22902379 - Sociology of education and children

The purpose of the course is to lay the foundations of childhood culture as a permanent condition of every human community. The priority will be to identify myths, values, roles of behavior in different contexts that define the concept of childhood and inspire political, social, pedagogical and economic practices.

With the study of the Sociology of Education and Childhood the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- identify, investigate and understand the main orientations of the theory of sociological thinking in relation to childhood;
- learn the fundamentals of sociological epistemology.
In terms of applying knowledge and understanding:
- learn the features of the approach to the study of childhood, its characteristics and its basic concepts;
- identify, analyze and understand the phenomena of educational development processes.
In terms of autonomy of judgment:
- Link sociological theory to educational issues, progress and social change;
- Understand the global society of our century through sociological currents.
In terms of communicative abilities:
- acquire mastery of the scientific language of expertise;
- develop competence in the design and organization of pedagogical thinking and educational action.
In terms of learning ability:
- understand the myths, values and patterns of behavior of contemporary social models;
- Understand the processes of change in the relationship between the field of childhood and the different sectors of the social.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course intends to provide students with the theoretical framework and the conceptual and operational instrumentation to observe and understand the main phenomena that mark the field of educational processes from a sociological point of view.
The course is divided into two parts. The first part is dedicated to illustrating the conditions that make the socialization process necessary and possible, the ways in which this process unfolds in the life course of individuals and the function that the agencies that formally or informally deal with it play in it: family, school, peer group, media. The second part focuses on the presentation of the methodologies and main techniques used in social field research, with particular reference to what is conducted in educational contexts. With the intention of providing an example of how an empirical research is conducted, some lessons will then be dedicated to the description of the methodological framework and the results of a survey conducted on a group of primary school students.

Testi Adottati

- Ribolzi L., Crescere nella società. Manuale di sociologia dell'educazione, Mondadori, 2020 (parte manualistica per intero, parte antologica per i seguenti autori: Eco, Smelser, Scarcelli, Durkheim, Parsons, Bourdieu, Maccarini)
- Besozzi e Colombo, Metodologia della ricerca sociale nei contesti socioeducativi, Guerini, 2014

Per coloro i quali l'esame costituisce una integrazione:
- se devono conseguire 2 CFU il testo da preparare è Moscati R. e Ghisleni M., Che cos'è la socializzazione, Carocci, 2011
- se devono conseguire 4 CFU il testo da preparare è Ribolzi L., Crescere nella società. Manuale di sociologia dell'educazione, Mondadori, 2020 (parte manualistica per intero, parte antologica per i seguenti autori: Eco, Smelser, Scarcelli, Durkheim, Parsons, Bourdieu, Maccarini).

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

No reference bibliography is reported

Modalità Erogazione

The course is carried out in the traditional way of frontal lessons. During the lessons slides and working documents are used. This material is made available to students on the Teams platform.

Modalità Valutazione

The exam is done in written and oral form. The written test consists in open-ended questions. The evaluation of the test will be carried out taking into account the appropriateness and completeness of the answers provided. In the days following the written test the teacher publishes the results on the bulletin board, indicating the students who have passed it and are therefore called for the oral exam. The oral exam consists of the discussion of the written test and the formulation of further questions.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The educational system and the contribution of sociologists.
Identity paths.
The actors and agencies in the training processes: the family and socialization: the generational meeting; the transmission of culture: the school and the teachers; informal socialization: the peer group and the mass media.
Part of the program is dedicated to early childhood and applications to early childhood education contexts.

Testi Adottati

Luisa Ribolzi, Società, persona e processi formativi. Manuale di sociologia dell'educazione, Mondadori, Milano.
Maurizio Ghisleni, Roberto Moscati, Che cos'è la socializzazione, Carocci editore, Roma.

The second book can be choosed among the following:
C. Caneva, I molti modi di dire persona. Africa, Cina, Europa e India a dialogo, Mimesis, Milano.
A. Caneva, C. Caneva, C. Costa, F. Orlando, L'immaginario contemporaneo. La grande pro-vocazione delle serie Tv, Mimesis, Milano
Satta C., Bambini e adulti: la nuova sociologia dell'infanzia, Carocci, Roma.
S. Capogna, Oltre l'habitus. Dialogo a più voci con Pierre Bourdieu, tra destino e progetto, Aracne, Roma.
E. Tripaldi, Dal counselling alla narrazione nella relazione d'aiuto, IF Press, Roma.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Corsaro W., Sociologia dell'infanzia, M. Colombo - P. Aroldi - A. M.Maccarini, FrancoAngeli, Milano. Bruner J., La cultura dell’educazione, Feltrinelli, Milano. D'Amato M., Mi sono perso i bambini, Laterza, Roma - Bari. Dubar C., La socializzazione, Il Mulino, Bologna. Garelli F., Palmonari A., Sciolla L., La socializzazione flessibile, Bologna, Il Mulino. Parsi M.R., Cantelmi T., Orlando F., L’immaginario prigioniero. Come educare i nostri figli a un uso creativo e responsabile delle nuove tecnologie, Oscar Mondadori, Milano. Hengst H., Zeiher H., Per una sociologia dell’infanzia, Franco Angeli, Milano. Montuschi F., Palmonari A., Nuovi adolescenti: dalla conoscenza all’incontro, Bologna, EDB. Morin E. , Insegnare a vivere. Manifesto per cambiare l’educazione, Raffaello Cortina, Milano.

Modalità Erogazione

The teaching method will be a traditional teaching, frontal as the main teaching method. If necessary, remote lessons will be held using the University platform. During the course, in-depth seminars will be take place by Prof. Claudia Caneva 1. The imaginary in the educational-training context of childhood 2. Educational dialogue for children in different cultural contexts (India, Africa, Europe)

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not mandatory. Lessons: second semester / Tuesday from 11am to 2pm

Modalità Valutazione

The exam will take place through an interview with the student in order to ascertain the skills acquired during the course.