22902387 - Workshop of Mathematics and mathematics Education

The Mathematics and Mathematics Education Laboratory is aimed at providing further operational tools for 'teaching mathematics in primary and early childhood, deepening the objectives of the course which it therefore shares in an application key.

With the Mathematics and Mathematics Education Laboratory, the student will be able to achieve and deepen the following educational objectives in an operational way.
- Knowledge and understanding
- Knowledge of elementary mathematics as a subject in pre-school and primary school, including mathematical concepts as well as historical and epistemological aspects.
- Understanding of main issues in mathematics primary education
- Applying knowledge and understanding
- Ability to project and guide math activities in the classroom with children
- Making judgements …
- Ability to analyse the educational situations regarding mathematics teaching and children's learning of mathematics
- Communication skills …
- Ability to develop and lead math talk with children, to present examples and problems
- Learning skills
- Openness to further study in depth of elementary mathematics topics, historical and philosophical research, and the evolution of goals and methods of mathematics education in the international scene.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


History of mathematics in preschool and primary school: contents and learning path, exercises with children.

Testi Adottati

ANA MILLÁN GASCA 2009 All’inizio fu lo scriba. Piccola storia della matematica come strumento di conoscenza, mimesis, Milano.
Anna Mazzitelli, Ana Millán Gasca, Francesca Neri, Emanuela Spagnoletti Zeuli, Storia e racconto nella matematica della scuola primaria: basi didattiche e sequenza operativa, Annali online della Didattica e della Formazione Docente, special issue “Strategie e metodologie didattiche in matematica e nelle scienze”, 9(14), 2017, 209-239.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

LIZASOAIN IRISO, M.I., Magrone, P., Millan Gasca, A., Arlotti, F., Scaramuzzo, G., Subania, F., et al. (2022). Growing with mathematics. Experiential math workshops for preschool and primary school teachers. A teaching guide for professional development and instruction. Pamplona : Universidad Pública de Navarra. https://www2.unavarra.es/gesadj/anfomam/todaslassesionesT5_ENG.pdf (History of mathematics and its teaching workshop) GIUSTI Enrico 2019 Awa teaches numbers, Adverbage. VALE Pamela, GRAVEN Mellony et al 2019 Mama Khanyi and the Pots. A mathematical story and activity book, Grahamstown, Rhodes University (illustrazioni di Carment Ford); https://associazionetokalon.com/i-vasi-di-mamma-khanyi/) PETTI Raffaella 2008 Uri il piccolo sumero (illustrazioni di Simone Frasca), Firenze, Il Giardino di Archimede; si veda anche Schmandt-Besserat, Danielle 1999, The history of counting, Morrow Junior Books, New York. FANDEL Jennifer 2006 The metryic system, Creative Education CERASOLI Anna 2013, La geometria del faraone, San Dorligo della Valle Emme Edizioni,; nuova edizione 2019; si veda anche CANTATORE Paola 2016, L'avventura dei geroglifici, Torino, Franco Cosimo Panini Editore/Museo Egizio.

Modalità Erogazione

The workshop is built of a series of sessions on some chosen historical themes, consisting of group exercises and general discussions, regarding ideas and educational materials for children in primary school and preschool, specially picture books, and historiographical documentation for teachers

Modalità Frequenza

The workshop is built of a series of sessions on some chosen historical themes, consisting of group exercises and general discussions, regarding ideas and educational materials for children in primary school and preschool, specially picture books, and historiographical documentation for teachers

Modalità Valutazione

The student will be asked to convey in a short paper the main didactical guiding ideas and conceptual issues discussed during the workshop.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


History of mathematics in preschool and primary school: contents and learning path, exercises with children.

Testi Adottati

Ana Millán Gasca 2009 All’inizio fu lo scriba. Piccola storia della matematica come strumento di conoscenza, mimesis, Milano.
Anna Mazzitelli, Ana Millán Gasca, Francesca Neri, Emanuela Spagnoletti Zeuli, Storia e racconto nella matematica della scuola primaria: basi didattiche e sequenza operativa, Annali online della Didattica e della Formazione Docente, special issue “Strategie e metodologie didattiche in matematica e nelle scienze”, 9(14), 2017, 209-239.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Lizasoain Iriso, M.I., Magrone, P., Millan Gasca, A., Arlotti, F., Scaramuzzo, G., Subania, F., et al. (2022). Growing with mathematics. Experiential math workshops for preschool and primary school teachers. A teaching guide for professional development and instruction. Pamplona : Universidad Pública de Navarra. (History of mathematics and its teaching workshop) https://www2.unavarra.es/gesadj/anfomam/todaslassesionesT5_ENG.pdf GIUSTI Enrico 2019 Awa teaches numbers, Adverbage. VALE Pamela, GRAVEN Mellony et al 2019 Mama Khanyi and the Pots. A mathematical story and activity book, Grahamstown, Rhodes University (illustrazioni di Carment Ford); https://associazionetokalon.com/i-vasi-di-mamma-khanyi/) PETTI Raffaella 2008 Uri il piccolo sumero (illustrazioni di Simone Frasca), Firenze, Il Giardino di Archimede; si veda anche Schmandt-Besserat, Danielle 1999, The history of counting, Morrow Junior Books, New York. FANDEL Jennifer 2006 The metryic system, Creative Education CERASOLI Anna 2013, La geometria del faraone, San Dorligo della Valle Emme Edizioni,; nuova edizione 2019; si veda anche CANTATORE Paola 2016, L'avventura dei geroglifici, Torino, Franco Cosimo Panini Editore/Museo Egizio.

Modalità Erogazione

The workshop is built of a series of sessions on some chosen historical themes, consisting of group exercises and general discussions, regarding ideas and educational materials for children in primary school and preschool, specially picture books, and historiographical documentation for teachers

Modalità Frequenza

The workshop is built of a series of sessions on some chosen historical themes, consisting of group exercises and general discussions, regarding ideas and educational materials for children in primary school and preschool, specially picture books, and historiographical documentation for teachers

Modalità Valutazione

The student will be asked to convey in a short paper the main didactical ideas and conceptual issues discussed during the workshop.