22902362 - History of schools and educational institutions

The course program is focused on history of Italian school since the unification of Italy to present days. Not only the main changes concerning school programmes through various historical periods but, first and foremost, the very idea of school underlining the juridical-institutional changes occurred between the XIX and the XX centuries will be analysed. Indeed, one of the main objectives of this course is understanding the close relationship between school and society or, in other words, between educational institutions and the society as a whole. Furthermore, beside analysing institutional transformations affecting the school, certain innovative pedagogical experiments realized within the school during the XX century will be studied. Finally, by reading a classical text by John Dewey, some of the most important and innovative topics of the history of pedagogical thinking will be reflected.
Knowledge and understanding:
- the epistemolgical and metodological dimension of the subject matter;
- history of Italian school since 1860 to the latest reforms;
- the most innovative pedagogical thinking, both as a history of ideas and as experiments, realized through the XX century.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- the close relationship between school and cultural and economic transformations of the Italian society;
- the relationship between the current Italian school and its history.
Making judgements:
- on current events in the light of historiographical interpretations;
- on the educational-institutional setting of the school in the context of the society a whole.
Communication skills:
- Cooperative learning within the classroom;
- How to use communicational and relational skills in other learning and educational contexts.
Learning skills:
- ability to perform critical-historical analyses of educational phenomena;
- developing the aptitude to making research in history of education.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course teaching objectives are the following:
1) to get knowledge of the main historical-educational transformations (form both a legislative and pedagogical viewpoint) of the Italian School since the post-unitary age to present;
2) to get knowledge of the history of teacher training, with particular consideration to primary school teachers, from post-unitary age to present;
3) to get knowledge of some aspects of the most innovative pedagogical thought between the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries, by reading some classics authors in History of Pedagogical Thought;

Testi Adottati

1. Saverio Santamaita, Storia della scuola. Dalla scuola al sistema formativo, Pearson, Mylab, 2019.
2. M. Dei, Colletto bianco, grembiule nero.Gli insegnanti elementari italiani tra l'inizio del secolo e il secondo dopoguerra, il Mulino, Bologna,1994, (essays: 2,3,4,6).
3. F. Borruso, R. Gallelli, G. Seveso (Eds.), Dai saperi negati alle avventure della conoscenza. Esclusione ed emancipazione delle donne nei percorsi educativi fra storia e attualità, Unicopli, Milano, 2022 (essays: Morandini, Baldini, Bosna, Di Giacinto, Borruso, Forni)
4. Giuseppe Lombardo Radice, Lezioni di didattica, Preface by L. Cantatore, Edizioni Conoscenza, Roma, 2022

Modalità Erogazione

The course will be delivered through taught classes, audiovisual material will be adopted: films and documentaries will be used.

Modalità Valutazione

An oral test is scheduled.