22910712-2 - SEMINARIO

People who hold leadership roles and functions in educational contexts play a strategic role in enhancing the teaching-learning processes and in promoting the improvement of the overall quality of the educational offer. The course examines the widespread or distributed educational leadership and takes a detailed look at its implications for teaching organization and learning, in the perspective of ensuring quality, sustainability, effectiveness, inclusiveness and especially the active practice of democratic leadership in educational contexts.

Through the study of " Educational leadership and Didactic Organization" the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.

In terms of knowledge and comprehension skills ...
- Understanding theories, strategies and tools regarding distributed educational leadership in educational settings.
- Gaining a knowledge of multilevel representations of the educational system and understanding the relationships between the macrosystem, mesosystem and microsystem.
- Learning the aspects that characterize school autonomy and the establishment of the Integrated Educational System age 0 to 6.
- Learning and understanding the implications of widespread educational leadership with teaching, student learning, professional and territorial communities.
- Understanding the importance of the emotional dimension of leadership.

In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding ...
- An ability to conceive, design and evaluate educational interventions, in the perspective of promoting the exercise of democratic leadership.
- An ability to promote evidence-based decision-making processes, enhancing the collection of data and information with a variety of tools and interpreting them through the triangulation of the points of view of the actors involved.
- An ability to manage conflict dynamics and to promote processes of negotiation, mediation and sharing.
- An ability to promote the culture of the project, of the planning and redesign in situations of uncertainty also using new technologies.

In terms of independent judgment ...
- Developing the ability to collect data and information and use it to make decisions while respecting privacy and data protection.
- Developing the ability to monitor and self-evaluate the effectiveness of one's actions as an educational leader.
- Developing the ability to use participatory strategies and Action Research as resources to generate and disseminate educational leadership, develop learning communities, and cultivate communities of practice.
- Developing the capacity to make use of in-service training and professional development as an incentive to raise the quality of educational/training processes and outcomes, to foster organizational learning.

In terms of communication skills ...
- An ability to use and develop Concept Maps in public communications to synthesize educational actions, planning and decision-making processes.
- Developing the expressive use of written language in educational settings, more specifically: the activities of planning, documenting and evaluating educational processes and reporting on the outcomes achieved.

In terms of learning skills ...
- Being able to access scientific literature in the field, identifying reliable sources.
- Being able to understand and address the dynamics of the contexts in which one operates and to reflect critically on the various dimensions that characterize them.
- Being aware of the importance of learning from discussion with all the actors involved in training and management processes.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


People who hold leadership roles and functions in educational contexts play a strategic role in enhancing the teaching-learning processes and in promoting the improvement of the overall quality of the educational offer. In contexts characterized by organizational, didactic and research autonomy, a central role is played by the Head of the School or the Heads of Educational Services, who directly exercise their educational leadership, and can also generate leadership, more specifically: by encouraging the development of professional communities and communities of practice; by supporting the work of teachers and educators who assume specific responsibilities or who perform tasks and functions at the mesosystem and microsystem level (collaborators, coordinators, tutors, “instrumental” and “intermediate functions”, etc.). Educational leadership also extends to actively involving students by developing autonomy, assumption of responsibility and fostering discussion and co-responsibility between school and family and more generally with the territory.
The course examines the widespread or distributed educational leadership and takes a detailed look at its implications for teaching organization and learning, in the perspective of ensuring quality, sustainability, effectiveness, inclusiveness and especially the active practice of democratic leadership in educational contexts.
The course aims in particular to develop knowledge, skills and competences related to: the use of participatory educational strategies and methodologies centered on the learning of professional communities, students and territories; the monitoring and self-evaluation of the effectiveness of their action as educational leaders; the development of critical skills to exercise educational leadership in formal and informal educational contexts; the enhancement of ICT and digital infrastructures to support educational and management processes.

The course "Educational leadership and Didactic Organization" takes place in the first and second semester and is structured in the following manner: Professor Giovanni Moretti (6 CFU Main Module in person + 3 CFU Seminars activities carried out both online and in person), Dr. Arianna Lodovica Morini (3 CFU laboratory activities carried out both online and in person)

Module - Basic course (6 CFU): 36 hours of face-to-face lessons.

During the lessons, the themes characterizing the course are presented and specific topics of interest are explored through reflection and discussion activities. Indications are given regarding texts, digital resources and materials useful for the study. The face-to-face lessons are held with dialogue teaching methods and with the use of materials (scientific contributions, case studies, videos, concept maps, self-assessment tests, etc.).

