22902605 - Geography and teaching geography

The course aims to accompany students in understanding the elements of territory that form the structure of our everyday life, and to mould their reading of the geographic processes and their interactions based on three fundamental analysis procedures: morphology of the landscape, systemic, psychological-semantical.
After presenting the geographer’s instruments for the analysis of the territory (both cartographic and statistical), we will proceed to examine the different components of the territory, from those concerning the Science of the Earth to themes related to human geography.
The cues offered by the different themes will be considered for a didactic application.

1) Knowing how to apply in the analysis of a territory and in its description the concepts of geographical space, environment (environmental framework), territory, landscape,
place, scale, location, site, spatial distribution, distance, region, network, sense of place.
2) Knowing how to use the following tools in a didactic study project of the territory: geographical maps, mental maps, statistical data, images and
visual sources, new technologies, direct observation (exit on the ground), atlases, textbooks (critical analysis), word processing, descriptions, maps
3) Knowing how to develop a lesson or a didactic path of geography in a thematic form (eg human-nature relationships, climate change, impact
environmental and resource use such as water, oil, soil, effects of globalization, diversity and social inequalities in the world, growth and
diffusion of the world population ...) and in regional form (eg regions - physical, cultural, economic, geopolitical, etc. - main of Italy,
Europe, world).
4) Knowing how to design local space study activities that include the development of the sense of place, critical reflection on lived space,
the strengthening of orientation, the analysis of transformation processes, the experimentation of planning for the future also as forms of
active participation in decision-making processes.
5) Knowing how to present a region through the geographical analysis of the landscape, the environment, the economy, identity and social diversity e
cultural, territorial heritage, values and critical areas.
7) Knowing how to analyze geographically different territories of the planet identifying the main environmental, socio-economic and cultural differences,
8) Knowing how to identify aspects of globalization in social, political, economic, environmental interactions between different areas of the planet and one's own
9) Knowing how to develop geographical themes referring them to the principles of environmental, economic and social sustainability.
10) Knowing how to develop geographical themes related to problems of socio-spatial justice (inequalities and deprivation at different scales, human development,
migrations, conflicts, relationships between regions of the planet).
11) To develop within a geographical analysis the theme of multiple identity, planetary, local, national, religious, ethnic, of places (territorial,
regional level), also in a multicultural and intercultural sense.
12) Knowing how to include in a geographical analysis the dimension of change (coevolution, processes, models) with comparisons on a local scale,
national, global and glocal.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


Basic knowledge of physical Geography. The Earth's crust and endogenous forces. The atmosphere and the climate. Hydrosphere (seas and oceans, rivers, lakes, glaciers), biosphere, the main modeling processes of the terrestrial relief, the landscape as an expression of human action: general characteristics, methods of reading and interpretation.
Basic knowledge of human Geography. The population: concepts of ecumene, population density and distribution. Mobility and migratory dynamics: causes and types. Integration and social inclusion. Human settlement: from the countryside to the city. Economic spaces and productive sectors: agriculture, industry and the tertiary sector. Methods of identification, distinction and production characterization
Basic knowledge of the problems of the contemporary world and regional situations. Spaces of power and conflicts. Geography of languages and religions in the World: methods of recognition and distinction. The globalization.
Statistical and documentary sources for Geography: from statistical data to the interpretation of the natural and anthropic phenomenon. The main tools for graphical representation of statistical data.
The space-time coordinates. Representations and measurements: orientation, shape of the Earth and geographic coordinates. Relative and absolute positioning. The geographical map: approximation and reduction, symbolism. Thematic maps and atlases. The language of geo-graphics.
Concept of Region and territorial system: Region as a space organized and modified by human activities, identification of the processes of human transformation of natural spaces, space transformations and environmental impacts.
The teaching of Geography in the Indicazioni Nazionali of 2012 and 2017: reference legislation. Goals for the development of skills and learning objectives at the end of primary school. The Thematic cores in the I Cycle School. The fields of experience in childhood: from knowledge of the body and movements, to sensory experience for geographic learning and knowledge of the World. The curriculo of Geography: assumptions, practices and examples of a vertical curriculo. Use of sources and organization of geographic information, conceptual tools and written and oral production of geographic content.
Didactics of Geography: geographic knowledge in teaching and research. The principles and values of geographic education. Educating for active citizenship, educating to the environment: Territorial and landscape education, territorial education.
The textbooks of Geography: selection criteria and specificity (general characteristics, language, iconographic apparatus), examples of past and current texts.
Didactic strategies and methodologies: from the frontal lesson to the flipped classroom. The importance of direct observation in geographic learning. Indirect observation: iconic, literary - linguistic and playful tools.
Laboratory teaching: the importance of a laboratory for teaching Geography, structuring and functioning of a Geography laboratory, materials and tools for laboratory teaching.

Testi Adottati

Basic texts
1. G. De Vecchis - E. Boria, Manuale di Geografia. Carocci, 2022 (chapters from 1 to 11)
2. G. De Vecchis – D. Pasquinelli d’Allegra – C. Pesaresi, Didattica della Geografia. UTET, 2020
3. D. Pasquinelli d’Allegra, La geografia dell’Italia. Carocci Faber, 2022.
4. C. Giorda, L'immagine del mondo nella geografia dei bambini. Franco Angeli Open Access, 2021 (Part Three)
5. Study material available on the Formonline platform

One to choose from the following texts:
a) D. Pasquinelli d’Allegra, Una geografia…da favola. Carocci Faber, 2010.
b) G. De Vecchis – R. Morri, Disegnare il mondo. Carocci Faber, 2010.
c) De Vecchis – Pesaresi, Dal Banco al satellite. Carocci Faber, 2011

For those who have to take 2 ECTS, the program relates to text 1 and 5
For those who have to take 3 ECTS, the program relates to texts 1, 3 and 5
For those who have to take 4 ECTS, the program relates to texts 1, 3, 5 and one chosen from texts a), b) and c)

All students are reminded that the study material available on the Formonline platform constitutes an integral and mandatory part of the exam.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

1. E. Lavagna - G. Locarno - P.M. Rigobello, Geografia per insegnare. Idee e strumenti per la didattica. Zanichelli, 2018 2. World geographic atlas. The student can choose between the different editions. N.B. The atlas will be used during the exam and during classroom lessons.

Modalità Erogazione

In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will be applied: remote lessons in synchronous and asynchronous mode.

Modalità Frequenza


Modalità Valutazione

In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will be applied: in-person and remote assessment in synchronous mode.