22910834 - Progettazione e valutazione nei servizi educativi, formativi e per la media education

The course is divided into two modules; the objectives of each module are broken down as follows:

- module I (6 CFU, prof. Cinzia Angelini):
o acquire the basic aspects of the design of online learning experiences;
o understand the whole life cycle of a project (planning, monitoring, evaluating);
o get to know the possible sources of financing;
o plan an educational or training course, according to defined, retractable and reproducible phases;
o define the recipients of an educational or training course and their needs, starting from an analysis of their needs previously planned and conducted;
o identify the general and specific objectives of a training or educational course;
o select the most appropriate teaching strategies and materials for achieving the objectives;
o define descriptors to measure the achievement of objectives;
o disseminate the results of a training or educational project;
o design a financial plan for the request of national or international funds.

- module II (6 CFU, prof. Francesco Agrusti):

o examine the planning of curricula and designing digital learning experiences;
o explore instructional design models to support synchronous and asynchronous learning;
o understand the role of assessment in determining the effectiveness of online learning;
o measure the effectiveness of e-learning design, development and delivery;
o synthesise key features of behaviourism, cognitivism and constructivism to facilitate online learning;
o select best practices for encouraging experiential learning in an online community
o get to know the main approaches to teaching and assessment in e-learning and media education;
o get to know the results of the most important national and international surveys on media education and e-learnin

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The course in "Design, assessment and evaluation in education and training institution and in media education" is divided into two modules of 36 hours, corresponding to 72 hours and 12 ECTS.
The main objective is to support students in designing, implementing and evaluating projects carried out in education and training courses. At the end of the course, students will be able to use and apply the most common tools and the most appropriate strategies to develop all the phases of a project.
The course will be held in both the first and the second semester; in both modules, alongside with traditional lessons, students will be involved in labs and individual and group activities.

Testi Adottati

o Torre, E.M., Dalla progettazione alla valutazione: modelli e metodi per educatori e formatori, Roma, Carocci, 2022.
o Paradiso, L., La progettazione educativa e sociale. Modelli, metodologie, strumenti, Milano, Mondadori, 2020, chapters 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14.
o Horton, W., E-learning by design, John Wiley & Sons, Pfeiffer; 2° edizione (14 dicembre 2011), 2012.
o Felini, D., & Trinchero, R., Progettare la media education. Dall’idea all’azione, nella scuola e nei servizi educativi, 2015.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

o Torre, E.M., Dalla progettazione alla valutazione: modelli e metodi per educatori e formatori, Roma, Carocci, 2022. o Paradiso, L., La progettazione educativa e sociale. Modelli, metodologie, strumenti, Milano, Mondadori, 2020, chapters 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14. o Horton, W., E-learning by design, John Wiley & Sons, Pfeiffer; 2° edizione (14 dicembre 2011), 2012. o Felini, D., & Trinchero, R., Progettare la media education. Dall’idea all’azione, nella scuola e nei servizi educativi, 2015.

Modalità Erogazione

Lessons will be held weekly, usually in one single day.

Modalità Frequenza

Lessons will be held weekly, usually in one single day.

Modalità Valutazione

The final exam will be a 90-question, multiple choice test, lasting 90 minutes and concerning the whole programme. Mid-term exam In the month of April, 1st-year students can take a partial 45-question exam on the part of the programme taken during the first semester. The score will be added to the score they will get when they complete the exam, provided that the exam is completed within the summer session (June/July). In case the exam is not completed or is failed, from September on all students will have to take the whole exam.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The Design and Evaluation in Educational, Training and Media Education Services course for students on the Master's Degree Course in Pedagogical Sciences consists of two 36-hour modules, totalling 72 hours and 12 CFU.
The aim of the course is to encourage students to acquire the basic skills to design, implement and evaluate planning in educational and training services. At the end of the course students will know how to orientate themselves in the complex practice of planning through the use of the main tools and the application of appropriate working methodologies.
The course will be spread over two semesters; both modules will be implemented through alternating lectures and workshops, with individual and group work.

