22910704 - Methodologies for professional training

The Laboratory aims at contributing to train professionals who are able to analyse, on an interpretative level, the nature and contextual constraints of training processes; to prepare, on a decision-making and operational level, training courses and actions aimed at adults in typical contexts of vocational and continuing training or at workers within the framework of specific organizational models; to identify methods and techniques of vocational training, in line with the needs of these contexts, in a lifelong and lifewide learning perspective.

Knowledge and understanding:

· identify the theoretical reference framework for training planning, in the perspective of lifelong and lifewide learning;
· identify the theoretical reference apparatus of the methodologies for vocational training;
· know the national lifelong learning and competences certification system in Italy;
· know the system of vocational and continuing training in Italy.

Applying knowledge and understanding:

· identify the appropriate training actions to be promoted in line with needs of the contexts examined and the recipients;
· identify the appropriate training methodologies in line with the planned actions;
· plan training actions within the framework of the vocational and continuing training system in Italy;
· include the actions of vocational and continuing training in the framework of the national system of lifelong learning and certification of competences.

Making judgements:

· link training theory to training situations;
· evaluate methodologies, methods and training techniques most appropriate to the organizational contexts examined.

Communication skills:

· know how to communicate the knowledge acquired, in terms of ideas, problems and solutions, relating to the topics of the course, to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors.

Learning skills:

· exercise availability for scientific research in educational contexts;
· understand challenges of vocational training, identifying problems and proposing solutions from the perspective of lifelong and lifewide learning;

· develop the learning skills necessary to undertake subsequent studies, as part of training practices, with a high degree of autonomy.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course is divided into two modules:
- theoretical framework;
- project work.
The theoretical framework provides for the development of the following issues:
- concepts and reference models of processes of enhancement of human resources;
- structures, roles and skills in organizations for the development and training of human resources;
- vocational training in the lifelong and lifewide learning perspective;
- vocational and continuing training in the framework of industrial relations in Italy;
- theoretical assumptions of training planning;
- the Bilan de Competence and the Certification of competences in the context of vocational and continuing training;
- the National Lifelong Learning and Competence Certification System in Italy.
The second module of the teaching is of an applicative nature. Students organize themselves, in agreement with the teacher, in working groups; they choose a type of organization (a company or other specific actor) and plan a training project. During the final phase of the course each group presents their own work, which for the attending students, contributes to the final assessment.
Project work is not foreseen for non-attending students.

Testi Adottati

Cocozza A., Comunicazione d’impresa e gestione delle risorse umane, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2012.
In addition to the indicated book, the teacher agrees with students an article chosen from those proposed (uploaded in the teaching material folder on formonline).

Modalità Erogazione

The course is in attendance. The face-to-face teaching activities are supported by the communication and work tools offered by the platforms in use at our Department: MOODLE and TEAMS. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will apply. The course will consist of online lessons, carried out synchronously on the TEAMS platform.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not mandatory.

Modalità Valutazione

The assessment of learning takes place through a final oral exam, during which the following are studied: - the fundamental concepts of the theoretical reference framework proposed during the course, also illustrated in the texts adopted; - the competences acquired to analyze and compare policies and practices relating to the issues of vocational training methodologies and skills development in organizations. For attending students, the project work carried out in groups and presented at the end of the course contributes to the final assessment. In the event of health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will be applied: carrying out the oral exam on the Microsoft Teams platform.

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 22910704 Metodologie della formazione professionale in Scienze pedagogiche e scienze dell'educazione degli adulti e della formazione continua LM-85 PROIETTI EMANUELA


The course is divided into two modules:
- theoretical framework;
- project work.
The theoretical framework provides for the development of the following issues:
- concepts and reference models of processes of enhancement of human resources;
- structures, roles and skills in organizations for the development and training of human resources;
- vocational training in the lifelong and lifewide learning perspective;
- vocational and continuing training in the framework of industrial relations in Italy;
- theoretical assumptions of training planning;
- the Bilan de Competence and the Certification of competences in the context of vocational and continuing training;
- the National Lifelong Learning and Competence Certification System in Italy.
The second module of the teaching is of an applicative nature. Students organize themselves, in agreement with the teacher, in working groups; they choose a type of organization (a company or other specific actor) and plan a training project. During the final phase of the course each group presents their own work, which for the attending students, contributes to the final assessment.
Project work is not foreseen for non-attending students.

Testi Adottati

Cocozza A., Comunicazione d’impresa e gestione delle risorse umane, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2012.
In addition to the indicated book, the teacher agrees with students an article chosen from those proposed (uploaded in the teaching material folder on formonline).

Modalità Erogazione

The course is in attendance. The face-to-face teaching activities are supported by the communication and work tools offered by the platforms in use at our Department: MOODLE and TEAMS. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will apply. The course will consist of online lessons, carried out synchronously on the TEAMS platform.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not mandatory.

Modalità Valutazione

The assessment of learning takes place through a final oral exam, during which the following are studied: - the fundamental concepts of the theoretical reference framework proposed during the course, also illustrated in the texts adopted; - the competences acquired to analyze and compare policies and practices relating to the issues of vocational training methodologies and skills development in organizations. For attending students, the project work carried out in groups and presented at the end of the course contributes to the final assessment. In the event of health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will be applied: carrying out the oral exam on the Microsoft Teams platform.