational activities that promote creativity and open for the expressive creativity of individual students and the class group
- ability to manage improvisation in a creative way
- ability to use the different languages and mediators available as "keystones" of the creativity

In terms of independent judgment:
- ability to reflect on the actions taken and to modify them with a view to a progressive creative preparation of the classroom environment
- ability to analyze situations by grasping the explicit and implicit elements that hinder the creative expressiveness of the school, teachers and pupils
- ability to grasp the socio-cultural components that favor or hinder creative expressiveness

In terms of communication skills:
- be able to use the different languages and mediators to facilitate the inclusive processes involved in class life and school life in general
- be able to express one's creativity and to welcome and enhance the creativity of others

In terms of learning ability:
- demonstrate openness to one's own and others' creativity
- demonstrate readiness for experimentation and creative improvisation
- demonstrate creativity in the educational point of view
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The aim of the laboratory, which is among the activities chosen by the student, is to develop students' knowledge and skills in the field of human creativity and the ways in which it can be expressed in the educational-didactic context. The basic assumption is that creativity is an essential component for implementing meaningful and inclusive teaching-learning relationships.

Testi Adottati

Bruno Munari, Fantasia, Economica Laterza, Bari, 2017 (o altre edizioni)

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Educational tools given by the professor

Modalità Erogazione

The Lab provides group activities in the classroom and on line.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance at the Lab is not compulsory

Modalità Valutazione

Oral exam in which activities proposed by the teacher will also be evaluated for both attending and non-attending students