22910705 - Training Philosophy

The course aims at providing students with theoretical-critical knowledge and the ability to understand themes and problems related to the Philosophy of Education, analyzing the different perspectives of analysis and investigating their epistemological status. The primary objective will also be to grasp the central link between the theoretical dimension and the concrete experience of education and self formation, through the exercise of philosophical thought oriented to languages, models and practices in self formation contexts.
Through the study of Philosophy of Education, the student will be able to develop the necessary skills to understand, interpret and deal with the problems associated with human formation and achieve the following educational objectives:

in terms of knowledge and understanding
- define and identify the epistemological and methodological scope of the discipline;
- understand the educational meaning and significance of human education;

in terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- analyze the relationship between Philosophy, General Pedagogy, Philosophy of Education and Self Formation;
- identify the conceptual and operational tools to move easily in the double theoretical and practical-operational dimension that underlies the Philosophy of Education;

in terms of autonomy of judgment:
- elaborate critical thinking relative to concrete situations in human formation;
- identify and analyze tools, occasions and events related to human formation;

in terms of communication skills:
- critically observe and interpret the dialogical and relational dynamics of various formation contexts;
- make pedagogical theories interact profitably with the educational complexity of the contemporary world;

in terms of learning skills:
- to know how to grasp the theoretical-operational proposals related to self formation, examining their strengths and possible criticalities;
- access critically the scientific literature of reference, evaluating in advance the reliability of the sources.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course aims to critically analyze some themes and problems inherent in the Philosophy of Education and Training, with particular regard to the relationship between the theoretical dimension and concrete situations of the training experience. In this case, the dialogical and communicative dimensions of education, which have always been central elements of every educational relationship, will be the object of analysis.
Part of the program will be devoted to reading and commenting on Agostino's "De magistro"

Testi Adottati

F. Cambi, L. Toschi, La comunicazione formativa. Strutture, percorsi, frontiere, Apogeo, Milano 2006;
A. Broccoli, Dialogare, Scholé, Brescia 2021;
A. Agostino, De magistro, Prefazione di A. Broccoli, Morcelliana-Scholé, Brescia 2023 (in press).


Modalità Erogazione

The course includes 36 hours of classroom teaching carried out in the form of face-to-face and participatory lessons with students, also in "distance" mode on the Form on line and Microsoft Teams platforms. In the case of a new health emergency from COVID-19, all provisions governing the way in which teaching activities and student assessment will be carried out will be implemented. Specifically, the following arrangements will apply: - use of the Form on Line platform for lecture material and possible activation of an interactive forum in which student participation is required; - possible use of the Microsoft Teams platform

Modalità Frequenza


Modalità Valutazione

The examination consists of an interview on the topics of the course, which will ascertain the possession of specific knowledge of some topics in General Pedagogy. The final grade, expressed in thirtieths, will take into account: Of the ability to move easily through the topics covered during the lectures, from the proposed texts; Of the ability to critically rework the knowledge acquired; of the possession of adequate expressive property and specialized terminology.

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 22910705 Filosofia della formazione in Scienze pedagogiche e scienze dell'educazione degli adulti e della formazione continua LM-85 BROCCOLI AMELIA


The course aims to critically analyze some themes and problems inherent in the Philosophy of Education and Training, with particular regard to the relationship between the theoretical dimension and concrete situations of the training experience. In this case, the dialogical and communicative dimensions of education, which have always been central elements of every educational relationship, will be the object of analysis.
Part of the program will be devoted to reading and commenting on Agostino's "De magistro"

Testi Adottati

F. Cambi, L. Toschi, La comunicazione formativa. Strutture, percorsi, frontiere, Apogeo, Milano 2006;
A. Broccoli, Dialogare, Scholé, Brescia 2021;
A. Agostino, De magistro, Prefazione di A. Broccoli, Morcelliana-Scholé, Brescia 2023 (in press).


Modalità Erogazione

The course includes 36 hours of classroom teaching carried out in the form of face-to-face and participatory lessons with students, also in "distance" mode on the Form on line and Microsoft Teams platforms. In the case of a new health emergency from COVID-19, all provisions governing the way in which teaching activities and student assessment will be carried out will be implemented. Specifically, the following arrangements will apply: - use of the Form on Line platform for lecture material and possible activation of an interactive forum in which student participation is required; - possible use of the Microsoft Teams platform

Modalità Frequenza


Modalità Valutazione

The examination consists of an interview on the topics of the course, which will ascertain the possession of specific knowledge of some topics in General Pedagogy. The final grade, expressed in thirtieths, will take into account: Of the ability to move easily through the topics covered during the lectures, from the proposed texts; Of the ability to critically rework the knowledge acquired; of the possession of adequate expressive property and specialized terminology.