The general aim is to apply the acquired knowledge in the Course of Developmental Psychology for Inclusion, with particular attention to: the development of educational paths to prosociality in educational contexts; the assessment tools of psycho-social skills and adaptive and maladaptive behaviors during development.

Students will achieve the following learning objectives.
Knowledge and understanding of:
- intervention models aimed at developing prosocial behaviors in the classroom;
- methods and tools for assessing psycho-social skills and adaptive/maladaptive behaviors.
Applying knowledge and understanding of:
- intervention models for the development of prosocial behavior in the classroom;
- methods and tools for the assessment of psycho-social skills and adaptive/maladaptive behaviors.
Making judgements in:
- identifying and choosing intervention models appropriate to the educational needs and objectives of the students;
- choosing methodologies and assessment tools consistent with the target and objectives of the interventions.
Communication skills:
- aimed at appropriately interacting in educational settings;
- aimed at appropriately interacting according to the age and characteristics of the pupils;
- aimed at fostering social and emotional skills and adaptive behavior of pupils.
Learning skills in:
- analyzing intervention models in the classroom based on criteria of effectiveness and efficiency;
- learning skills in choosing assessment tools based on validity and reliability requirements.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


The Laboratory of Developmental Psychology for Inclusion (1 CFU) is aimed at designing educational courses for prosociality education in Primary School according to the CEPIDEAS model (Caprara et al., 2014). The model is divided into five components, which constitute the determinants of prosocial behavior: 1) prosocial values and motivations; 2) emotional competencies; 3) empathy and perspective taking; 4) communication skills and behavioral self-regulation; 5) precursors of civic engagement.

Testi Adottati

Caprara, G.V., Gerbino, M., Luengo Kanacri, P., Vecchio, G.M. (2014). Educare alla prosocialità. Teoria e buone prassi. Milano - Torino: Pearson Italia.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Caprara, G.V., Gerbino, M., Luengo Kanacri, P., Vecchio, G.M. (2014). Educare alla prosocialità. Teoria e buone prassi. Milano - Torino: Pearson Italia.

Modalità Erogazione

Preparatory phase: students must acquire knowledge of the CEPIDEAS model by studying the manual "Educare alla prosocialità" (Caprara, et al., 2014). Preliminary assessment: multiple choice test on the “Formonline” platform. First session: presentation of the Laboratory. Second session: project work (prosocial laboratory). Third session: project work (prosocial lesson). Final session: drafting of the report.

Modalità Frequenza

Preparatory phase: students must acquire knowledge of the CEPIDEAS model by studying the manual "Educare alla prosocialità" (Caprara, et al., 2014). Preliminary assessment: multiple choice test on the “Formonline” platform. First session: presentation of the Laboratory. Second session: project work (prosocial laboratory). Third session: project work (prosocial lesson). Final session: drafting of the report.

Modalità Valutazione

Final report with a project work on education for prosociality in primary school.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The Laboratory of Developmental Psychology for Inclusion (1 CFU) is aimed at designing educational courses for prosociality education in Primary School according to the CEPIDEAS model (Caprara et al., 2014). The model is divided into five components, which constitute the determinants of prosocial behavior: 1) prosocial values and motivations; 2) emotional competencies; 3) empathy and perspective taking; 4) communication skills and behavioral self-regulation; 5) precursors of civic engagement.

Testi Adottati

Caprara, G.V., Gerbino, M., Luengo Kanacri, P., Vecchio, G.M. (2014). Educare alla prosocialità. Teoria e buone prassi. Milano - Torino: Pearson Italia.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Caprara, G.V., Gerbino, M., Luengo Kanacri, P., Vecchio, G.M. (2014). Educare alla prosocialità. Teoria e buone prassi. Milano - Torino: Pearson Italia.

Modalità Erogazione

Preparatory phase: students must acquire knowledge of the CEPIDEAS model by studying the manual "Educare alla prosocialità" (Caprara, et al., 2014). Preliminary assessment: multiple choice test on the “Formonline” platform. First session: presentation of the Laboratory. Second session: project work (prosocial laboratory). Third session: project work (prosocial lesson). Final session: drafting of the report.

Modalità Frequenza

Preparatory phase: students must acquire knowledge of the CEPIDEAS model by studying the manual "Educare alla prosocialità" (Caprara, et al., 2014). Preliminary assessment: multiple choice test on the “Formonline” platform. First session: presentation of the Laboratory. Second session: project work (prosocial laboratory). Third session: project work (prosocial lesson). Final session: drafting of the report.

Modalità Valutazione

Final report with a project work on education for prosociality in primary school.