22910063 - TIROCINIO 2° ANNO

The Master's Degree Course in Primary Education Sciences provides, in the second year of the course, compulsory activities of indirect training. The internship activities take place for a total of 75 hours (3 CFU) and include 24 hours of activities in the presence, 6 hours of distance activities, completed by proposals for self-study in progress and conclusive. The course, which is divided into two semesters, promotes the convergence between knowing, knowing how to do and knowing how to think which are the real dimensions of the professional competence of the teacher.
The training objectives refer to work centred on the growing self-reflexive competence of future teachers, which must move in a twofold direction: external vs internal, through work on the extrinsic representations of the figure of the role and functions of the teacher (Bocci, 2012); internal vs external, through a critical focus on the intrinsic motivations of which the trainee is the bearer.

In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- to know and reflect on the social representation of the school and the teaching profession;
- to know and understand their role as teachers within the framework of the autonomy of the school and the duties and rights established by the provisions of the law;
- to know the objectives of learning in kindergarten and primary school in Italy, seen in a perspective of historical evolution and international comparison.

In terms of applying knowledge and understanding:
- be able to identify social representations and critically analyse them;
- to be able to reflect on one's own motivations and on one's own representation of the teaching role, comparing it to the social representation;
- be able to read current legislation from an inclusive perspective;
- be able to place in a historically connoted dimension and in an international perspective the objectives of learning in kindergarten and primary school in force in Italy.
- to be able to outline the professional identity through a process of mediation between social representations and skills related to the role and function of the teacher;

In terms of Making judgements
- being able to critically analyse the evolution of professional identity in a diachronic dimension;
- to reflect on competences related to the role and function of the teacher and social representations;

In terms of Communication skills:
- be able to use appropriate communication methods to carry out group activities in the presence of, and of remote torque/threesome;
- being able to use effectively the mode of active and participatory listening, based on respect
and on equal dignity;
- be able to express their opinion in both small and large groups,
effectively arguing their own thinking and to be the spokesperson for the thought of the group of
reference, when necessary;
- be able to promote and manage effective communication in meeting with the group
class of children participating in the indirect placement;

In terms of Learning skills:
- experience different ways of learning and know how to discriminate against validity and effectiveness;
- use the learning community as an environment in which to place one's own path;
- to implement analysis and reflection skills through the possibility of exchange and interaction with peers, facilitated by internship activities.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


Reflections and evaluations of the professionalism of the teacher in kindergarten and primary school.

Testi Adottati

The sito Formonline- Training 2° year.

Modalità Erogazione

Face to face teaching and integrated teaching.

Modalità Valutazione

The path end with evaluation.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


Reflections and evaluations of the professionalism of the teacher in kindergarten and primary school.

Testi Adottati

The sito Formonline- Training 2° year.

Modalità Erogazione

Face to face teaching and integrated teaching.

Modalità Valutazione

The path end with evaluation.