Specific Objectives

The objectives of the course, in the two segments of which it is composed, are as follows

- Module I (6 CFU, Prof. Cinzia Angelini):
o to acquire the basic elements of design
o understand the life cycle of a project (planning, monitoring, evaluation);
o to know the possible sources of funding
o understand the links between types of people in training, training needs and aims and project strategies;
o design an educational or training pathway, according to defined, reproducible and monitorable phases;
o define the recipients of an educational or training pathway and their needs, starting from a previously designed and empirically conducted needs analysis;
o identify general and specific objectives of a training or educational intervention;
o define possible descriptors of the achievement of objectives;
o disseminate/communicate the results of a training or educational project;
o communicate a financial plan by macro items of expenditure, aimed at applying for national or international funds to finance training.

- Module II (6 CFU, Prof. Francesco Agrusti):
o acquire the basic elements of designing digital learning experiences;
o examining curriculum planning and designing digital learning experiences;
o explore instructional design models to support synchronous and asynchronous learning;
o understand the role of assessment in determining the effectiveness of networked learning and training;
o measure the effectiveness of the design, development and delivery of an e-learning course;
o synthesise the key features of behaviourism, cognitivism and constructivism to facilitate online learning;
o select best practices for encouraging experiential learning in an online community;
o understand the main teaching and assessment designs in e-learning and media education;
o know the results of the main national and international surveys on media and online education.

Testi Adottati

o Torre, E.M., Dalla progettazione alla valutazione: modelli e metodi per educatori e formatori, Roma, Carocci, 2022.
o Paradiso, L., La progettazione educativa e sociale. Modelli, metodologie, strumenti, Milano, Mondadori, 2020.
o Horton, W., E-learning by design, John Wiley & Sons, Pfeiffer; 2° edizione (14 dicembre 2011), 2012.
o Felini, D., & Trinchero, R., Progettare la media education. Dall’idea all’azione, nella scuola e nei servizi educativi, 2015.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

o Torre, E.M., Dalla progettazione alla valutazione: modelli e metodi per educatori e formatori, Roma, Carocci, 2022. o Paradiso, L., La progettazione educativa e sociale. Modelli, metodologie, strumenti, Milano, Mondadori, 2020. o Horton, W., E-learning by design, John Wiley & Sons, Pfeiffer; 2° edizione (14 dicembre 2011), 2012. o Felini, D., & Trinchero, R., Progettare la media education. Dall’idea all’azione, nella scuola e nei servizi educativi, 2015.

Modalità Erogazione

The course will consist of lectures and proposed activities that will allow students to put into practice the contents learned and to have an immediate confrontation with the teacher on the activities carried out. Distance learning activities are planned on the dedicated platform. For the purposes of self-assessment, self-assessment tests are reprinted to assist the student in understanding the text. There will also be a summary session at the end of the course, which will provide a further opportunity to explore and discuss the theoretical arguments and will be held at the end of the course to allow students to put forward their doubts and questions.

Modalità Frequenza

The course will consist of lectures and proposed activities that will allow students to put into practice the contents learned and to have an immediate confrontation with the teacher on the activities carried out. Distance learning activities are planned on the dedicated platform. For the purposes of self-assessment, self-assessment tests are reprinted to assist the student in understanding the text. There will also be a summary session at the end of the course, which will provide a further opportunity to explore and discuss the theoretical arguments and will be held at the end of the course to allow students to put forward their doubts and questions.

Modalità Valutazione

Formative assessment: during the course lessons, structured tests will be administered (close tests or multiple choice ones). These tests will have no effect on the exam final score but will be used to adapt the teacher’s activity and to provide students with information on the adequacy of the preparation achieved. Even the activities of the laboratory will have intermediate tests that the students will use to self-assess themselves, receiving in real-time an individualized correction of any errors made. Summative assessment: as regards the final evaluation, the examination will include a multiple-choice test taken by all applicants.