22910251 - Artistic- expressive audiovisual disciplines

This course, by analysing the development of different artistic and expressive forms– mainly visual and audio visual - compared to the evolution of old and new media, aims to provide historical-theoretical knowledge of visual, audiovisual and cinematographic language, from the origins to today's forms within the contemporary media landscape, in order to understand the latter's shaping and to study its peculiar aspects. General aim of the course is to make students "digital citizens" able to critically analyse visual and audiovisual texts and narratives, and to know the main aspects of today's media, its educational value and the effects at the level of perception of social phenomena.

- Knowledge and understanding:
knowledge of the origins and the main stages in the development of visual, audiovisual and cinematographic language from the analogue system to the digital one; understanding the latest developments in the media, its potential and its risks; knowledge of the basic vocabulary of cinematic language; distinction between education through media and media education as language and culture.

- Applying knowledge and understanding:
The student will be able to apply this knowledge to the critical analysis of visual, audiovisual and media products, in order to identify and to implement targeted choices of audio-visual narratives inherent to the specific ages and situations of the subjects targeted by the educational-didactic action.

- Making judgements:
the student will be able to develop a greater critical sense with respect to the forms of expression in today's media culture, images and audiovisual narratives - in continuity with the visual tradition developed over the centuries - and a greater awareness of how media works.
- Communication skills:
the student will be able to use and master old and new forms of expression that also involve audiovisual language.
- Learning skills: the student will learn to use the artistic and audiovisual disciplines in order to improve his or her learning ability and that of his or her potential learners, orienting the central cores of the disciplines to promote high quality learning processes.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


The following macro-topics will be addressed:
-the contemporary media landscape and visual education today;
-the still image: photography;
-the moving image: cinema;
- TV, video games and multimedia production;
-the web 1.0 and 2.0;
-ideas for visual education teaching projects

Testi Adottati

G. Previtali, Educazione visuale, McGrawHill, 2021;
D. Buckingham, Un manifesto per la Media Education, Mondadori, 2020.

Modalità Erogazione

The course includes theoretical lectures and a laboratory part, with viewing, discussion and analysis of audiovisual products.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not compulsory but highly recommended.

Modalità Valutazione

The examination will consist of a written test, with open-ended and closed-ended questions.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The following macro-topics will be addressed:
-the contemporary media landscape and visual education today;
-the still image: photography;
-the moving image: cinema;
- TV, video games and multimedia production;
-the web 1.0 and 2.0;
-ideas for visual education teaching projects

Testi Adottati

G. Previtali, Educazione visuale, McGrawHill, 2021;
D. Buckingham, Un manifesto per la Media Education, Mondadori, 2020.

Modalità Erogazione

The course includes theoretical lectures and a laboratory part, with viewing, discussion and analysis of audiovisual products.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not compulsory but highly recommended.

Modalità Valutazione

The examination will consist of a written test, with open-ended and closed-ended questions.