22910828-1 - Metodi di ricerca in psicologia dello sviluppo organizzativo

At the end of the course, the student will be able to achieve the following learning objectives.

In terms of knowledge and understanding:

- Recognize the epistemological issues underlying research in organizational psychology

- Describe the research objectives that can be pursued through the use of various qualitative and quantitative instruments

- Develop a research question, knowing how to adequately focus the phenomenon under investigation

- Know and understand the differences between the various quantitative and qualitative research designs, as well as their respective advantages and limitations

- Know the main techniques and instruments for building the empirical base

In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:

- Setting research questions about organizational processes to produce organizational change

- Build appropriate data collection methods and tools to answer the different research questions on organizational phenomena

- Describe the criteria to be used to conduct basic data analysis

In terms of autonomy of judgement:

- Outline the main research operations to be carried out independently

In terms of communication skills:

- Knowing how to critically analyze the language used in the context of psychological research on organizational development

- Consciously read the results of empirical psychological research

In terms of learning ability:

- Deepen own’s knowledge using specialized manuals and scientific articles


scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course provides an introduction to the methodology and techniques of psychological research applied to organizational contexts, for the promotion of organizational development and human resources well-being. The main topics concern the research design and the development of instruments for data collection, with particular attention to the differences between quantitative and qualitative approaches and to the peculiarities of mixed methods. The following topics will be addressed, with explicit reference to their declination in the organizational sphere:
- The method and techniques of psychosocial research: quantitative, qualitative and mixed approaches
- Measurement in psychology
- From bibliographic research to the research question
- The research design: what to investigate, how and with what purpose
- Qualitative methods (observation, interview, focus group)
- Quantitative methods (questionnaire)
- Describe, summarize and analyze qualitative and quantitative data
- Read and communicate the results of a research

Testi Adottati

Ortalda, F. (2013). Metodi misti di ricerca. Applicazioni alle scienze umane e sociali. Roma: Carocci.

Modalità Erogazione

The course will consist in 18 hours of lectures, supported by the use of slides and scientific articles. Classes will be based on a strong interaction between teacher and students, group discussions and group works. Attending and non-attending students can register on the course page on the "Formonline" platform and access the slides and other teaching materials used during the classes.

Modalità Frequenza

Class attendance is optional but highly recommended.

Modalità Valutazione

The final evaluation will be carried out through an oral exam with minimum three questions on the topics included in the full syllabus. Each answer is rated with a score from 0 to 30 and the overall rating is calculated as a mathematical average. Aspects of knowledge and ability to reason and methodological choice in relation to the application hypothesis, together with the language property, will be considered. The oral questions test the students' ability to understand and communicate both general and specific concepts of the discipline, including analytical and methodological aspects. In case of an extension of the health emergency related to COVID-19, the exam will take place through an audio-video conference with the use of the Microsoft Teams software.

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 22910828-1 Metodi di ricerca in psicologia dello sviluppo organizzativo in Scienze pedagogiche e scienze dell'educazione degli adulti e della formazione continua LM-85 CAFFARO FEDERICA


The course provides an introduction to the methodology and techniques of psychological research applied to organizational contexts, for the promotion of organizational development and human resources well-being. The main topics concern the research design and the development of instruments for data collection, with particular attention to the differences between quantitative and qualitative approaches and to the peculiarities of mixed methods. The following topics will be addressed, with explicit reference to their declination in the organizational sphere:
- The method and techniques of psychosocial research: quantitative, qualitative and mixed approaches
- Measurement in psychology
- From bibliographic research to the research question
- The research design: what to investigate, how and with what purpose
- Qualitative methods (observation, interview, focus group)
- Quantitative methods (questionnaire)
- Describe, summarize and analyze qualitative and quantitative data
- Read and communicate the results of a research

Testi Adottati

Ortalda, F. (2013). Metodi misti di ricerca. Applicazioni alle scienze umane e sociali. Roma: Carocci.

Modalità Erogazione

The course will consist in 18 hours of lectures, supported by the use of slides and scientific articles. Classes will be based on a strong interaction between teacher and students, group discussions and group works. Attending and non-attending students can register on the course page on the "Formonline" platform and access the slides and other teaching materials used during the classes.

Modalità Frequenza

Class attendance is optional but highly recommended.

Modalità Valutazione

The final evaluation will be carried out through an oral exam with minimum three questions on the topics included in the full syllabus. Each answer is rated with a score from 0 to 30 and the overall rating is calculated as a mathematical average. Aspects of knowledge and ability to reason and methodological choice in relation to the application hypothesis, together with the language property, will be considered. The oral questions test the students' ability to understand and communicate both general and specific concepts of the discipline, including analytical and methodological aspects. In case of an extension of the health emergency related to COVID-19, the exam will take place through an audio-video conference with the use of the Microsoft Teams software.