Lessons start Basic course: 3 October 2023, first - second semester
Lessons timetable:
Classroom at the new educational center in via Principe Amedeo, n ° 184

Module - Seminar - (3 CFU): 18 hours of seminar activities carried out both face-to-face and online. During the activities some themes that characterize the Course "Educational Leadership and Didactic Organization" are explored. Individual or small group activities are planned, with analysis of cases and emblematic documents and use of tools. Seminar activities foresee the preparation of synthetic written productions. Seminar activities start from November 2023.

Module - The Laboratory course (3 credits) includes 18 hours of laboratory activities carried out both online and in person. The Laboratory through case studies and context simulation activities, deepens specific contents of educational leadership, with particular reference to the resolution of problematic situations and uncertainty.
To implement the activities of the Laboratory course, students may choose one of the options below:

1) Online group work
The course involves the creation of peer work groups that will be given specific assignments to be carried out within a certain due date. Through the online platform students inform the teacher that they want to participate in the work groups. The teacher sets up the work groups and assigns each group the work to be carried out and indicates the operating procedures to be followed. All the indications for the development of the in-depth course (activities, timing and methods) will be presented in detail on the Moodle online platform of the course Educational leadership and Didactic Organization: formonline.uniroma3.it

2) Those who are unable to participate in group activities will be provided with supplementary group or individual activities, which will be agreed upon at least 5 weeks before the date on which the student intends to take the final exam. This is an in-depth critical study of a topic of the course with the production of a written paper. Students agree with the teacher a course’s theme to analyse thoroughly and the operative modalities that will have to be followed.

"In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19, all the provisions governing the conduction of teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following modalities will be applied: the teaching activities will be carried out through the integrated use of the online environment of the Department of Education, Formonline, and of the online platform indicated by the University to carry out video conferencing in synchronous ".

METHOD OF EVALUATION: Ongoing evaluation / final oral exam

Formative assessment in itinere (General Course): written formative tests will be administered in itinere with the function of self-assessment and reflection on the issues addressed in the basic course.

Formative assessment in itinere (Seminar): written formative tests will be administered in itinere with the function of self-assessment and will be evaluated in a formative way the synthetic written productions required within the Seminar.

Formative assessment in itinere (Laboratory): questionnaires will be administered to reflect on one's own skills in the form of self-assessment, peer self-assessment activities will be carried out, and the work carried out individually and in small groups within the Laboratory will be evaluated in a formative way.

Final Assessment of the Course:
the final exam of the entire course is one, it takes the form of an oral interview, which also includes the presentation-discussion of the work carried out in the Seminar (in-person and online activities) and in the Laboratory (activities in blended mode both online and in-person). Access to the final exam is subject to compliance with what has been agreed in the Formative Pact.

Testi Adottati

- Moretti, G. (2022). La leadership educativa situata: conoscere il contesto e cooperare. Roma: Anicia. (In corso di pubblicazione).
- Domenici G., Moretti G. (a cura di) (2011). Leadership educativa e autonomia scolastica. Il governo dei processi formativi e gestionali nella scuola di oggi. Roma: Armando Editore.
- Leithwood, K, Seashore Louis K. (2022). Leadership educativa e apprendimento degli studenti. Implicazioni per le politiche e per le pratiche formative. Roma: Anicia.
- Goleman. D. (2016). Essere Leader. Guidare gli altri grazie all’intelligenza emotiva. Rizzoli: Milano.

Modalità Erogazione

Module - Seminar - (3 CFU): 18 hours of seminar activities carried out both face-to-face and online. During the activities some themes that characterize the Course "Educational Leadership and Didactic Organization" are explored. Individual or small group activities are planned, with analysis of cases and emblematic documents and use of tools. Seminar activities foresee the preparation of synthetic written productions. Seminar activities start from November 2022. "In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19, all the provisions governing the conduction of teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following modalities will be applied: the teaching activities will be carried out through the integrated use of the online environment of the Department of Education, Formonline, and of the online platform indicated by the University to carry out video conferencing in synchronous ".

Modalità Frequenza

Participation in the Seminar (single day) is mandatory and functional to the carrying out of subsequent activities.

Modalità Valutazione

METHOD OF EVALUATION: Ongoing evaluation / final oral exam Formative assessment in itinere (Seminar): written formative tests will be administered in itinere with the function of self-assessment and will be evaluated in a formative way the synthetic written productions required within the Seminar. Final Assessment of the Course: the final exam of the entire course is one, it takes the form of an oral interview, which also includes the presentation-discussion of the work carried out in the Seminar (in-person and online activities) and in the Laboratory (activities in blended mode both online and in-person). Access to the final exam is subject to compliance with what has been agreed in the Formative Pact. "In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19, all the provisions governing the conduction of teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will be applied: the final exam will be held in the form of a remote oral interview, using the online platform indicated by the University"