22902391 - Training 3th year

The Master's Degree Course in Primary Education Sciences provides for compulsory activities of
indirect traineeship (preparation, reflection and discussion of activities, documentation for the
final report of the traineeship) and direct to the schools.
The internship activities of the 3rd year of the course take place for a total of 125 hours (5 CFU) and aim:
• to promote the knowledge and use of procedures and tools for observation, analysis and monitoring of the educational context and the teaching-learning process;
• to make the importance of observation understood for the continuous improvement of the didactic action;
• to encourage the knowledge and use of procedures and tools for self-observation and self-evaluation of one's own work.
They foresee a first phase of training carried out at the university, a second phase observation of micro and macro context of both kindergartens and primary schools affiliated with the CdL and a third phase of reflection and self-reflection in group on the experiences of observation carried out, with the supervision of tutors.

By participating in the internship activities planned for the third year, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives:
In terms of knowledge and understanding:

- knowledge of observation procedures for collecting information: specific characteristics and their use in the school;
- knowledge of the process of communication between roles in the school organisation and in the classroom;
- knowledge of the main detection and evaluation tools (narrative descriptions, observation grids, coding schemes, questionnaires and interviews, evaluation scales).

In terms of applying knowledge and understanding:
- ability to apply observation procedures in the classroom for the collection of information useful for the knowledge of the educational context and the teaching-learning process;
- ability to communicate effectively in the school organisation and in the classroom;
- ability to use self-observation tools and procedures.

In terms of Making judgements
- ability to read and interpret effectively and in the exercise of ethical and cultural responsibility related to the teaching role, information collected through observation tools;
- ability to formulate judgements on educational situations and events after having carefully documented the needs and behaviour of children in current social contexts;
- aptitude to self-evaluate one's own professional preparation and the effectiveness of the didactic action also through the proposal of innovative educational practices.

In terms of Communication skills:
- ability to use verbal, paraverbal and non-verbal communication in the classroom for specific educational purposes;
- ability to communicate with all figures in the school organisation and in the classroom for the exchange of information, the development of projects and the coordinated management of training processes;
- ability to use communicative modalities functional to the collection of information about the class.

In terms of Learning skills:
- willingness to use reflective and self-reflective modes
- ability to consider the observational procedures essential to the teaching-learning process
- ability to define their professionalism within a process of systematic self-improvement.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


I Semester
Observation tools.

II Semester.
direct observation plan in kindergarten and primary school.

Testi Adottati

The site Formonline-Training- 3 year

Modalità Erogazione

Face to face teaching and integrated teaching.

Modalità Valutazione

The path end with evaluation of the use of observation tools.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


I Semester
Observation tools.

II Semester.
direct observation plan in kindergarten and primary school.

Testi Adottati

The site Formonline-Training- 3 year

Modalità Erogazione

Face to face teaching and integrated teaching.

Modalità Valutazione

The path end with evaluation of the use of observation tools.