22902618 - Methods and teaching of motor activity

The course aims to help understand the objectives and forms of human movement oriented to the years of primary school intended as a period of growth not only motor but also socio-affective and intellectual-cognitive. At the end of the course, the student will be able to know and understand:
- The epistemological characteristics of Motor Education: paradigms, methods and tools; cultural and scientific contexts.
- the theories of human movement knowing how to place them in the psycho-pedagogical context;
- the psycho-motor, emotional-affective and socio-relational characteristics of the developmental age and the main aspects of the teaching of playful-motor activities appropriate to age and gender;
- the methodology and strategies for inclusion and integration, self-control, self-perception and the pedagogical value of the body in recreational and motor activities.
- the peculiarities of motor learning during the developmental age for the realization of motor activities that can be oriented to sports ones.
He will be able to apply this knowledge in the design and management of playful-motor activities aimed at the cognitive, social and motor growth of the child.
He will also acquire skills in using study strategies, in-depth analysis and integration of motor activities, will be able to find specific sources and methods for didactic paths and for qualitative and quantitative scientific research in the sector and self-evaluation of their own knowledge.
Will know the communication skills useful for the educational relationship and the ability to appropriately evaluate the learning outcome of students.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


- The ontological dimensions of Motor Education: epistemological; phenomenological; methodological; referential; formative; axiological.
- Human movement and its forms in the context of contemporary culture and values.
- Functions and structures of human movement.
- The lack of human movement: hypokinesis and motor illiteracy.
- Motor development: ontogenesis and evolution of basic motor patterns in the developmental age.
- The functional prerequisites and their structuring.
- Psycho-motor education in its various aspects and the relationships between body growth, neuro-motor and psychic development.
- The acquisition of skills and the development of coordination and conditional skills, postural patterns, in the primary school years.
- Body outline, self efficacy and resilience.
- Motor activity and socio-intellectual, emotional and moral development.
- General principles of gradualness and progressiveness in the use of human movement and the methodological - didactic variables.
- Didactic strategies, teaching styles and interdisciplinary approaches.
- From basic motor patterns to the first forms of gestures applied to sports-games and sports.
- The task of the teacher and the coach/referee/educator in starting sports activities in developmental age.
- Processes and models for the assessment of motor skills
- Outdoor education - Outdoor learning - Outdoor Movement Education - Outdoor Adventure Education.

Testi Adottati

Casolo F. (2011). Didattica delle attività motorie per l’età evolutiva. Milano: Vita e Pensiero.
Coco D. (2014). Pedagogia del corpo ludico-motorio e sviluppo morale. Roma: Anicia.
Colella D. (2022). La valutazione delle abilità motorie nella scuola primaria. Lecce: Pensa Multimedia.
Lipoma M. (2014). Educazione Motoria. Collana ontologie pedagogiche. Lecce: Pensa Multimedia.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Specific reference texts and documents will be indicated during the course

Modalità Erogazione

The METHODS AND TEACHING METHODS OF MOTOR ACTIVITIES course (with laboratory) will take place in face-to-face teaching mode (in the classroom at the Principe Amedo)

Modalità Frequenza


Modalità Valutazione

The exam will be oral/written in telematic mode (at the Piazza Telematica UniRoma3 on the Formonline platform)