Specific objectives carried out during the course are the following:
- identify theoretical and methodological framework as regards empirical and experimental research;
- define a problem for research;
- design and project hypotheses in educational research;
- identify the main research tools;
- learn how to critically redraft hypotheses;
- identify paths to solve educational issues.

Through the course of Methodological reserach in Education, students will be able:
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- knowledge of the main theoretical foundations of research in educational context;
- knowledge of the main phases of the educational research process;
- knowledge of the main analysis tools and evaluation methods in education.
In terms of applying knowledge and understanding:
- ability to define hypothesis in the educational research context;
- ability to use the main data collection tools;
- ability to use the main tools for analyzing and evaluating data.
In terms of making judgements
- ability to formulate research projects in the educational context that respond to the educational needs of a given situation;
- ability to formulate judgments on experimental educational situations.
In terms of communication skills
- ability to present the objectives and phases of an educational research project in an orderly and reasoned way;
- ability to critically expose the analyses and evaluations of an experimental research project in educational context.
In terms of learning skills:
- willingness to explore the perspectives of research in education.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course main objective is to illustrate and define the main lines of educational research and to provide students with the principal evaluation tools.
- Issues and strategies for educational research.
-The construction of the research: identification of problems and research objectives, construction of the theoretical framework, formulation of hypotheses, operational definitions, types of variables, relationships between variables
- Collection of data: qualitative and quantitative techniques
- Coding, data analysis and hypothesis-testing: processing of statistics and bivariate statistics
- learn how to critically redraft hypotheses
- identify paths to solve educational issues.

Testi Adottati

Domenici, G., Lucisano, P. & Biasi V. (2021). Ricerca sperimentale e processi valutativi in educazione. Milano: McGraw-Hill Education.
Castellana, G. (2020). Insegnare a d apprendere a leggere. Roma. Armando editore
Castellana G. (2018). Dimmi come leggi. Questionario e itinerari didattici sulle strategie di lettura per la scuola secondaria di primo grado. Milano: LED.
Additional contents will be available during the course

Modalità Erogazione

Lessons will be provide an active involment of students. Exercises will be structured on researches conducted in different disciplinary areas and levels of schooling, in particular related to the field of reading and comprehension. Part of the course will be carried out on the Formonline platform.

Modalità Frequenza

In presenza

Modalità Valutazione

Lessons will be provide an active involment of students. Exercises will be structured on researches conducted in different disciplinary areas and levels of schooling, in particular related to the field of reading and comprehension. Part of the course will be carried out on the Formonline platform.