22910252 - Artistic-expressive audiovisual disciplines laboratory

The laboratory aims to provide students with skills related to different methods of film analysis, as well as the analysis of narratives and audiovisual products (fiction films, documentaries, TV series, web content). Through the screening and the analysis of films and other audiovisual texts, the laboratory aims to directly involve students through critical reflections and debates, in order to stimulate a critical eye on visual and audiovisual media, its rhetorical strategies and language, and to promote an autonomy of judgement which is essential also to exercise an active and inclusive “digital citizenship”.

- Knowledge and understanding:
The student will know the main theories of film analysis and, in a broader sense, how to construct an audiovisual narrative, in connection with the visual narrative tradition (still and moving images)
- Applying knowledge and understanding: the student will be able to apply the main theories and methodologies to the film analysis.
- Making judgements: the student will learn to take a critical and conscious look at the various types of visual and audiovisual contents and narratives, and will be able to recognize some of the rhetorical strategies of audiovisual and media language.
- Communication skills: the student will be able to use different and current forms of expression in order to improve and make communication more effective.
- Learning skills: the student will be able to use the audiovisual language to improve his or her learning skills and those of his or her potential learners, in order to enhance also a critical understanding of current socio-cultural phenomena.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


The workshop focuses on image education (in particular the photographic image) and takes up some of the topics presented during the lectures. The aim is to carry out an exercise on the critical analysis of images, trying to bring out the major linguistic and rhetorical functions involved.

Testi Adottati

The texts are the same as those adopted for the teaching of "DISCIPLINE ARTISTICO-ESPRESSIVE E AUDIOVISIVE".

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

The texts are the same as those adopted for the teaching of "DISCIPLINE ARTISTICO-ESPRESSIVE E AUDIOVISIVE".

Modalità Erogazione

The exercise will consist of the elaboration and presentation of the critical analysis of one or several images.

Modalità Frequenza

The exercise will consist of the elaboration and presentation of the critical analysis of one or several images.

Modalità Valutazione

The work and presentations made by students will be evaluated.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The workshop focuses on image education (in particular the filmic image) and takes up some of the themes presented during the lectures. It consists of an exercise on the critical analysis of audiovisual narratives, primarily film analysis.

Testi Adottati

The texts are those adopted for the teaching of 'ARTISTIC EXPRESSIVE AND AUDIOVISUAL DISCIPLINES'.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

The texts are those adopted for the teaching of 'ARTISTIC EXPRESSIVE AND AUDIOVISUAL DISCIPLINES'.

Modalità Valutazione

The work and presentations made by the students will be evaluated. In particular, case selection and critical analysis skills will be assessed.