22910064 - TIROCINIO 4° ANNO

The master's degree course in primary education sciences involves compulsory activities of indirect internship (preparation, reflection and discussion of activities, documentation for the final report of the Internship) and directed in schools. The training activities relating to the FOURTH annuity of the course take place for a total of 175 hours (7 CFU) and provide for: a first phase (period October/January of each academic year-the semester) of training carried out at the university parallel to a first Period of observation of micro and macro context of educational institutions affiliated with CdLM; A second phase (period March/May of each academic year-II semester) carried out at the university in parallel to the realization, preferably in pairs or trio of students, of a UD/UDA conceived with the supervision of the tutors assigned to the year Of course.

By participating in the internship activities planned for the fourth year, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives:
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
• knowledge and analysis of regulatory and theoretical sources related to programming for kindergarten and primary school by identifying the differences in targeting between programs and programming
• knowledge and skill in using the different didactic strategies (lesson, group work, individual work, discussion, mimesis, game, storytelling, etc.) and critical selection of didactic tools and materials (textbooks, books, computers, field trips, specially designed learning materials etc.)

In terms of applying knowledge and understanding:
• ability to design and plan an original 20 hours educational and teaching intervention addressed to kindergarten or primary school pupils, depending on the option chosen by the trainees
• ability to use effective organisational and management methods to promote a positive social climate and an appropriate learning environment

In terms of Making judgements
• ability to select and implement relational patterns functional to the management of the class group
• ability to verify and assess the results of the learning experience in quantitative and qualitative terms
• ability to self-assess the effectiveness of one's own educational and didactic intervention

In terms of Communication skills:
• ability to select and implement relational and interpersonal skills functional to participation in the work team and in school life
• be able to use different expressive languages to promote learning in order to respect every single learner’s different cognitive style

In terms of Learning skills:
• propensity towards experimentation using innovative strategies and methodologies
• ability to analyse and manage problem situations
• respect and appreciation of individual differences
• ability to carry out research-action interventions


scheda docente | materiale didattico


I semester:
Methodology of didactic planning.

II Semester:
Educational intervention project either in kindergarten or primary school.

Testi Adottati

The site Formonline- Training- 4 year.

Modalità Erogazione

Face to face teaching and integrated teaching.

Modalità Valutazione

The path end with evaluation of the didactic project and production of 1 learning unit.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


I semester:
Methodology of didactic planning.

II Semester:
Educational intervention project either in kindergarten or primary school.

Testi Adottati

The site Formonline- Training- 4 year.

Modalità Erogazione

Face to face teaching and integrated teaching.

Modalità Valutazione

The path end with evaluation of the didactic project and production of 1 learning unit.