22902386 - Mathematic and mathematics Education

The aim of the course is to learn to teach mathematics in primary school and preschool. Three main lines are considered. First, approaching the history of elementary mathematics education in Europe, from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, and its tracks in modern children math education. Second, applying a vision of elementary mathematics from a higher standpoint to mathematical activities with children; third, discussing the mathematical path of children before and during school, considering naïf mathematical conceptions as linked to the acquisition of language and body development and the endeavor of the teachers at school.

With the study of mathematics and didactics of mathematics the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives.
- Knowledge and understanding
- Knowledge of elementary mathematics as a subject in pre-school and primary school, including mathematical concepts as well as historical and epistemological aspects.
- Understanding of main issues in mathematics primary education
- Applying knowledge and understanding
- Ability to project and guide math activities in the classroom with children
- Making judgements
- Ability to analyse the educational situations regarding mathematics teaching and children's learning of mathematics
- Communication skills
- Ability to develop and lead math talk with children, to present examples and problems
- Learning skills
- Openness to further study in depth of elementary mathematics topics, historical and philosophical research, and the evolution of goals and methods of mathematics education in the international scene.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


The aim of the course is to learn how to teach mathematics in primary school and preschool. Three main lines are considered. First, a discussion the history of elementary mathematics education in Europe, from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, and its tracks in modern children math education. Second, the application of a vision of elementary mathematics from a higher standpoint to mathematical activities with children; the historical evolution of mathematics is addressed in this part of the course. Third, an analysis of the mathematical path of children before and during school, considering naïf mathematical conceptions as linked to the acquisition of language and body development and the endeavor of the teachers at school.
The course is annual (two semesters, and follows the course in the 1st year, Istituzioni di matematica).

Testi Adottati

ANA MILLÁN GASCA 2016 Numeri e forme. I bambini e la matematica. Zanichelli, Bologna.
ANNA MAZZITELLI, ANA MILLÁN GASCA 2021 L'ABC della matematica, Carocci, Roma.
ANA MILLÁN GASCA 2009 All’inizio fu lo scriba. Piccola storia della matematica come strumento di conoscenza, mimesis, Milano.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

FEDERIGO ENRIQUES 1921, “Insegnamento dinamico”, Periodico di Matematiche, s. IV, 1, pp. 6-16. http://www.mat.uniroma2.it/mep/Articoli/Enri/Enri.html HANS MAGNUS ENZENSBERGER, Il mago dei numeri, Einaudi, Torino, varie edizioni. GIORGIO ISRAEL, ANA MILLÁN GASCA 2012 Pensare in matematica, Zanichelli, Bologna. In particolare cap.1, cap. 2, paragrafo 4. 4, paragrafi 7.1 e 7.2, paragrafo 8.5, cap. 13 LAURENT LAFFORGUE 2007, L’insegnamento del calcolo nella scuola primaria, http://www.mat.uniroma3.it/users/primaria/Lafforgue_Calcolo scuola primaria.pdf ANA MILLÁN GASCA 2009 All’inizio fu lo scriba. Piccola storia della matematica come strumento di conoscenza, mimesis, Milano. RENÉ THOM 1973, La matematica moderna, esiste? http://www.mat.uniroma3.it/users/primaria/Thom.pdf MARGARET DONALDSON 2010 Come ragionano i bambini, Springer, Milano (ed. originale 1978) MARTIN HUGHES 1986, Children and Numbers, Difficulties in Learning Mathematics, Oxford & New York, Basil Blackwell.

Modalità Erogazione

Lesson include presentations, discussion and exercises. On e-learning space formonline students find educational materials (text, images, audio and video) as well as an open course to help the study of bibliography.

Modalità Frequenza

Lesson include presentations, discussion and exercises. On e-learning space formonline students find educational materials (text, images, audio and video) as well as an open course to help the study of bibliography.

Modalità Valutazione

The written exam includes 2/3 open questions, including practical exercises regarding the didactical guiding ideas considered in the course. After passing the written exam, the student can choose to pass also an oral exam.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The aim of the course is to learn how to teach mathematics in primary school and preschool. Three main lines are considered. First, a discussion the history of elementary mathematics education in Europe, from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, and its tracks in modern children math education. Second, the application of a vision of elementary mathematics from a higher standpoint to mathematical activities with children; the historical evolution of mathematics is addressed in this part of the course. Third, an analysis of the mathematical path of children before and during school, considering naïf mathematical conceptions as linked to the acquisition of language and body development and the endeavor of the teachers at school.
The course is annual (two semesters, and follows the course in the 1st year, Istituzioni di matematica).

Testi Adottati

ANA MILLÁN GASCA 2016 Numeri e forme. I bambini e la matematica. Zanichelli, Bologna.
ANNA MAZZITELLI, ANA MILLÁN GASCA 2021 L'ABC della matematica, Carocci, Roma.
ANA MILLÁN GASCA 2009 All’inizio fu lo scriba. Piccola storia della matematica come strumento di conoscenza, mimesis, Milano.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

FEDERIGO ENRIQUES 1921, “Insegnamento dinamico”, Periodico di Matematiche, s. IV, 1, pp. 6-16. http://www.mat.uniroma2.it/mep/Articoli/Enri/Enri.html HANS MAGNUS ENZENSBERGER, Il mago dei numeri, Einaudi, Torino, varie edizioni. GIORGIO ISRAEL, ANA MILLÁN GASCA 2012 Pensare in matematica, Zanichelli, Bologna. In particolare cap.1, cap. 2, paragrafo 4. 4, paragrafi 7.1 e 7.2, paragrafo 8.5, cap. 13 LAURENT LAFFORGUE 2007, L’insegnamento del calcolo nella scuola primaria, http://www.mat.uniroma3.it/users/primaria/Lafforgue_Calcolo scuola primaria.pdf ANA MILLÁN GASCA 2009 All’inizio fu lo scriba. Piccola storia della matematica come strumento di conoscenza, mimesis, Milano. RENÉ THOM 1973, La matematica moderna, esiste? http://www.mat.uniroma3.it/users/primaria/Thom.pdf MARGARET DONALDSON 2010 Come ragionano i bambini, Springer, Milano (ed. originale 1978) MARTIN HUGHES 1986, Children and Numbers, Difficulties in Learning Mathematics, Oxford & New York, Basil Blackwell.

Modalità Erogazione

Lesson include presentations, discussion and exercises. On e-learning space formonline students find educational materials (text, images, audio and video) as well as an open course to help the study of bibliography.

Modalità Frequenza

Lesson include presentations, discussion and exercises. On e-learning space formonline students find educational materials (text, images, audio and video) as well as an open course to help the study of bibliography.

Modalità Valutazione

The written exam includes 2/3 open questions, including practical exercises regarding the didactical guiding ideas considered in the course. After passing the written exam, the student can choose to pass also an oral exam.